TOPIC: Calvary Episcopal Church Trees_Reprise
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Date: Sat, Nov 1 2008 8:32 pm
From: James Parton
Yesterday on Halloween I visited the Calvary Episcopal Church
Cemetery in Fletcher NC which has some really nice old trees. This
is a follow-up visit to a trip I made earlier this year. During that
trip I had three trees I could not id and during this return the
trees still had leaves on them which will aid my identification of
them. Two of them turned out to be really nice Maidenhair ( Gingko
Biloba ) trees. The first one is the largest I have ever seen. The
second is significantly smaller but still of good size. The third
one was a tree with large semi-glossy leaves in which I cannot
A nice Hickory was measured here as was the Dawn Redwood
which as Will stated to me earlier in the year is smaller than the
Biltmore redwood. The Biltmore Redwood is about 117 feet tall versus
101 for the Calvary redwood. The Hickory was identified as a Pignut
by it's leaves and pear-shaped nut.
11' 1 3/4" cbh 80.69 feet tall
Dawn Redwood
101. 83 feet tall
Pignut Hickory 8' 8 1/3"
cbh 87.68 feet tall
The picture of the Gingko was taken on the spring trip earlier this
James Parton
TOPIC: Calvary Episcopal Church Trees_Reprise
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Date: Tues, Nov 4 2008 12:57 am
From: James Parton
To add. The big Gingko tree was female! While examining the tree I
found what at first I thought were persimmons near it and was
wondering where the persimmon tree was, then it hit me, this was the
fruit of the gingko tree. It was affirmed by the strong smell of the
fruit and the large seed within. I collected some of the fruit for
seed and will give them to my dad to plant. Most of the trees that
planted are male since many people don't like the smelly messy
I guess " Maidenhair " tree really fits this tree since it
is female.
The second gingko tree was male.
TOPIC: Calvary Episcopal Church Ginkgo
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Date: Tues, Nov 11 2008 2:23 pm
From: James Parton

I have just uploaded a picture to the file page of brilliant
Maidenhair ( Ginkgo ) leaves with Willow Oak leaves. The ground
the male tree was covered in brilliant yellow leaves mixed with the
leaves from a nearby Willow Oak. Another male tree which I just
noticed is on the other side of the churchyard. The big female
tree still has almost all of it's leaves and they are just now
turning. The picture makes a really good computer background
wallpaper. Feel free to download it and use it as a background if
James P.