NJ Champion Eastern Red Cedar Barry Caselli
  February 12, 2009

Here are a couple of my pictures of our champion Eastern Red Cedar, and another Eastern Red next to it.
They are in front of the Seaville Methodist Church in Seaville, Upper Township, Cape May County.
This tree was the champion in 1998, and another larger one may have been found since then. I don't know. In 1998 the CBH was 9' 7". It may be bigger now. And up through the 1998 Big Tree List, NJ's only criterion for measurement of big trees was the CBH. Since then they have switched to the American Forests criteria.
Here's a picture of the entire tree, with another, seen to its left (but actually further away):
Here's a closeup of the trunk:
The tree behind it, closer to the church (others can be seen near it):
The trunk of this second tree:
Hope you enoyed these pictures.

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