I was just thinking of this earlier. I thought it would be great if
people looked at a map and saw where I live, and saw the state
forests and parks near me.
Here's a general map that shows part of Wharton State Forest. You
can zoom in or drag the map around as much as you want, and see the
surrounding area.
Just above South Egg Harbor look for the word Devonshire. Our house
is just above the letters s and h in that name.
And this aerial photo shows where our house is. I made it so that
the house is almost exactly in the center of the photo. The tiny
black dot to the left of the house is the pool (which has no liner
now). You can see the wide strip of woods to the right of the house,
that reaches to Darmstadt Avenue.
As for the nearby state forests and parks, Wharton's acreage is now
up to 122,000.
Here's our State Parks website:
Also near (or relatively near) me are a few state wildlife
management areas, a few New Jersey Natural Lands Trust preserves, a
few New Jersey Conservation Foundation preserves, a few Nature
Conservancy preserves, a few Natural Lands Trust preserves
(different from NJNLT), a few National Wildlife Refuges, two
privately-run wildlife refuges and a few county parks.
On the first map you can see places I've named in some of my posts,
such as Hammonton and Weymouth.
The Pine Barrens is truly special, and maybe you can get a glimpse
of what it's like from this post. Remember, this is the most densely
populated state in the U.S., and development pressures are very
strong, even with the Pinelands Commission in place.
Also, here is my Yahoo group: I can't remember if the links section
can be viewed by non-members or not. I've got probably the most
comprehensive list of on-topic links available, in many categories,
as well as more general links below the various folders. I've had
this group for almost 9 years.