Western Pennsylvania Conifer Project

Longfellow Pine, Cook Forest State Park - Tallest tree in NE
United States - photo by Edward Frank
Dale Luthringer, an Environmental
Education Specialist at Cook Forest State Park, PA for the past 8 years,
has been systematically documenting the large and tall trees in western Pennsylvania.
He has documented the magnificent stands of white pine
at Cook Forest. This represents the largest and best expression of
the species in northeastern United States. His focus extends to other areas of western Pennsylvania. Dale is not only
documenting white pines, but large trees of all species and old growth
of all sizes in the region. Hemlocks represent another
species pf particular interest, especially important in light of the threat to the species by the
invasive Asian insect - the hemlock wooly adelgid. There are
extensive field reports by Dale Luthringer from Pennsylvania
and from Cook Forest,
as well as those from trips to several other states. For full
accounts of his explorations, please refer to the locations index pages
of these areas. The listings below include selected highlights of
the field research and summaries of the results and are not complete listings of all of the
trips involved.
Cook Forest State
Lightning groove down the side of a white pine
along the Fire Tower
Road, Cook Forest State Park, PA - photo by Ed Frank

Pennsylvania Explorations
2007 Miscellany
2006 Miscellany
2005 Miscellany