I have posted about this tree before, but I don't believe I ever
showed a map of its location. It's in the middle of the ghost town
of Friendship, a former cranberry bog village in the middle of
nowhere. The old bogs are everywhere, and the beavers love them.
Anyway, here's the bird's-eye view, and the tree should show up
right in the middle of the photo.

Of course you can zoom out or in, and change to the map view or
aerial view.
Just above the tree is a dirt road, and just above that is one of
the old cranberry bogs, with a stream running through it. My
attached photos show that old bog, and the tree. The tree photo is
from February, and the bog photos are from July 4th.
The tree seems very healthy. In my original post I told how big the
CBH was, which I don't remember now. It's a good-sized tree.