Yesterday I took a walk in
South Egg Harbor. I go there pretty often actually, since it's only
5 to 8 minutes drive from here.
First to explain where I went.
I live in Mullica Township, NJ, less than a mile west of Egg Harbor
City, and just over a half mile north of US 30. US 30 goes through
Mullica and through Egg Harbor City on its way eastward towards
Atlantic City. In Egg Harbor, one block south of US 30 is the
railroad and the city line. East of Egg Harbor is Galloway Township.
But there is a tiny sliver of Galloway Township that is south of Egg
Harbor City. That is the small community of South Egg Harbor. A long
time ago, maybe in the 1920s or maybe in the 1940s, there were big
plans for South Egg Harbor, and many streets were drawn up. But most
were never actually built, and some of the ones that were built were
never used. Even today many streets only have one or two houses on
them, or none at all. So It's mostly woods. But some of the woods
used to be yards or farm fields or pasture. There are a few
foundations or ruins here and there. The Pine Barrens is reclaiming
Anyway, next, in the middle of Egg Harbor City, State Route 50
begins at US 30, and heads southward, out of the city- through South
Egg Harbor, and through other townships and so on. In South Egg
Harbor, west of, and parallel to, Route 50 there is a street called
Roosevelt Avenue. There are two streets that go out to Roosevelt.
They are Shaffer and Pittsburg.
On a side note, the entire street grid of Egg Harbor City and South
Egg Harbor is oriented so that the north-south streets actually run
Anyway I take Shaffer out to Roosevelt, turn left, and drive to the
dead end. I park, and walk west (northwest) up a path that used to
be a road or driveway. Well, to me this is a fascinating woodland
here, absolutely fascinating. Partly because of the things I find
here, and partly because it's a formerly disturbed area that is
being reclaimed by the Pine Barrens. Almost immediately on your
right, next to the path, there is a big oak tree. From looking at
the leaves on the ground below it, I believe it's a scarlet oak,
which is a tree normally found here. It's a tree with a single
trunk, but with two vertical leaders that start maybe 6 feet above
the ground, if memory serves. But some time in the last few years
one of the leaders broke off, tearing away a little bit of the
trunk, and causing rot to set in. The tree is very sad-looking, and
despite all it has been through, and is going through, it appears
healthy! The top is not dying back or anything.
Yesterday I brought the tape with me, and measured at the best
possible spot to measure, where the trunk loss doesn't affect the
measurement, and I came up with a CBH of 11' 7".
Now, continuing along this path you find huge amounts of ground pine
on your left, in large patches. And there are 3 distinct types or
species of it here. I love it. One can also find big-tooth aspen and
gray (white) birch in some spots. The Aspen is probably from there
being houses in the area in the past. There is a lot of swamp (red)
maple, American Holly, Mountain Laurel, Eastern Red Cedar, Pitch
Pine, and some oaks, like scarlet, white and Spanish. I think
there's also black oak. If you walk far enough into the woods to the
left of the path you will reach some Atlantic White Cedars, and one
of two Coastal Plain Intermittent Ponds that are there. They are
called the Big and Little Goose Ponds. They can be accessed
easily via trail from a different location than here. Anyway,
continuing along the path (which by the way has old utility poles
along it with wires still on them, though they have been cut) you
start walking past an old grassy field on
your left that is being reclaimed by the Pine Barrens. Turn left
and walk into this field. You will find Pitch Pines, Red Cedars and
American Hollies growing in it. All along the left edge of this
field against the woods you find stuff that was dumped there, some
of it literally decades ago. There is lumber, tires, beds, couches,
and some trash. There's also the body of a 1940s panel delivery
truck, from a stationery company in Atlantic City. With your back to
the path, you'll see in the far right corner an old cinder block
building in ruins. It once had two large bay doors and a single
walk-in door. My USGS topo map shows this building, but only in the
1970 revisions of the map. It was not there in 1956. Around this
building you can find what I think are apple trees (two of them),
and some big-tooth aspens, and then all the usual Pine Barrens
stuff. As I say, the Pine Barrens is reclaiming this area. Moss and
lichens are growing on everything
except the tires. I took some macro photos of reindeer lichen and
british soldier lichen growing on old lumber and other debris. The
lichen is really beautiful stuff, as is the ground pine, which I
mentioned earlier. It's cool to see the lichen and moss growing on
stuff. Hey, I even found a clump of four swamp maples that grew up
inside the circle of a tire!
Now, on the other side of the path from this area you will find
mostly pitch pine and red cedar, with very little of the other
stuff. But as you are walking the path, in front of you after it
dead-ends, the woodland is all undisturbed woodland, typical pine,
oak and mountain laurel. That is the far eastern end of the 10,000
or 12,000 acre Makepeace Lake Wildlife Management Area.
If you want to see this spot from the air, visit the MSN homepage
and choose "maps and directions". Then in the top-most search box,
type in Egg Harbor City. Switch to aerial and zoom in. Then go a bit
southwest to South Egg Harbor. You can see Roosevelt Avenue on
there, and the field I'm talking about is clearly visible. In fact
the big oak is also, especially if you use the birds-eye view, which
I really like. It's just like being there, almost.
From my description of how to get there, and then looking at MSN,
you should have a very good idea of where all this is.

So far I've uploaded 3 pictures of the big oak to my Photobucket
The tree showing one leader missing:
The trunk, to see it's size:
and the back side showing the damage to the trunk from when one
leader came down:
Oh, and directly behind this tree, you can find a square grassy
area, as if it were someone's yard, which makes sense for the area.
Continued at: