TOPIC: Rich Mountain
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Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 7:20 am
From: James Parton
This last Sunday, Smitty Peterson and Kim Lyman ( My wife Joy's
daughter ) invited Joy and I on a hike on Rich mountain
which is located just outside of Brevard NC. Much of Rich mountain
is owned by Congressman Charles Taylor in which Smitty's family
leases some land from him on the mountain to hunt on. The USFS also
leases land on the summit from the Congressman, according to Smitty.
There is a cabin and fire tower on the summit. Nearby is several
communication antennae including a really tall one which is used by
Fox broadcasting.
Rich Mountain Conservancy also has land on and near the mountain.
Also close by is Du Pont State Forest & The Mountain Bridge
Wilderness Area. Mountain Bridge contains Jones Gap and Caesars Head
state parks and nearby Raven Cliff falls. Pretty Place is not far
off. Green River Game Lands and Table Rock State Park is a
bit further away. It is a great area.
Smitty was able to lead us to the very top of the mountain after
unlocking the gates and stopping by his cabin before setting off to
the summit. The view was great from on top. We went up into the fire
tower for a great view!
Hiking down the mountain into the forest toward the conservancy was
a nice workout. Smitty went with us only part of the way because of
recent back problems. Before leaving us he told us of numerous deer
and wild hog on the mountain. He also told us of some massive
boulders nearby. Check out the pictures on the conservancy link I
have attached, they are awesome! The forest was nice. Mostly
hardwoods like hickories, oaks, tuliptree maple and sourwood.
It seemed that few trees topped the 100 ft height though. The
mountains summit is at 3,671 feet above sea level.
The most outstanding tree I found was a big Northern Red Oak that
was located just up the mountain from the huge boulders. It was over
11 feet in girth and a single trunked tree! Check out the
photo with Kim for scale.
I thank Smitty for introducing us to a great place. I hope to do
more exploration of this area in the future. I wonder if that
intrepid explorer Jess Riddle has been anywhere on Rich Mountain?
He has explored some of the nearby area, like Jones Gap.
Shagbark Hickory 5' 5 1/4" cbh
95.89 feet tall ( Below huge boulder )
Red Oak
11' 4" cbh 75.16 feet tall
Hickory ( Uncertain of type ) 7' 10" cbh
94.37 feet tall
Tulip Poplar
7' 5" cbh 89..34 feet tall

Check how the bigger tree has nearly grown around the base of the smaller one.
James Parton
P.S. I see Jess has been here. And he found taller trees that
I. Jess has Rich mountain located in SC. I never saw any signs
stating that we had crossed the state line, but mountain roads often
lack signs. I did not think to ask Smitty.