Schoharie Valley   Howard Stoner
  Mar 15, 2005 05:49 PST 
Following is a rucker index list of trees measured on Sat. 3/12 at the
Carrot Barn Farm just north of the town of Schoharie.

Not included in this list was a Silver Maple 26.3cbh 92.8ft (single
truck at bh splitting into ten stems)

Cottonwood 10.4cbh 126.7ft
Sycamore 11.8cbh 126.5ft
Basswood 8.6cbh 97ft
Red Maple 10.2cbh 105.5
Silver Maple 22.8cbh 107.7ft
Green Ash 6.9cbh 98.6ft
Butternut 4.3cbh 55.5ft
American Elm 11.8cbh 86.4ft
Box Elder 4.0cbh 59.0ft
Black Willow 5.1cbh 55.1ft


Re: Schoharie Valley   Howard Stoner
  Mar 15, 2005 17:27 PST 

All of these trees appeared to be healthy with the only exception being
those that had be girdled by beaver.
