I don't know if any of you can answer this question, but it's worth
a try.
Blackjack Oak, Quercus marilandica, is one of the many common
species of oak, here in the NJ Pine Barrens.
On the "Bay" golf course at work, there is a Blackjack Oak tree that
has tiny leaves. I have attached a photo of some leaves from my oak
leaf collection. The tiny ones (and the slightly large one on the
far right) come from that tree I'm referring to, while the huge one
is a little bit larger than average for the species. The one on the
far right is as big as they get on that tree, while the tiny ones
are more normal for that tree.
My question is, why would this one particular tree have such tiny
leaves compared to all other trees of the same species? It's the
only Blackjack Oak I've ever seen with tiny leaves. One idea I
thought of was poor soil. But nearly all soil in the pine barrens is
I've also found that oak saplings seem to have larger leaves than
mature trees. But Blackjack doesn't seem to be that way. This tree
may be 40 to 50 feet tall, and may have a DBH of 15 feet, if memory
serves. All other Blackjack Oaks, no matter how big and tall, have
big leaves. Any ideas?

The huge leaf in the middle of the picture is 5.5' X 5.5".
Before leaving work today I went over to that oak tree and took
pictures of the bark, the entire tree and some of the leaf canopy,
to give you an idea of what it all looks like.
Being where it is, this tree, and the golf course its on, are at the
very eastern edge of the pine barrens. In fact this golf course was
built in and on the edge of the "meadows", or salt marshes. Next to
the meadows is the bay, and then the islands of Brigantine and
Absecon , Absecon Island being the one that Atlantic City is on.
Anyway, does this look like water oak or blackjack oak to you? I
always assumed it was blackjack oak, except that the tiny leaves
make me a little doubtful. Notice that all the leaves are tiny, not
just a few of them.
I'm guessing that the DBH is in the 24 to 30 inch range, and the
height might be 40 feet. The golf course was built in 1914, and the
tree I'm guessing was already there, and possibly very young. It's
pretty close to one of the fairways, maybe 30 feet from it or less.
While out there I saw again the stump of the giant red cedar they
took down last year. It's such a shame they took out a state record
tree, just because they have a dislike for red cedars. Unbelievable.