Yesterday I drove up into one
of the State Wildlife Management Areas near me and did a short hike.
This WMA is accessed by driving our road till it becomes a dirt
road, and then keep going. I checked the populations of Turkeybeard
and found only one (so far) that has sent up a flower stalk. I also
found only one Pine Barrens Heather plant, so far, that is starting
to bloom.
Here in the yard the buttercups are all in bloom. Our dogwood is
still in full bloom while others in the area are beginning to fade.
The wisteria in the area are fading now. In the middle of last week
they were at peak. I wanted to get pictures but we had miserable
weather all that time.
The highbush blueberries are in full bloom also, both in the wild
and in the blueberry farms.
Attached are photos of a Turkeybeard plant with a very immature
flower stalk, an immature pink lady's slipper with just a flower
bud, a Pine Barrens Heather plant that has just begun to bloom, two
photos of a highbush blueberry bush in the wild, and the dogwood
tree in our yard.

Blueberry |

Blueberry |

Turkeybeard |

Pine Barrens Heather |

Pink Lady Slipper |

Flowering Dogwood |