TOPIC: Connemara, Flat Rock NC
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 11 2008 10:39 pm
From: James Parton
Sunday, after visiting the Memenger Tuliptree I went just down the
street to do a little hiking on the Carl Sandburg Estate, also known
as Connemara. Once owned by famed poet and songwriter Carl Sandburg
it has been owned since 1967 by the National Park Service. Here is a
link to the NPS website.
The forest here had been held by the Sandburgs and the families
before for a considerable number of years and there are some trees
of considerable age on the property. Some possibly exceeding 300
years! Will Blozan did a visit here a while back and found trees of
considerable age.
I hiked around the lake finding some nice White Pines, some
approaching 10' cbh and well over 100 feet tall. On the Memenger
trail I found an oak that had been cut off the trail. At 15 ft up
the trunk it was 21 inches thick and had 156 growth rings! The rings
at the center are very close together. A few inches out they spread out a little only to get really close together again before reaching
the bark. The rings are separated, at their widest by no more than 5
mm and at the narrowest by about 1mm. I often carry a pocket
magnifier and it often comes handy in cases like this! Another cut
tree was found up the Little Glassy trail and I counted it's rings
to 104. It is 14 inches across cut about 10 feet up the trunk of the
8' 11.25 inches Chestnut Oak
Near the summit of Little Glassy Mountain, off-trail I find a really
nice Chestnut Oak. It is quite gnarly and 10' 6 3/4' across. Judging
by the ring counts of the smaller trees and Will's findings of the
trees in this area, it is probably very old. 300 years, maybe older.
It's nice finding such old trees so close to home! Another big
Chestnut Oak, just a little smaller was found just a short distance
away. Sweeet......
10' 6.75 inch cbh Chestnut Oak
Another oak stump, this one quite weathered, about 2.5 feet across
is found down near the lake proved not as old. It's rings proved
hard to count because of the condition of the stump but I had a
rough count of about 100 rings. This tells me that the trees, not
surprisingly grow faster near the water than the ones found up on
the ridges.
Going up towards the house a nice Tuliptree is found near the road.
It is better than 11 feet cbh. Near the house is another large tree.
I have no idea what type it is. It's girth is a considerable 13' 10". English Ivy grows profusely on it's trunk. I remember it
having small leaves back during the summer. Maybe someone on ENTS
knows what it is?
American Elm
Here is the CBH measurements of the trees I measured.
White Pine 9' 4"
Chestnut Oak 10' 2" ( MT )
Chestnut Oak 10' 6 3/4" ( Nice Tree! )
Pitch Pine 5' 8 1/4"
Chestnut Oak 8' 11 1/4"
Tuliptree 11' 3 1/4"
? 13' 10'' ( Near House )
White Pine 8' 4 1/4"
I have attached some pictures for all to see and check out two on
the file page. Check out the " caboose " on that oak!
I look forward to another more detailed visit here. This place has
much to offer!
Caboose Oak
James Parton
TOPIC: Connemara, Flat Rock NC
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 12 2008 5:41 am
From: "Will Blozan"
I think the mystery tree is an American elm. Looks like one I have
worked on
before; did you notice support cables in it.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 12 2008 8:00 am
From: James Parton
Yes, the " mystery Tree " tree has a cable in it! It is a
tree. I suppose this one was planted. Probably when the house was
built over 100 years ago. Was American Elm more common around here
past years?

American Elm and Holly |

American Elm |
We had an exotic elm in our yard on Starnes Cove where I
grew up and smaller elms are to be found in the area my father lives
at in Lowndesville SC. I don't think they are American Elms though.
have never seen an elm even close to the size of the Sandburg one.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 12 2008 10:23 am
From: James Parton
The NPS actually aquired the Sandburg Estate in 1969. Here are more
facts on Connemara.
TOPIC: More Connemara/Nikon 440
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 27 2008 9:29 pm
From: James Parton
Joy and I made another trip to the Carl Sandburg Estate, known as
Connemara. It is a place of really nice trees once owned by the late
author Carl Sandburg. The property has been in private hands for
well over 100 years so the trees have had time to reach really good
Here are some CBH measurements from the outing.
White Pine 9' 5 3/4"
White Pine 10' 1"
White Oak 8' 4 1/4"
White Oak 10' 10"
Chestnut Oak 9' 9 3/4"
Chestnut Oak 15' 3" ( Nice big tree! )
White Oak 13' 1/2"
Sycamore 11' 4"
White Oak 13' 7 1/2"
Chestnut Oak 12' 7 1/2"
Tuliptree 12' 4" ( Rough laser height to a high limb taken from
under the tree came out to 128 feet. The top was well higher.)
Eastern Hemlock 9' 10" ( Treated and healthy! )
White Oak 11' 5"
White Oak 12' 10"
Other previously measured trees were re-visited too.
Also. Today I bought a Nikon Prostaff 440 rangefinder. I carried it
with me and did some rough shots with it into the canopy. Now I must
learn to use it correctly. I now aim to buy a clinometer. I hope in
the future I will be doing ENTS quality measurements and become one
of the " elite " measurers.
James Parton