TOPIC: Lake Julian Pine Forest
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Date: Tues, Dec 9 2008 3:28 pm
From: James Parton
Over the last three days I have been exploring a nearby area of
woods near Lake Julian. A short while back, I explored 4 different
areas ( sections ) around the lake to see the makeup of the forests
located there. This current section, which I will call " section 5 "
is located between Heywood Rd, Across the rd from the first section
of forest I explored near the lake, Hwy 25 ( Hendersonville Rd ),
Old Shoals Rd and Glenn Bridge Rd. The Medical Action Industries and
CPU2 facilities on Old Shoals border the forest. CPU2 has a walking
trail which goes along the edge of the woods but I did not use it. I
accessed the forest from a pull off on Heywood Rd. The satillite
picture shows the forest explored within the white outline.

To summarize the outing, the forest was primarily White Pine on
higher ground with hardwoods dominating the lower ground near hwy
25. The whites average around 125 feet tall with some going into the
upper 130s. I found none to 140 but there is a chance that a small
number could reach that. Tuliptree was generally in the low 120s
with oaks a little shorter. I measured a Black Cherry to 105 feet.

11' 5" girth, 108 foot tall Tuliptree |

base of the 11' 5" cbh Tuliptree |
The girth on the biggest pines was just shy of 10 feet cbh with the
average around 7 feet cbh. I would guess the age of the forest to be
between 50 to 85 years, however down in the lower ground I
found two really nice tuliptrees with large heavy limbs and gnarly
old trunks. Both exceed 10 feet in girth and stand out in contrast
to the rest of the forest. I feel that these two trees exceed the
age of the surrounding forest and may have been trees in the yard of
old dwellings or ones for some reason not cut in the past. These
trees, while not as ancient as theJoyce Kilmer or Cataloochee Valley tulips may still be 140-180 years
old. They remind me of a couple of large Tuliptrees at the Carl
Sandburg Home in Flat Rock.

White Pine forest |

138.1 foot tall White pine |
The understory is dominated by American Holly which like on all
shores of Lake Julian is very common. None are very tall though. 45
feet is about tops.. Rhodo and Mountain Laurel is nearly absent.
Invasives ( especially in the lower terrain hardwoods ) made travel
difficult in places, constantly untying the laces to my hiking
boots. I lost my hiking stick in there somewhere where I layed it
down to tie my boots. The invasives were Multiflora Rose ( Ouch! )
Privet, Bittersweet, Blackberry vines and Poison Ivy. In the denser
pines it was not much a problem.
I noticed a for sale sign along the hwy and noticed border markers
within the woods. Like many forests locally these woods may fall to
development. The biggest Tuliptree is in an area that is relatively
flat and that made me worry for the tree. It may be the oldest in
the woods and may well fall to development. I just wish more people
would realize the value of forests. The woods was littered with
trash in places from homeless people but the cold this time of year
has undoubtedly driven them to warmer dwellings somewhere else.
Here are some specific measurements.
Girth Height
White Pine 9' 8"
138.1' !
White Pine 7' 6"
Pitch Pine 5'
10 1/2" 99.8'
White Pine 7' 7 1/2"
8' 5" 121.5'
White Pine 6' 2"
136.8' !
7' 0"
11' 5" 108.7' !
Red Oak
6' 9"
American Holly
White Pine 6' 11"
10' 10" 115.5' !
White Pine 9' 7 1/2"
Except for losing my stick, it was a nice outing. I plan to check
out another site or two near the lake when I find the opportunity.
James Parton
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 9 2008 3:41 pm
From: "Will Blozan"
Nice stuff! I do hope you get to scout around Biltmore Park.
Will F. Blozan
President, Eastern Native Tree Society
President, Appalachian Arborists, Inc.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 9 2008 4:31 pm
From: James Parton
That is quite close to here. I am sure I will get around to it.
Also, I plan to do a more detailed measurement of some pines in the
Pink Beds sometime this winter. You are welcome to go with me.
season has only about a week left, if that much. Afterwards it
be safe.
Have you been back to that big 181 ft ( WoW! ) tuliptree yet?
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 4:28 am
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Keep up the good work. We need data from as many white pine sites as
we can get.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 1:54 pm
From: James Parton
To add. I also measured a huge oak stump which was 14' 4" in
circumference! It had been a large double trunked tree which had
split and both trunks lie prostrate on the ground. The forest also
a few still living hemlocks.