Swannanoa Pignut Climb
North Carolina
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips
Nantahala National Forest I have been looking through
the newsletter for the Arbor Day Foundation (March/April 2010)
and came across two men next to a huge tree in Nantahala
National Forest. The photo is by Lamar Marshall. The article
focused on the Chunky Gal trail, Boteler Peak and the Tusquitee
Bald roadless area. There was a 53-acre parcel that was slated
more » March 12, 2010.
Mistake about my Nantahala National Forest post
Pink Beds Tree Hunt ENTS, I have been
planning a return to the Pink Bed's in PNF to do some off trail
searches for large or unusual trees and since I went on Sunday
to do a little Worship in the woods. The day started off really
well, upon Entering Pisgah National Forest on 276 passing the
Ranger Station and Riding Stables I noticed a huge Pitch Pine on
the left. I had noticed it before but had never stopped. I had
guessed it's girth between 8 and 9 feet. Turning around and
pulling off the road beside the tree I thought, " WoW, what a
big fella " as I approached it. Upon measuring the tree I found
it had a really impressive girth. 10' 1 1/2" cbh! Second
only to a huge Pitch Pine measured recently at Bent Creek. It
was 10' 4" cbh. Shooting the laser straight up through the loose
crown I got 106.5 feet so I knew this tree was quite
tall. Walking well back from the tree and measuring it again I
got 112 feet tall. Nice! The tree splits into a double
trunk just above head high....
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Leatherleaf Mahonia ENTS, In a
post made back in January I had found an odd " mystery holly
" in the Ramble Grove near Asheville NC that I could not id.
ENTS members identified it as Leatherleaf Mahonia for me. I
had also stated that the plant looked familiar. It turns out
that my dad who lives in Lowndesville SC has two of them
planted near his house. They bloom in winter and are now
blooming and very fragrant even though it is February. While
the plant superficially resembles holly, unlike holly it has
compound leaves. The Berrys are also blue unlike American
Holly which has red berries....
more » Feb 22, 2010.
Rudnick Woods_Kellogg Conference Center ENTS, As a follow
up on a recent post concerning the forest on the property of the
UNCA Kellogg Conference Center and in response to a flurry of
post concerning Bing maps and Google Earth I thought I would
give the group an aerial view of Rudnick Forest. The first image
is a capture of the entire forest surrounding the conference
center. The entire property is in the neighborhood of about 50
acres or so. The second is a close-up of of a big grove of White
Pine located within the forest. However the first photo does not
show the clear-cut area. It was taken prior to the cutting.
Actually a few trees remain in the area but sparse they are....
more » Feb 16, 2010.
Rudnick Forest ENTS, Sunday
afternoon I returned to one of my favorite forests, the
Rudnick forest which is on the property of the Kellogg
Conference Center of UNCA. I returned to check on the well
being of a nice White Pine grove located here and to explore
a new area within the forest I located using Google Earth.
The first tree I measured was surprisingly a Chestnut!
Walking down the trail from the new parking area off South
Rugby rd I noticed a burr on the ground and then found more.
Then I found the fallen leaves. Just off the trail there
stood the tree. Looking closely at the coursely spined burrs
and moderately serrated the leaves I id it as an Asian
species. Probably Chinese. Still, A Chestnut was a surprise.
I have no doubt walked by this tree a number of times
without seeing it. Going on I found out that the big pine
grove is there and healthy. I was really worried about it
since some clearcutting closely approached its borders last
year. I also checked out...
more » Feb 15, 2010.
Holmes Educational State Forest Fire
fighting displays Barry, Seeing your
fire fighting equipment photos from there in the NJ Pine Barrens
I thought I would post you some from Holmes State Forest NC. I
have been in that tower twice when it was on the mountain. It
was removed from Spivey mountain sometime around 1990.
Feb 13, 2010.
Two Trees ENTS, Today after
work just before dark I decided to check out a couple of decent
local trees that I have been meaning to visit for awhile. One is
a nice sized Holly located on Naples Rd just above the RR tracks
and the Naples Post Office. It is located just a short distance
off the road so It was not hard to get to. The tree is 57.8 feet
tall and 6' 4" in girth. Not a record but still a nice sized
more » Feb 10, 2010.
GRGL White Pines ENTS, Today
after church I walked a short distance down the Bishop
Branch trail in the Green River Game Lands to measure a
decent White Pine that I had seen there a little over two
years ago. The Pine is located across Bishop Branch creek
near where the trail ( Actually an old road ) crosses
another old road. The pine was only 105.3 feet tall. I was
thinking it would be a bit taller. Oh, well. I measured
another White pine nearby that had a broken top. It was 91.9
feet tall....
more » JP Feb 7, 2010.
Lake Powhatan Trees ENTS, Today I
returned to Lake Powhatan in BCEF to check out a grove of Norway
Spruce trees I spotted while visiting the area on Jan 17th.
[link] The grove is located just past the dam of
the lake up on the hill to the left. The " grove " turned out
not to be a grove at all but a line of Norways planted along the
remnants of an old road. Tromping up the hill along a trail in
the snow I get uphill enough to measure the spruces and can get
a clear laser shot on both the bottom and tops of the trees.
Seeing the trees from across Bent Creek they look really tall. I
was thinking 120+. Upon measuring them I noticed by the numbers
that the trees were gonna turn out a bit shorter than I had
hoped for. I also roughed out a Shortleaf Pine below the grove
at 100 feet and I knew right then that the spruces would be less
than 112 feet high. Doing the math in the field I found the
tallest to be only 109.2 feet tall. Not bad but not the 120 I
was hoping for. Oh, well. However, I found one surprise. Sapling
Norway Spruce! A few had come up from seed. That is something I
rarely see with Norway Spruce here...
more » James Parton, Feb 6, 2010.
Pisgah National Forest History
Check out this attached PDF file on a little history of the
Pisgah National Forest. If you have more info on the history
of PNF please share it! Hopefully, I have not
submitted this PDF in the past. Jan 31, 2010.
Another big snow in the NC mountains ENTS, Another
big winter storm moved into the western North Carolina
mountains yesterday evening and by the time it moved
through by morning many of us had close to a foot of snow. I
had 11 inches at my home here in south Asheville ( Arden ).
Keith Carter, a friend of mine had 8 inches of snow at his
home near Candler which is located just west of Asheville. I
have posted three pictures and Keith sent me three more
giving me permission to post them. The forests surrounding
Lake Julian are beautiful covered in snow as are the spruce
trees near Keith's home on Justice Ridge Rd....
more » Jan 30, 2010.
Bent Creek Experimental Forest_Lake Powhatan
addition Ed, I tried
posting this picture directly into the Bent Creek
Experimental Forest_Lake Powhatan post I did earlier. I
never could get it to go. It is a close up of the trunk of
the 10' 4" cbh Pitch Pine I measured there. Could you
add it to the post for me? Jan 20, 2010.
Carl Sandburg Pines
Today I took my daughter Sarah to visit the Carl Sandburg Home
in Flat Rock NC which is now owned and run by the National Park
System and is classified as a National Historic Site. While
taking a long-way-around to the goat barns, we entered the
forest via the trail on the back side of Connemara lake. Soon
after entering the woods Sarah spied a...
more » January 18, 2010.
Bent Creek Experimental Forest_Lake Powhatan
Yesterday I got out to explore the area around Lake Powhatan in
the Bent Creek Experimental Forest. The BCEF is part of the
larger Pisgah National Forest and includes the North Carolina
Arboretum. In the past I had sighted a big White Pine near Bent
Creek above the lake as well as a Norway Spruce grove that I
wanted to get a good look at. According to a site on the web
some NS has been in BCEF since 1925 and may have had enough time
to exceed 100 feet in height. I intend to see how tall they
more » Jan 17, 2010.
Horse Cove, NC
On Saturday, at the suggestion of Josh Kelly and Will Blozan, we
followed the Davidson River west from Brevard, NC to explore
Horse Cove and East Horse Cove. Ascending to just under 6000’
elevation, the surrounding watershed drains the steep
southeastern flank of the Balsam Mountains, and features several
granitic domes, the best known...
more »
Joyce Kilmer trees Here are some images of the
many grand trees in NC's Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. The blue
day pack is about 15" tall. Dan Miles
, January 8, 2010
Eaton/Julian Forest ENTS, Today I
continue to explore the forests near my home that surround Lake
Julian near Asheville NC. I have done a couple of past posts on
the forests near the lake and following these I will label this
section of forest section 6.
By James Parton -
Jan 7
The Ramble Grove_Asheville NC January
2, 2010
Snow in Western North Carolina
December 19, 2009
Grandfather National Scenic Area
December 15, 2009
Fall Mountain Ash December 6, 2009
179" black cherry Nov. 7, 2009
Lovely neighbors Oct. 19, 2009
Cheoah Hemlock update 9-10-2009
Oct. 18, 2009
Hemlocks at Highlands Biological Station,
Highlands, NC 9-10-2009 Oct. 18, 2009
Padgett Poplar Highlands, NC 9-10-2009
Oct. 18, 2009
Super scarlet, Biltmore Forest, NC
Oct. 16, 2009
Asheville Country Club, NC Oct. 16,
- Carolina Trees
March 22, 2009
- Wright Creek 20-foot circumference Poplar
Feb 27, 2009
- Carolina Plants Question Feb 21, 2009
- Special Places Kellog
Center hendersonville NC
Feb 14, 2009
- Bent Creek Experimental Forest
Asheville NC
Feb 15, 2009
- Calvary
Episcopal Church hollies, Fletcher, NC
Feb 12, 2009
- Mountain-To-Sea Trail, Blue Ridge Parkway
Jan 2009
- Memminger Tuliptree Measured
Jan 2009
- Kings Mountain, Dana, NC
Jan 2009
- Norway Spruce, NC
Jan 2009
- Huge Vine In Hendersonville
Dec 2008
- Lake Julian Pine
Forest, NC December 2008
- Fletcher Park NC
Dec 2008
- Francis Cove Chestnuts (historical
- Franklin Area AT Old Yellow Birch
June 2008
- Goldie Deaden July 2004
- Green Hills Cemetery Trees, Ashville,
NC June 2008
- Green River Game Lands, Bishop Branch, NC

- Greensboro
Arboretum Virginia Pine Dec 2008
- Groundhog Creek Dec 2006
- GSMNP and Joyce Kilmer
May 2008
- Hayes Maple, Asheville,
Nov 2007, May 2008
- Hendersonville, Large GE Sweetgum Trees
Jan 2008
- Hickory Nut Gorge Jan
- Hickory Nut Gorge
HWA Treatment June 2008
Highlands Sept 2005
- Highlands/Horse Cove Poplar
Feb 2008
- Holes
Educational State Forest Oct 2007
- Jackson County April
- Jackson Park,
Hendersonville, NC
Feb 2008
- Jackson
Park, Hendersonville, NC
April 2008
- John Rock
Overlook - Hawthorns
June 2008
- Joyce Kilmer Memorial
April 2004
- Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest May 2008
May 2008
- Jump-Off Rock, Hendersonville
Oct 2007
- Kellogg Conference Center
- Joy Pine
- Kellogg Center's Rudnick
Dec 2007
- Kellogg Conference
Jan 2008
- Kelsey Tract Old
Growth Hemlocks
May 2004
- Kelsey Tract-
Cheoah Hemlock Climb
March 2006
- Lake Julian Park NC
- Laurel Knob, NC Jan 2007
- Linville Gorge 1905
- Linville Gorge April
2008 April 2008
- Linville Gorge Aug 2003,
Sept 2004
- Linville Gorge: Special
Places - Bob Leverett April 2006
- Mackey Mountain Area March
- Maggie Valley - Tanglewood Sassafras
Nov 2004,
Aug 2007
- Memenger Tuliptree,
Feb 2008
- Merchants
Millpond State Park Aug 2007
- Middle Prong Wilderness Area
July 2006
- Moses Cone Memorial Park Jan
- Mt Jefferson Natural Area NC
May 2008
- North Carolina
Trip April 2008
- Oteen - VA Hospital Trees
Nov, 2007
- Southern
Nantahala Wilderness Jan 2007
- Paris Mountain Oct 2004
- Paris Woods
Dec 2007
- Patton Park Silver Maples NC
June 2008
- Pearson's Falls, (Saluda, NC)
Sept. 2007
- Pink Bed loop Trail, PNF, NC
June 2008
- Pisgah Chestnuts
Oct 2007
- Pisgah Chestnut Hunt
June 2008
- More Pisgah Chestnuts NC
Nov 2008
- Pulliam Creek, NC Dec 2008
- Riceville, NC Trees March
- Richardson
April 2008
- Rich Mountain NC SC
- Rocky Bald Macon County NC
August 2008
- Route 276 Sycamore
- Misc. Locations: Lake
Fairlfield, Saphire, NC, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC, Black Mountain, NC, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC, Hot Springs, Madison County, NC,Linville Gorge, NC, Black Mountain, NC, Montford Park, Asheville, NC, Swannanoa, NC
March 2004
- Some North Carolina Trees
Collins Creek, Upper Baxter Creek, Dancing Branch, Aug 2004
- A Few Nice Trees: Ashville
& Jim Branch Yellow Birch Aug 2005
- View of Cold Mountain, Shinning Roc Wilderness, Pisgah National
Forest, North Carolina http://webcam.srs.fs.fed.us/
- North Carolina Natural Heritage Program: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/gaston/Environment/NCNatherit.html
From the forested mountains in the west to the marshes and
dunes of the coast, North Carolina contains more natural
diversity than all but a few of the other states. This
diversity both comprises and is dependent on a wide range of
native ecosystems varying from the grassy balds and
spruce-fir forests of the mountains to the pocosins and
swamps of the coastal plain. Although much of North
Carolina's natural landscape has been converted to
non-native ecosystems, some remnants of our native
ecosystems remain. And it is in these remnants that some of
the most rare plants and animals and the best examples of
our natural communities of our state survive. It is the goal
of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program to find these
remnants, to document their location and condition, to study
them and, when appropriate, to facilitate their protection.