Frogs, Toads, and Night Sounds, NJ Barry Caselli
May 09, 2009


Right now in the woods outside our kitchen window I hear a Chuck-will's-widow calling. Both Whip-poor-wills and Chuck-will's-widows live around here. On some nights we hear the Whip-poor-wills but not the Chuck-will's-widows.
Also, from the back porch, especially around dusk, I could hear Gray Treefrogs calling. Earlier today I could here a couple of Fowler's Toads calling.
There are a couple of vernal ponds nearby where I can go at dusk and listen to Gray Treefrogs, Pine Barrens Treefrogs, Green Frogs, Carpenter Frogs and Fowler's Toads. It may not be too late to hear Spring Peepers also. I can't remember for sure, but there might be other species of frogs there.
I have also heard New Jersey Chorus Frogs somewhere, but can't remember where at the moment.
Here's a little page about Pine Barrens Treefrogs:

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