A couple months ago I decided to measure one of the large White Oaks
next to the entrance road to Batsto State Historic Site in Wharton
State Forest. I can't find my original post right now, and I don't
have my notebook in the house with me, but I seem to remember it
being in the 13 to 13.5 foot CBH range. The trees are nearly
identical except that one of them has a huge lightning scar on it.
Anyway, I have sad news. Both trees have been butchered. The tops
and all branches have been cut off. I don't see them surviving more
than a few more years now, since this has been done.
I'm not sure if they are in the process of removing them (and I only
saw them partway through that) or if they think they are doing
something good for the trees by cutting them so far back. I don't
know. Either way, the trees are doomed. And these are by far the
largest and oldest trees in Wharton State Forest, and in much of the
Pine Barrens.
There used to be two similarly-sized White Oaks along 542 in Hermann
City (a ghost town), but as of last year one was dead and one was
nearly dead, and the state had them cut down. I counted the rings in
the one that wasn't hollow, and I came up with 170 years. But the
two trees at Batsto were NOT dying!
I did not have my camera with me when I was out today. But I'm
attaching my photos from a couple months ago, from the day I
measured one of them.
The photo called "DSC01595a.JPG" is the tree that I did not measure,
the one with the big lightning scar on it. The other three photos
are of the other tree, the one that I did measure.
Now they look completely different, with no branches or tops. It's
very sad to see. Tomorrow I will probably drive by and take new
pictures, as much as I don't want to see them that way. As I say,
these trees were not dying. Each year they leafed out 100%.

Continued at:
[Barry Caselli, April 12,
Today I swung by Batsto and re-photographed the two trees I just
posted about yesterday. I then went in the visitors' center and
enquired about what was going on with them.
Someone there determined (or just decided) that the trees are dying
and that they need to go. They are indeed being removed. In my post
yesterday I said that those trees are not dying. Each year they get
their full complement of leaves with no problem. I know dying trees
when I see them! All that needed to be done was for the dead and
decaying branches to be cut off and maybe some tree wound paint to
be put on. They would be fine for a long time. We are now losing
some great old trees. I told the woman who I know there, that I am
in protest. She said that it wouldn't be the first time that someone
was in protest to something that the state was doing. I know that to
be trure, for sure.
So here is what they look like today. To reiterate, the one with the
bushy cedar tree at its base is the one I did not measure. The other
one has a CBH of about 13.5 feet. These are real biggies. And based
on the ring count I did of the stumps of the Hermann City oaks,
mentioned in my last post (170 years), these two trees are at least
170 years old. I'm guessing a bit older.
[Ed Frank, April 12m 2009]If they chop the rest of the
way down, it would be interesting to see how old it was before the
mutilation and how tall the remaining section of the tree is. Here
is a comparison of the before and after images from nearly the same
angle and same scale. The original tree by my measurements on the
images is 1.903 x taller than the chopped tree - as measured from
the base,
[Jennifer Dudley, May 6, 2009]
Basto Oak Removals
Barry, ENTS,
I finally got a response from Michele Buckley at NJ State
Dept, about those oaks being removed from Batsto:
"Jennifer - I forwarded your concerns to the Superintendent
of Wharton
regarding the trees and this is the response I received:
'These trees were identified by the park staff as hazard
trees. These
trees were dropping limbs during snow storms and times of heavy
Gypsy moths also took a toll on the trees the past few years.
limbs were removed in anticipation of removing the entire
at a later date. (We did this in-house to save $$.) We are
awaiting a quote from Asplundh, our state contract, for the
removal of
the stumps, should funding be available. Once removed, we
to plant replacement trees in their place, as we have done
the village.'
Just as an FYI. More trees are scheduled to come down
soon...and we
had our state foresters out to look at the trees prior to
removal, and
they agreed that they needed to be removed.
Any thoughts?
[Barry Caselli, may 21, 2009 - Basto NJ Oak Removal Update]
Jenny and all ENTS,
My dad contacted me on my Nextel while I was at work today, to tell
me that one of the oaks had been completely cut down.
So I detoured there after work and took some pictures. I also
attempted to count the rings as best as possible on the one that had
been cut. I stopped counting at about 170 to 175, since there was no
center. I estimate that the age is between 180 and 200.
I don't care what the State forester says. These trees may have been
in rough shape, but were not hazard trees. When they say the trees
were dropping limbs during big storms, I believe the word "twigs"
should be substituted for "limbs". Also, how can they be considered
hazard trees when they were in an area where few people ever walk?
As I said in an earlier post, this tree that has been reduced to a
pile of wood had a CBH of 13.5 feet. Both of these trees are (or I
should say *were*) most likely the largest trees in all of Wharton
State Forest.
I'm attaching today's photos, plus one of the photos from my April
post (that's DSCO5424a) The tree in that picture is the one that's
in pieces now, the one with the 13.5 foot CBH.
It's so sad...