YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, NC Will Blozan
March 12, 2007


I have been exploring a grove here in Black Mountain that is privately owned by the YMCA (Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain , NC ). Actually, I have only made one trip into it so far. I think some of these trees may push the known age limits for the species. 

10_5_foot_cbh_horizontal_forest2.jpg (78383 bytes)
10.5 foot cbh Horizontal Forest
ancient_root_graft.jpg (71374 bytes)
Ancient Root Graft
bluff_canopy.jpg (141285 bytes)
Bluff Canopy
bluff_sentry.jpg (65828 bytes)
Bluff Sentry


Those are the Craggy Mountains in the distance and the southern end of the Blacks.


IMG_1164.JPG (156900 bytes) IMG_1166.JPG (158694 bytes)

Anyway, enjoy these pictures of a forest while it still exists. If you have never been witness to these forests I urge you to come down and get acquainted. By default the views are always great! 


 Image 1167 was taken as I was teetering on the top of a tree I climbed so it is rather blurry, but you can see the extreme gnarl factor!

IMG_1167.JPG (113132 bytes)
 Photo 1167 - teetering on the top of a tree
IMG_1181.JPG (137199 bytes)
IMG_1189.JPG (163620 bytes) IMG_1191.JPG (215677 bytes)

The link below is where the photos were taken:



IMG_1214.JPG (265588 bytes) wedge_in_2.jpg (88286 bytes)
IMG_1159.JPG (138255 bytes) IMG_1161.JPG (253969 bytes)


Will Blozan

President, Eastern Native Tree Society
President, Appalachian Arborists, Inc.