Green Lake SP Age Data, NY Tom Howard
June 27, 2009

Here are the age data I compiled from Green Lakes State Park:

Green Lakes State
Park, Onondaga County, NY Tree Age Data

(from 2002-2003)
East Shore Green Lake:
White Cedar stump                                      169
White Cedar stump 8”radius                        120
White Cedar stump                                      125
White Cedar stump 15” radius                      154
White Cedar stump 1.3’ radius                      156
Hemlock log cross-section                             218            59’ above base

West Shore Green Lake:
White Cedar stump 4” radius                        145
White Cedar stump 6” radius                        130
White Cedar stump 6” radius                        128
Sugar Maple stump 13” radius                       217
Beech stump .75’ radius                                195
Sugar Maple stump .9’ radius                        174
White Ash stump .9’ radius                            210
Sugar Maple stump 8” radius                         176
Sugar Maple stump 9” radius                         147

East Shore Round Lake:
Sugar Maple stump                                         170
Hemlock stump 8” radius                                120
Hemlock stump                                               152
Hemlock log 10” radius                                   161            30’ above base
Sugar Maple stump radius 1.35’                      260
Hemlock log 9” radius                                    193
Hemlock stump 10” radius                              172
Sugar Maple stump 12” radius                        237
Sugar Maple stump 13” radius                        174

West Shore Round Lake:
Hemlock log radius 7”                                    190
Beech log                                                       166
Basswood(?) log .8’ radius                              240
Red Oak stump 2.2’ radius                              168
Hemlock log radius 5”                                     190
Sugar Maple stump 13” radius                         266
White Pine log 9” radius                                  123
Sugar Maple log 12” radius                             154
Red Oak stump 4.5” radius                             194  rings extremely tight
Red Oak log            8” radius                          215 spiral grain
White Cedar stump 12” radius                        180

Golf Course Maintenance to Tuliptree Cathedral:
Beech log radius .97’                                       240

Tuliptree Cathedral southwest of Round Lake:
(Central NY’s tallest forest – Tuliptree measured by Bob Leverett to 144.7’ 5/4/02)
Hemlock 35.6” dbh                              est.  age 330 cored by Fred Breglia 11/17/2001
Tuliptree 31.6” dbh                                           152  cored by Fred Breglia 5/4/2002
Hemlock log 5” radius                                       153
Hemlock stump 33.7” dia.                                 295
Beech log small                                                120
Basswood log .8’ radius                                    183
Sugar Maple stump 1.4’ intact radius                180
Hemlock stump                                                392  counted by Bruce Kershner 4/12/2003
highest ring count for any tree in Onondaga County

Southeast of Tuliptree Cathedral to Golden Acres:
Beech log radius       .9’                                    200
Hemlock                 1.1’ radius                         253+
Basswood log           6” radius                           143              60’ above base

Rolling Hills Trail:
Basswood log         .7’ radius                            139

East of Hernia Hill and south of power line:
Sugar Maple stump                                            250

Brookside Trail  and Hernia Hill Bypass:
Hemlock log .           6’     radius                         177
Hemlock log                                                       250+              50’  above base
Hemlock log             1.1’  radius                         215         
Hemlock log           13.2” radius                          300
Beech log         radius   9”                                   230            30’ above base

Tom Howard


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