TOPIC: The Hannah Oak, Lowndesville S.C.
Unrelated to the trip I measured two other trees. The Wildcat Oak at
Dana Elementary & The Hayes Maple on my mothers place. The
Wildcat Oak
was one of six large oaks located at Dana Elementary here in the
community outside of Hendersonville N.C.. I named it for the schools
mascot. 5 of these trees were removed when the school was rebuilt 2
years ago. Only one remains. It was a shame. All were close to 3'
& close to 100 feet tall. A while back I had mentioned to Will
& e-
mailed a picture of mom's big Silver Maple to both Will & Ed. I
wondered if it may be big enough to hold a record. Will said he had
seen some larger ( WoW! ) . Someone set a fire to an abandoned
house which threatened the tree. It singed the leaves on one side
I think it will survive. I sure hope so. I just wish I would have
taken a picture of mom with the tree instead of myself.
James Hayes Maple
Here are their CBH measurements.
Wildcat Oak: 10' 5 3/4"
Hayes Silver Maple: 15' 9 3/4"
James Parton
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 11:43 pm
From: James Parton
I know this is a given, but I must add that all CBH measurements are
at 4.5 feet.
TOPIC: The Hayes Maple
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 8:25 am
From: James Parton
Included in a post last fall I had mentioned that an old abandoned
house located near my mothers big Silver Maple had been set afire by
an arsonist. Mom and I had been worried that the heat might have
killed or severely damaged the tree. Well it has survived but has
lost about 1/4 of its limbs due to the scorching it received. All on
the side the house was located on. The arsonist was never caught.

Hayes Maple winter |

Hayes Maple summer |
The tree is a nice one. 15' 2 1/2" in girth and 63. 78 feet
tall. It was cut back some years ago and was originally taller and
of greater spread.

Mom and her Maple
James Parton