Mist brushes the top of the Water Gap. NPS Photo MJ.
New Jersey
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips 2010
Unusual tree I photographed this tree on
Sunday. I think it's a Black Gum/Sour Gum (I usually use both
common names). It's the smallish flat-topped tree in the middle
of the view. I didn't walk up to it and double check, but I am
quite sure it's a Sour Gum. But I really liked the shape. This
tree is on the southeasternmost of the islands that make up
Clark's Landing. The string of islands can be seen running
southeast to northwest through the middle of this aerial view.
[link] The darker green mass below the islands is a cedar
swamp. Above the islands is the Mullica River. There are two
islands in the river itself also. They care called the Hog
Islands, and are covered with meadows (marshes). There are
meadows between Clark's Landing and the cedar swamp as well.
This location is in the extreme northeastern corner of Egg
Harbor City....
more » Mar 11, 2010.
'Tis the season for... controlled burning!! Well it
looks like controlled burning time is upon us. Monday, yesterday
and today I drove by controlled burns in progress, on my way
home from the farm. Today I finally took pictures, to go along
with all my other forest fire-related pictures. I apologize
because the first picture is a little fuzzy. I didn't steady the
camera as much as I should have....
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Two more hugging trees
ENTS, Here's another pair of hugging trees. One is an Atlantic
White Cedar. The other I'm not sure about. It's either a swamp
maple (red maple) or a Sweet Bay Magnolia. This is about a mile
and a half from here. Photos taken the day before yesterday.
Barry Caselli Mar 10, 2010.
old White Pine with character ENTS, Here's a very old White
Pine next to a house that was built in 1830, or thereabouts.
This is the house of the farmer I work for. It's in Vincentown,
which is in Southampton Township, Burlington County. The farm is
at a completely different location. Anyway, in my opinion the
tree is the same age as the house. I estimate a CBH of 13 to 14
feet, or maybe more. It's a real biggie. It's also cool looking
in my opinion. The pictures were taken February 17....
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Pitch Pine stats Today I took two samples from
a large Pitch Pine branch that was on the ground, over at the
farm where I work. I've been measuring, and here's what I found:
Open cones average 2¼" wide by 2" high. Most of the needles are
between 4" and 5" long, some are 5¼", and they are in bundles of
three. I'm pretty sure I've said before that Pitch Pines and
Shortleaf Pines are identical in general overall appearance,
with the biggest differences being in needle length and cone
more » Mar 9, 2010.
Aesthetics lost ENTS, I have a whole bunch of
church pictures that I took, that my Webshots desktop uses for
wallpaper on this computer. This picture is on my computer
screen right now. (The Webshots program changes it once a day.)
Anyway, I was looking at the picture a few minutes ago and was
reminded of something that I discovered the last time I visited
the cemetery, something I didn't like....
more » Mar 9, 2010.
Shortleaf Pine stats ENTS, Today I was at Clark's
Landing, mentioned here before. There are a lot of Shortleaf
Pines there, with the Pitch Pines. One of the Shortleafs had a
couple major branches laying on the ground under it, so I took
home some samples, just like I did with the Virginia Pine, as
you read in my post below....
more » March 7, 2010.
pine confusion ENTS, Lately I've been
seriously wondering about certain pines around here.
Scattered around the pine barrens there are pines that have
the same general appearance as Pitch Pine, but with shorter
needles and tiny cones. For over a year I've been calling
them Shortleaf Pine, and I still think they are....
more » Feb 22, 200.
big boxwood shrubs ENTS, I guess most people know
what boxwoods are, right? Well here are a couple of big, old
ones. They might be 10 feet tall I guess. Or maybe taller than
that. In one of the trunk close-up photos I put my old postcard
of the church, for scale. In the photo with the tombstones, the
boxwoods are right in the middle, between the red cedar and the
hickory. I love cemeteries, by the way....
more » Feb 14, 2010.
Please ID this hickory ENTS, Anyone know what this
is? It's about 2 inches in diameter, and feels slimey to the
touch. I have seen these on the red cedars from time to time.
Thanks, Barry Caselli South Jersey Feb 13, 2010.
Unknown "thing" on Eastern Red Cedar ENTS, Anyone know what this
is? It's about 2 inches in diameter, and feels slimey to the
touch. I have seen these on the red cedars from time to time.
Thanks, Barry Caselli South Jersey Feb 13, 2010.
giant buttonwoods of Atsion, NJ ENTS, Here are a few photos of
the giant old buttonwoods around the ironmaster's mansion at
Atsion. The mansion was built in 1826 during Atsion's second
wave. Presumeably the trees were planted at that time. I
included one photo of myself with one of the trees for scale.
The photo with myself in it was taken in August '09, the others
in November '08. I have not measured any of these trees. Also,
the first two photos show the front of the mansion (It faced the
ironworks in its day.). At the right front corner there is a
tree that's not a buttonwood. Unfortunately I've never tried to
properly ID this tree, so I don't know what it is. It could be
something easy, but I just don't know. The tree I'm standing in
front of is at the back left corner of the house, and is not
seen in the other photos, not really anyway....
more »
Feb 13, 2010.
Part 3 of Forest Fire in NJ I'm sorry. I keep forgetting
about photos I have of forest fire related things in the
landscape of South Jersey. Here is one more. The typical fire
danger sign. Most are exactly like this. But I know of a
different style sign down near the Mizpah Tower. I don't know
why that one is different. I don't have a picture of it. Anyway,
here's a typical fire danger sign. These are scattered around,
all over the pine barrens....
more » Feb 13, 2010.
Winter wonderland, Feb. 11 Here's a photo album on my
Facebook page of all the snow pictures I took on Thursday
[link] The trees that can be seen in the photos are
Pitch Pine and various oaks, Eastern Red Cedar (pictures 3
and 5), Atlantic White Cedar and Swamp (Red) Maple....
more » Feb 13, 2010.
New & better pictures- 2 amazing trees You may remember me
posting pictures of 2 trees, a white pine and a blue spruce,
that are growing side-by-side, one tiny and one
comparatively huge. Well here are some much better pictures
that show the spruce very clearly, with the pine next to it.
The trees are less than 30 years old, but note the size
difference. I guess blue spruce is not shade tolerant!...
more » Feb 13, 2010.
Part 2: forest fire in NJ ENTS, When I posted this
originally, the other day, I showed you a picture of a typical
plowed line used during fighting wildfires, and during
controlled burning. But I forgot about these pictures I have of
a typical tractor and plowed used to plow those lines. This was
photographed at the county 4-H Fair last year. The Forest Fire
Service always has a presence there....
more » Feb 12, 2010.
Chatsworth Lake, 11-29-09 ENTS, I took these photos
one morning on the way to the farm. The trees in the photo
are Pitch Pine, Atlantic White Cedar, and probably some
Shortleaf Pine. I know there are some along the road near
the lake. This is just outside of Chatsworth, in
Woodland Township, Burlington County. Chatsworth is
sometimes known as the "Capital of the Pines"....
more » Feb 8, 2010.
forest fire in NJ We all know (I assume)
that the NJ Pine Barrens is a fire-climax forest. Forest
fire is perfectly normal here, and is good for the forest.
(Yes, yes I know. I picked the wrong time to talk about
forest fire!) I've attached a series of photos showing all
things related to forest fire in the Pine Barrens....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
two hugging trees A Pitch Pine and an
Atlantic White Cedar, in a loving embrace! I saw these trees
while on a hike, early last summer. Barry Caselli South
Jersey Feb 7, 2010.
oops- American Holly and snow (I guess it would help if
I attached the photo, huh?) Here's the American Holly in our
front yard. I took the photo early Saturday afternoon while
it was still snowing. There is a row of assorted spruce and
pine separating our property from the property next door.
Some of those can be seen just behind this tree. In 1985
when we moved here this holly was about knee high, growing
wild next to the driveway....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
amazing blue spruce and white pine The trees themselves
aren't amazing. What is amazing is the fact that they are
the same age as each other! They are in a row of trees
planted along the road in front of our property. Starting at
the driveway and going southwest, there are pitch pines,
white pines and the blue spruce. But who in his right mind
would plant white pines and a blue spruce next to each other
at equal distances? The blue spruce got shaded out early on.
I removed several branches of the white pine over the years,
but that was kind of a waste of time, since practically the
entire tree hangs over the spruce. I think this row of trees
was planted around 1982 or 1983....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
deer damage The first photo shows some
multiflora rose and some autumn olives, behind the septic
leech field. Both species are invasives anyway.The second
photo shows some arbor vitae in the side yard of the house.
Amazing, huh? Actually the holly tree (seen in the snow
picture) is eaten away too. But I don't have a picture of it
that shows the damage....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
American Holly and snow Here's the American Holly
in our front yard. I took the photo early this afternoon
while it was still snowing. There is a row of assorted
spruce and pine separating our property from the property
next door. Some of those can be seen just behind this tree.
In 1985 when we moved here this holly was about knee high,
growing wild next to the driveway....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
Two Norway Spruce
On January 26 I took these photos of a couple of Norway Spruce
in someone's yard, at the corner of the road I live on, and U.S.
30. I haven't the foggiest idea how tall they are, but I think
they are beautiful trees, even though I'm more into Pitch Pine
and Atlantic White Cedar than anything else....
more » Feb 7, 2010.
NJ in the Fall Not sure if these are
strictly ENTS-type photos, but since some others have been
posting some general woods/scenic type photos that are not
always forest interior or old-growth.... Anyway I have a
backlog of thousands of photos but I have finally started
getting the first couple from this fall processed and
uploaded so here you go:...
more » Feb 7, 2010.
giant Buttonwood ENTS, I forgot I had this
picture. I've been sorting my digital photos lately (I have
thousands), and found this picture I took of the largest
Buttonwood in the ghost town of Gloucester Furnace. The
Gloucester Furnace area is along both sides of a dirt road in
the northern part of Egg Harbor City. There are only 3 houses in
the entire area there. I have been told that this tree once
stood in front of the ironmaster's mansion, which is long gone.
It's now in the side yard of a modern house. This tree most
likely was planted when Gloucester Furnace started, which was
around 1800. I feel farely confident that this tree is the
largest tree of any species in the county. I'm guessing it to be
easily 4 or 5 feet in diameter, maybe more....
more » Feb 6, 2010.
Pitch Pine, Shortleaf and Loblolly Here's a photo of the
cones in my collection. The 3 at top left are Loblolly,
below those are Pitch Pine, and to the right of the Pitch
Pine, are the Shortleaf. Barry Caselli South Jersey
Jan 30, 2010.
2 big Buttonwoods
I forgot I had these pictures. I took these photos on
January 20, 2008. These trees are about 9 miles from here,
in this township. I have not measured them. They most likely
date to the construction of the inn. Barry Caselli South
Jersey Jan 30, 2010.
Unusual Buttonwood
One final tree from Crowley's Landing (see my last two
posts). Here's a Buttonwood (Eastern Sycamore of course).
I'm quite sure, from my experience with this area, that the
reason it has all those trunks is that the original trunk
was lost in a forest fire a long time ago, if it wasn't cut
down for some other reason. I know if you go into a forest
and find oak trees with 3 or 4 trunks in a circular pattern,
it's because of the same thing. Of course Buttonwood is not
native, so you rarely see them like this. All of these
trunks are under a foot in diameter, most of them well under
a foot....
more » Jan 30, 2010.
perfect, beautiful Shortleaf Pine
Also at Crowley's Landing (see my last post), I saw this
beautiful, perfect Shortleaf Pine. This is what I call a
perfectly shaped Shortleaf Pine. I love it. It's also a
biggie, much larger than I had previously imagined. I'm
guessing it's close to 7 feet. It may be the same size as
the Estell Manor Pitch Pine
that I've talked about in the past. See my last post, re: I
didn't have my tape with me....
more » Jan 30, 2010.
Large red cedar
On Tuesday I was off from work (actually for a couple days)
because my truck was out for repair. I also didn't want to
drive my car other than locally because it has a blown brake
line. I stopped to eat my lunch at the Crowley's Landing
picnic area and boat launch, which is along the Mullica
River in Wharton State Forest. I've been there a million
times. But this time I took note of and measured this big
Eastern Red Cedar. The picnic area is filled with red cedar,
while the entrance road goes through an Atlantic White Cedar
swamp. Actually red and white cedars can be seen side by
side close to the water in the picnic area. Cowley's Landing
sits on the Crowleytown or Cowleyville ghost town site....
more » Jan 30, 2010.
a most unusual White Pine Hello ENTs, I'm way behind
in my email again, as usual, mostly due to ENTS posts, which
I do want to read. I thought I'd send this picture along for
your enjoyment. I think this tree may qualify as the most
unusual White Pine. It's certainly the most unusual that I
have seen. This is in the Town of Hammonton, Atlantic
County, NJ. It's actually probaby a quarter mile or half
mile from the Camden County line. I have no idea of its
height or CBH. But I love it. I've always been fascinated
with witch's brooms since I've lived here in the Pine
Barrens. But finding one in a tree other than Pitch Pine is
unusual. And finding a tree whose entire top is a witch's
broom- not that is extremely unusual! I love this tree....
more » Jan 20, 2010.
Beautiful stunted Pitch Pines Today I took a nice hike in
Wharton State Forest. I estimate that I hiked 4 to 6 miles. I
really can't be sure. The sky was a beautiful deep blue and
there were no clouds. It was perfect. I think the temperature
was 29 or 30 with a little bit of wind. I was totally in awe of
the beauty around me, the whole time. While hiking the nature
trail I stopped to take some pictures, and ended up shooting 2
min., 48 sec. of video....
more »
By Barry Caselli -
Jan 9, 2010
Two ancient buttonwoods for you
ENTS, Today, at the very beginning of my hike, I walked past
this historic site and took these photos, showing the two
buttonwoods. I think it's very likely they are the same age as
the house. My guess as to circumference, maybe 12 to 13 feet?
Maybe even more. It's hard to tell. They were on private
property, obviously, so I couldn't just walk over and measure
them. They are real beauties though. I love those trees. They
can be found at most historic sites, especially those from the
18th century....
By Barry Caselli -
Jan 9, 2010
Sparta Glen, NJ Did a quick drive along the
road that sits just to the south and above the area. I know the
hemlocks have been decimated here (and already long ago) for the
most part, but I noticed that the steep slopes rising above the
gorge appeared to have some sizable hardwoods. Might be another
area worth checking out. Undoubtably at least 150 years old...
more »
By Dinomys4 - Jan 9,
Old growth in the NJ Pine Barrens?
ENTS, Today I was down in the Atlantic County Park at Estell Manor. I wanted to eat my lunch, do some hiking,
and re-visit my favorite Pitch Pine....
By Barry Caselli -
Jan 8, 2010
My favorite Pitch Pine- a video
January 5, 2010
Possible old growth in the Pine Barrens
January 5, 2010
Ring count of down Pitch Pine January
4, 2010
Witch's brooms seen today
January 4, 2010
Pitch Pine with lichen garden
January 4, 2010
Update of the big oak at Elwood
January 3, 2010
Huge buttonwoods found today
January 3, 2010
a couple more NJ possibilities
January 1, 2010
Field Trips 2009
The Sourlands Giant! Dec. 31, 2009
some new older tracts in NJ Dec. 30,
re-introduction and Old forests in NJ
December 30, 2009
Big oak in Elwood, NJ Decemebr 30,
Pitch Pines and Shortleaf Pines in the snow
December 24, 2009
Snow- Pitch Pines & Atlantic White Cedar
December 20, 2009
Native oak species of the Pine Barrens
Nov 30, 2009
Very old Red Cedar found today
Nov. 26, 2009
South New Jersey Pin Oaks Nov 12, 2009
Oak leaves of the Pine Barrens
Nov. 2, 2009
Piney Hollow Preservation Area
Nov. 29, 2009
Very tree-like Scrub Oak found
Oct. 26, 2009
New Jersey Scenes Oct. 4, 2009
Possible Chestnut Tree Oct.
3, 2009
Old Growth Demonstration in West Orange, NJ
Oct. 2, 2009
Huge willow oak found Friday Spet. 27,

16 foot Tuliptree!! Sept. 19, 2009

Two Hemlocks cut down Septemebr
8, 2009

Apple Pie Hill and the view
August 30, 2009

A hickory and a Spanish Oak
August 29, 2009

Bald Cypress found last week
August 28, 2009

early Fall foliage August 28,

Big Willow Oaks seen today August 28,

Large Atlantic White Cedar found today
August 28, 2009

Chestnut Tree in Video
August 28, 2009

Pitch Pine, Atlantic County Park, NJ August 26, 2009

- New Pine Barrens hike video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih-z3HhUIJ0 August 17,
- Big Vernal Pool
Wharton State Forest, NJ August 9, 2009

Our Back Woods Pine Barrens NJ August 5, 2009

Yesterday and today 3 views NJ August 4, 2009

- Video in
Wharton State Forest NJ August 2, 2009
- Video Batsto NJ
water-powered sawmill July 30, 3009
- Lone
American Elm NJ July 28, 2009

Buttonwood at Batsto Historic Site NJ July 28, 2009

- NJ Pine Barrens
more info July 27, 2009
Spring Hill and the pygmy pines NJ July 25, 2009

- Belleplain
State Forest NJ July 25, 2009
Weymouth Furnace NJ July 23, 2009

Egg Harbor, NJ July 18, 2009

- Catalpa, Pine Barrens, NJ
July 17, 2009

Short Leaf Pine, Pine Barrens, NJ July 14, 2009

- Sand Dunes and Buried Forests July 12, 2007
- My Pine
Barrens outing July 3 July 3, 2009
Blueberry festivals and big trees
June 29, 2009

- Shagbark,
Pine Barrens, NJ June 22, 2009

- New
Jersey Pine Barrens Event June 21, 2009
- Bog Plants - What a Place, NJ Pine
Barrens June 19, 2009

- Really messed up
Catalpa, NJ June 13, 2009

- Burned out stump,
but still alive, NJ June 13, 2009

- Lawn-mowered Red
Cedar Seedlings June 11, 2009

- Pine Barrens
Area maps - Where I Live June 08, 2009

- What I See
Everyday, NJ June 08, 2009

- Regrown Tree at
Weymouth Furnace, NJ June 06, 2009

- Unbelievable
Catalpa tree found today, NJ June 5, 2009

- West Orange, New Jersey
Challenge May 28, 2009
Another great Batsto tree lost - Buttonwood, NJ May 28,
2009 x
- White
Oak, Cumberland County, NJ May 25, 2009 x
- Wild
cherry and an old tire, NJ May 24, 2009 x
- Egg
Harbor City, Large Tuliptree, NJ May 24, 2009 x
- Bogs and Bog
Plants, NJ May 21, 2009
An American Elm and a Sad Story May 21, 2009 x
- What's In
Bloom?, NJ May 16, 2009

Course Blackjack Oak, NJ May 10, 2009

New Jersey Spring May 10,
2009 x
Frogs, Toads, and Night
Sounds, NJ May 09, 2009
117 inch wild cherry
pictures, Wharton SF, NJ May 09, 2009 x
George Washington Memorial
Arboretum, NJ May 04, 2009 x
Forest Fire, Pine
Barrens, NJ
April 21, 2009
Pines, Batsto Church
21, 2009
Beautiful old Pitch Pine, and a holly
April 20, 2009
Barrens Fire, April 19, 2009 x
Tuliptree with Wisteria,
Hammonton, NJ
18, 2009
Pine Barren Forests, NJ
April 13, 2009
- Update:
huge oaks at Batsto, NJ
April 11, 2009
Several big trees found today,
March 31, 2009
Driving Into the Pine
Barrens, NJ
March 29, 2009
Oak Hill Cemetery, Vineland, NJ
March 24, 2009
- Some
Great Finds Today, NJ
March 16, 2009
- New Jersey Pine Lands
March 14, 2009
- Swamp
Maple, Green Bank, NJ
March 13, 2009
- Oddball
Trees of Martha's Furnace, NJ
February 28, 2009 x
Two huge cemetery trees,
and a controlled burn February 17, 2009
Ground-level branches,
horizontal trees, brooms, etc Feb 2009

- biggest
White Cedar so far NJ Feb 16, 2009 x
- Chinese elm and a big
holly Feb 13, 2009
- Cutting
Feb 13, 2009
- Possible new NJ champion
Scarlet Oak
13, 2009
- New jersey Champion Red Cedar
12, 2009
- Shoemaker
holly photos NJ Feb 12, 2009 x
Big oak - South Egg Harbor, and more
Parker's Oak Fall Foliage
- Large Predators in new Jersey
- Wharton State Forest and Batsto State
Historic Site - Back to Basto Today Feb

Weymouth Oak
Roadside Oaks and Friendship Elm
- Millers Falls Pitch Pines aerial view
Beaver Swamp WMA My Tree Safari Today
& Parker's Oak
Feb 2009

The Basto Black Walnut
Egg Harbor Willow Oak
Atsion White Pines
More Measuring Today
Feb 2009
- Ghosts of the Pines
- The Pinelands Preservation Alliance, the
non-profit group that watches over the Pinelands Commission, making
sure they are doing their job (or trying to), has a beautiful new
website. I'm very impressed.
- This is the Pinelands Commission's website:
I believe the Pinelands Commission has lost its way, and allows way,
way too much development, and caves in to developers way to easily.
Other great sites:
Book about the plants of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.
The full title is: "Annual Report of the New Jersey State
Museum, Including a Report of the plants of Southern New Jersey,
with Especial Reference to the Flora of the Pine Barrens", 1910,
by Witmer Stone. The museum report only takes up 19 pages. But
the rest of the book is 828 pages, not including the plates in
the back. It's a fantastic reference work for the NJ Pine
Barrens.The document, 1000+ pages can be downloaded as a pdf
file from here:
- The Jersey Devil
- Forests of the Garden State: Resource Bull. NE-163.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Northeastern Research Station. 20 p.:
RB-NE-163. A report on the fourth forest inventory of New
Jersey conducted in 1998-99 by the Forest Inventory and Analysis
unit of the Northeastern Research Station. Discusses the current
condition and changes from previous inventories for forest area,
timber volume, tree species, and growth and removals. Graphics
depict data at the state level and by county where
appropriate. http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/9545
- Saddler's Woods - (formerly Macarthur Woods) has a new
website address at: http://www.saddlerswoods.org
The mission of Saddler's Woods Conservation Association is to restore and preserve Saddler's Woods through active site management, to promote its appreciation through community education programs, and to cooperate with public agencies, volunteer associations and other nonprofit organizations to ensure Saddler's Woods remains a natural legacy for future generations.
Saddler's Woods contains a small pocket of forest with many trees between 100 and 300 years old and is one of the last old growth forests. Saddler's Woods is an Appalachian-Oak Forest which consists of White Oak, Northern Red Oak, Black Oak, Chestnut Oak, Tulip Tree, Birch, Red Maple, Sugar Maple, American Beech and three Hickories: Shagbark, Pignut and Mockernut.
- http://www.westcaldwell.com/40501CucumberMagnolia.htm
The West Caldwell Centennial Rededication of the Cucumber Magnolia Tree
- Friendly's Restaurant, 32 Bloomfield Avenue, West Caldwell, NJ 07006
- The Pinelands Preservation Alliance, the non-profit group that
watches over the Pinelands Commission, making sure they are doing
their job (or trying to), has a beautiful new website. I'm very
- This is the Pinelands Commission's website:
I believe the Pinelands Commission has lost its way, and allows way,
way too much development, and caves in to developers way to easily.