St. Lawrence County Old Growth, NY 
Bradley Burns Gallery  -  November 2004

 I am new to this list but I have been hunting for old growth trees for years. I have located many examples and wanted some expertise from the group on old hemlocks. I located several that are about 9ft cbh with being dead and several snags. Trees are located about 20 minutes south of St. Lawrence river in St. Lawrence county. One doesn't see the number of old trees I found in this region outside of Adirondack Park. Also on this property are about 3 dozen ancient trees including several 3-5 ft. diameter red oaks. I also saw several old maples 24-36 in diameter, about 3 dozen I would say. Given our -40F weather I was trying to get an estimate of age for these trees.

St. Lawrence County Trip Report (Dec 2004)

cnv0011a.jpg (41933 bytes) I found about 12 oaks like ones in these pictures. Quite a find for our 3a-3b climate  All of these trees are located on about 90 acres!
cnv0033a.jpg (64220 bytes)
cnv0046a.jpg (60008 bytes)
cnv0052a.jpg (64856 bytes) The red oaks are quite large and are probably county champions. 
cnv0028a.jpg (58543 bytes) 8ft. cbh cedar
cnv0051a.jpg (57317 bytes)
cnv0017a.jpg (54314 bytes)
cnv0047a.jpg (54588 bytes) Yellow Birch with stilt roots.  The stilt roots formed when the current tree sprouted from the top of a dead stump.  The roots grew down around the stump to the ground and thickened over time.
cnv0029a.jpg (56487 bytes)
Large maple found!   Bradley Burns
  Sep 26, 2006 12:37 PDT 

I am always out looking for large trees and located in
the woods a 5' dhb(or close) sugar maple about 90 ft
tall. I have a pictures that I would like to share if
anyone is interested. It was near a 29" DHB bitternut
hickory and several 3ft burr and red oaks.


brad_024.jpg (80491 bytes) Sugar Maple - 90% still alive in St Lawrence County  in NY.  My wife to be in the picture.   How old do you think the tree might be? 
brad_007.jpg (122609 bytes) The other photo is a bitternut hickory on same site but only 29" DBH but nice looking big roots!