Today I was hiking a trail in the northern part of Egg Harbor
City (NJ, if anyone doesn't know). I've come to the conclusion that
the trail is one of Egg Harbor's streets that were built but never
used. There are a few of those. According to maps and aerial photos
the trail/road lines up with New Orleans Avenue, further south in
the city. The northern 2/3 of the city, or maybe 3/4 of it, is
nearly uninabited, though I believe the City would like to change
that. But there is so much wetlands, in the form of cedar swamps and
streams, that it would be impossible to develop much of it. Where
this sand road/trail crosses a stream there is the remains of an old
wooden bridge. The bridge was seriously damaged from lack of use and
maintenance over the years and decades. There were baby Atlantic
White Cedars growing up in the wood! Because of the bridge being
unpassable, the people with dirt bikes and ATVs have attempted
to cross the stream about 50 feet west
of there. So I walked down there to see what I could see, and I
found the cedar. This is definitely the largest White Cedar I've
ever found. About 2 to 3 feet up from the base the tree trunk is
broken, but the tree only leans a little, because other trees are
holding it up. It's definitely broken, and you should be able to
tell that from the photos. But it is also very much alive. There's
no reason to believe that it will die any time soon, unless it
breaks completely off. It is nearly as big as yesterday's Pitch
Pine, which I already sent pictures of.
People have been cutting our Atlantic White Cedars since the early
1700s, and there are none of the old ones left, to my knowledge,
unless there are some at Bear Swamp in Cumberland County, but I've
heard that all the trees there are hardwoods. This tree that I found
is quite old, but not from the original forest, unfortunately. But I
was very impressed with it.
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