TOPIC: Courthouse Falls, Pisgah National Forest, NC
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Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 10:19 pm
From: James Parton
Last Sunday, Joy and I entered Pisgah National Forest above Balsam
Grove NC. Here Courthouse Creek comes off the slopes of Courthouse
Mountain ( Devil's Courthouse ).
Courthouse Falls
It is a leisurely hike to a very pretty waterfall. Upon setting out
on the Summey Cove trail I noticed that most of the hemlocks had new
growth on them but had very little older foliage. Reflush. This
usually is the result of severe adelgid infestation where all
foliage has been killed back causing the adelgid population to
crash. The tree sends out new growth but usually the adelgid comes
back in huge numbers attacking the tree once more. The tree has
usually depleted it's reserves by this time and usually dies shortly
after. Only one hemlock above the falls did I see with considerable

Eastern Hemlock
Two nice, probably old-growth hemlocks were found just below
Courthouse Falls. Both were in hard to reach places but were around
10 feet cbh if not a big bigger. Neither were of exceptional height.
Many younger hemlocks are found in the surrounding forest but these
were bigger and older looking than any others I could find. My guess
is that the steep gorge that the falls are in may have inhibited the
removal of these trees. But soon they will be dead due to the
adelgid. How sad.
Another big
The falls itself is splendid. Joy enjoyed a nice swim in the cold
mountain water.
Check out the links concerning Courthouse Falls.
James Parton
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Date: Thurs, Jun 12 2008 2:01 pm
From: Larry
James, Looks like a peaceful place. Boy could I use a cool swim its
heating up down here in the Deep South! Larry
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Date: Thurs, Jun 12 2008 6:08 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
I haven't been to Courthouse Falls yet. There's nothing I like
than swimming in a plunge pool beneath a waterfall. I always go
swimming in them when the water's pure. I have my favorites.
One place I haven't been swimming is the pool below Hooker Falls.
Mainly because one of my hiking pals told me that the last time she
was there, she saw kids coming out of the water below the falls with
leeches on their legs. No thanks!
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Date: Thurs, Jun 12 2008 8:24 pm
From: James Parton
James Bob,
Lake Cascade is located below Hooker Falls. When the water is at
normal or above normal levels it backs up all the way to the falls.
have fished Lake Cascade many times and have filled a stringer up
crappie more than once. I have swam in the lake more than once and
have never found any leeches on me, but I cannot say that they are
there. I have seen leeches in several local creeks here in WNC.
Courthouse creek is much cleaner than Little River. Possibly clean
enough to drink from. One must exercise caution drinking from
apparently clean mountain streams, especially if frequented alot by
people. Giardia could possibly be present. I have drank from
streams many times with no ill effects, but there is always a first
time. It would be best to filter or boil the water first.
James Parton
TOPIC: Courthouse Falls, Pisgah National Forest, NC
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 12:30 pm
From: Kouta Räsänen
I would like to read some comments about giardiasis. When I
in California four years ago, I heard for a first time about
giardiasis. Then I found from internet an article which said that
actually there is in drinking water of San Francisco as much or more
Giardia than any wilderness streams in California! I have drank from
streams which flow from areas not affected by agriculture, forestry,
roads etc. in all the natural areas where I have been, North
many countries in Europe, Madeira, Iran, Japan, Australia, but have
never become ill. (Though, I haven't been in tropics.) Have somebody
else got giardiasis, and from where?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 6:58 pm
You've been lucky, or you've the innards of a steam engine! I am a
native Californian, and began hiking in the Sierra Nevadas during
the early 60's...I regularly carried a 'Sierra Cup' on my pack belly
belt, for quick dipping of the myriad tricklets, creeks, streams and
rivers, and seldom carried water but for cooking when away from
water sources. It wasn't until the 90's that I began encountering
folks who'd gotten giardiasis from mountain streams of the Sierras.
I too contacted giardiasis several times in the 90's...it's not a
nice time, explosive SUDDEN movements, fierce flatulence, and other
symptoms left unmentioned. While some doubt that there's a cure,
it's treated by the same drug (Flagel) that is used for treating
alcoholism (the only thing worse than giardiasis, is the cure if you
consume alcohol during the treatment period). The last time I
contacted giardiasis, we dove deep, deep, deep down into a high
mountain lake in the Marble Mountain wilderness, opened our Nalgenes,
closed them, and surfaced, thinking that we might avoid giardiasis.
Nope, a week or so later, I was once again able to calculate range
and bearing...:>{
Anymore, it's boil it, filter it, iodine it and chase it with 80
proof or better...;>}