Swamp Chestnut Oak, Long Island
New York
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
A "Weeping" Elm #2
A "Weeping" Elm Here is a photo of a very
wonderfully shaped American elm at the Bement-Billings Farmstead
in Newark Valley, NY. We have had dozens of elm trees grow and
die along the creek, but this one has maintained its resistance
to Dutch elm disease. We had New York State's largest elm for
about two years. Shortly after it was placed on the big tree...
more » Mar 12, 2010.
Syracuse Baldcypress ENTS, I believe that the
baldcypress grove referred to by Joe Zorzin is in Oakwood
Cemetery in Syracuse. I remember seeing it years ago. Tom Howard
Mar 9, 2010.
North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove ENTS, Yesterday Robert Henry
and I visited the North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove. It was a
beautiful sunny day with still lots of snow on the ground. The
old oaks were an awesome sight with their gnarled crowns
reaching high into the crystal clear blue sky. Despite many
visits to this grove, we are both as awestruck by it as if we
were visiting it the first time. This grove has more old trees
close together than any other old growth forest we've ever seen
in the East, even more than in Zoar Valley. The oaks of the
Cemetery Grove are older than the oaks of the nearby Wizard of
Oz Oak Grove, have more stag-headed crowns, more gnarl factor,
more crown reiterations than the Wizard of Oz Oak Grove oaks....
more » Mar 7, 2010
North Syracuse Woods 2 ENTS, Here is more about the
North Syracuse Woods of my childhood. The dominant trees were
Red Maple and Black Gum (outside of North Syracuse a rare tree
in central NY but in the brushy second growth areas of the woods
it was everywhere) with Quaking Aspen dominating in groves that
we called "Poplar Groves" - these groves were the most important
features of the landscape. The terrain was flat except for hills
that were made when a long drainage ditch was dug in the far
part of the woods; we called this ditch the "Krik" and it
represented the wild back of beyond to me as a child; it was a
jungle-like area with trees a little larger than in most of the
rest of the woods.Beyond the Krik was a "wilderness" that
extended to a farmer's field - it was in this area where the
giant Black Willow was. This whole landscape has vanished to be
replaced by an industrial park and houses....
more » Mar 5, 2010.
North Syracuse Woods ENTS, Like James Parton I had
a magical woods to explore in childhood; the woods was right
behind the house where I grew up on the east side of North
Syracuse. It covered almost 90 acres and was basically an
abandoned farm and apple orchard with open fields, groves of
Quaking Aspen and Red Maple, and a few isolated groves of
Sassafras. It was here that I learned how to identify trees, but
even more, it was a fabulous place to explore, to have magical
childhood adventures in, to pretend I was living through many
early periods of history, to search for hidden treasure, to
imagine that trees could talk to me. This was all many years ago
and what's left of the woods has been turned into housing
developments and an industrial park, and the less than 30 acres
left is mostly young second growth forest....
more » Mar 4, 2010.
NYC Parks exhibit ENTS, Just found out there is
an exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York on the parks
and wilderness of NYC! There hasn't been an exhibit like this
here since the 1930s. I'm going to check it out today.
Definitely a positive sign that city dwellers are appreciating
what scraps of nature we have here in the city....
more » Feb 19, 2010.
NY in the Fall links to a few pics that
I've uploaded (insanley huge backlog): all taken in Harriman
State Park (located just barely north of the NJ border), the
park has a couple of heavily developed areas and a number of
paved roads but also many unfragmented chunks,
multi-thousand acre in size White Pines along the edge of
one of the many, many lakes in the park:...
more » Feb 7, 2010.
cold hike in the Catskills
Took a quick trip up to the southern Catskills on Saturday for a verrrrrrrry cold hike.
Here's a link to a video of images - has the very original title
"Cold" as that is my chief memory along with the beautiful forms
made by the ice and swirling water of a brook.
[link] Jenny...
more » Feb 1, 2010.
Central Park Wildlife January
5, 2010
North Syracuse Update January 2, 2010
Central Park under snow Vidoe January
2, 2010
Central Park in the Snow Video Dec
20, 2009
Wizard of Oz Oak Grove December 16,
Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Tree Collage
December 16, 2009
North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove Summary
December 12, 2009
North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove Photo
December 12, 2009
Onondaga County Old Growth pictures
December 12, 2009
North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove photo
December 12, 2009
Green Lakes SP, NY black maples
December 8, 2009
North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove Heights
December 6, 2009
My Adirondack experiences December 6,
Wizard of Oz Oak Grove Height Update
December 5, 2009
NY Botanical Garden - music video visit
December 1, 2009
Elders Grove - Old Growth White Pines,
Adirondacks December 1, 2009
Inwood Hill Park, Manhatten, NYC, NY
Nov. 30, 2009
Liverpool Maple Grove and North Syracuse Trees
Nov. 30, 2009
Central Park 11/27/09
Nov 28, 2009
Beaver Lake Nature Center Nov.
24, 2009
Beaver Lake Nature Center, NY
Nov. 23, 2009
Tallest Trees in NY Girth Nov. 22,
NYC - needs ENTS Nov. 22, 2009
North Syracuse Oak Grove Heights Nov.
21, 2009
Giant Ledge Nov. 17, 2009
Tallest Trees New York State Nov. 17,
Wizard of Oz Oak Grove Heights Nov.
15, 2009
Catskills- back to Marc Oct. 27,
The Catskills Team Oct. 26, 2009
Kaaterskill High Peak, Catskills
- More Mountain Magic Oct. 26, 2009
Plateau Mountain Magic Catskills
- Oct. 25, 2009
Twisted yellow birch
Catskills - Oct. 25, 2009
Even more Plateau Oct. 25, 2009
Catskills Oct. 25, 2009
More Catskills Oct. 25,
Plateau Mtn, Catskills
Oct. 25, 2009
Will this tree survive the woodpeckers?
Oct. 21, 2009
The Exciting World of Tree Barks! NYC
Video - December 22, 2009
"Tree Museum" in the Bronx August
30, 2009
Central Park Storm Damage, NYC - August 19, 2009

Giant Ledge Catskills NY August 14, 2009

Adirondack Fall Foliage 1981 August 6, 2009

Adirondacks Old Growth Hike Video Clips July 31, 2009
- Storm Knocks Down Trees in Central Park, NYC
- East Village Pears
July 29, 2009
Catskill Weekend NY July 26, 2009

- Adirondack sites
July 17, 2009
- Catskills, NY July
14, 2009

- Kennedy Park
Woods, North Syracuse, NY July 2009
- Wizard of
Oz Oak Grove, NY Rucker Girth Index and Ages July 4,
- Ha-de-ron-dah
Wilderness, Adirondacks, NY July 1, 2009

Liverpool Maple Grove Basswood ages, NY June 28,
- Green Lake
SP Age Data, NY June 27, 2009
- Brewerton oak
grove, Onondaga County, NY June 27, 2009
- Clark Reservation
State Park, NY June 21, 2009
- Central New York
Sites June 14, 2009
Washington Square Park, NYC May 24, 2009

- Inwood
Hill Park, Manhattan, NY May 12, 2009

- 49 inch Girth
Black Cherry, Orchard Park, NY. May 04, 2009

- Onondaga County Old
Growth, NY March 19. 2009
- New York Botanical
Garden/Bronx Forest Trees March 1, 2009

- Early succession in the dead
Hemlock Grove, NYBG, NY April 08, 2009

- Brooklyn Osage Orange
April 20, 2009
- Whats the Story? (Mulberry)
April 18, 2009
- Bald Cypress in Central
park, NYC
April 14, 2009
- Hemlock view 1906/2009
March 26, 2009
Champion Big Trees at NYBG?
March 25, 2009
Onondaga County Old Growth,
March 19, 2009
- Manhattan Tree Killer
March 16 2009
- HWA in Finger Lakes District
March 12m 2009
- Letchworth SP east side;
Bizarre White Pine
March 7, 2009
- Sugar maple NY
March 1, 2009
- Early succession in the dead
Hemlock Grove, NYBG, NY April 08, 2009
Letchworth State Park
January 28 2009
- Oneida Tree
Jan 2009
- Powder Mills Park, NY
January 25, 2009
- Tuliptree being Taken Down at Vasser