Mohawk Trail State Forest, Massachusetts

MA - Mohawk Trail State Forest
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips 2010
Return to Cabin #6 ENTS, Yesterday I returned to
Cabin #6 in MTSF to check on the status of the pines around the
cabin. The heavy wet snow had broken branches that cluttered the
ground. However, I found the Cabin pine intact. The following
image shows the crown of this handsome tree. Of 4 prominent
tops, one on the left, one on the right, and two in the center.
The highest is the one on the left. It is between 154 and 155
feet. My last measurement yielded 154.8 feet. The center two
tops are around 153, and the right top is slightly over 151....
more » Mar 12, 2010.
Cabin #6-Chapter 2
This is part 2, which I originally sent on Feb 26th. Mar 6,
Tim's Update and Winnie's new tree Tim, Monica and I slugged
through snow today in Mohawk (lots of it). I wanted to continue
the labor intensive project of confirming the 150s in Mohawk. We
went to the Pocumtuck grove. I was successful in confirming
another 150. The image Latest150.jpg shows the pine. It is not
far from the big leach field. It is 7.1 feet in girth and 150.4
feet tall. A squeaker. I think I'm half way through Pocumtuck's
more » Mar 5, 2010.
Back to Lee on the ENTS Grove Lee, By order of the Veep,
let it be so. You are the first to name a tree in your
sub-grove. So far, in the Lee Frelich sub-grove, I have
measured the following pines: Name Height-ft Girth-ft Lee
Frelich pine 161.0 8.6 Linnaeus pine 157.8 8.4 Unnamed 151.0
6.4 Unnamed 147.5 7.8 Unnamed 144.7...
more »
Feb 26, 2010.
Cabin #6 -- Chapter #1-another image ENTS, I forgot to attach
this image. It is another shot from Thumper Mountain. Bob
Feb 25, 2010.
Cabin #6 -- Chapter #1 ENTS, This is the first of
a three part series on Monica's and my experience of the
last three days in MTSF. Part #2 will be presented tomorrow,
and Part #3, the conclusion will follow on Saturday. The
three parts will eventually be stitched together into a
single Word document. However, I want to get something out
now. I have also included part #1 as an attached Word
document in case any one has problems with the email
more » Feb 25, 2010.
Back to Tim on images Tim, Thanks very much for
the fascinating artistic interpretation. I think I get it,
although I would be disingenuous if I said that I am
conscious of the points you make at the time I am taking an
image. I believe I have an unconscious feel for balance and
proportion, but that is about it. Anyway, thanks for the
interpretation. It spurs me on to want to learn more about
composition. Tomorrow when Monica and I are in Mohawk, and
the snow is falling, creating a winter wonderland, I hope
I'll be able to do justice to the just a few of the
enchanting scenes that create the magic of Mohawk....
more » Feb 22, 2010.
Heck of a day in the ENTS Grove Tim, Today was a most
successful outing spent in the Encampment area of MTSF,
which includes the ENTS grove. I confirmed 3 more 150s. I
certainly wasn't expecting that. The new 150s are included
in the attached update spreadsheet. One of the three new
150s is in the Encampment area above where the road runs out
going past the dump. I went to that area to visit a big pine
that I hadn't seen for years. It was around 144 feet the
last time I measured it. The attached image entitled
EncampmentPine.jpg shows the tree. It now measures 150.5
feet in height and is an impressive 11.5 feet in girth. It
is very dominant - a very powerful tree....
more » Feb 20, 2010.
Ed's tree Ed, Thought you might like a
look at your pine from a distance. It is the tree in the center
of the first two images. It looks slender, but it is 11.1 feet
in girth. From where I stood, I couldn't get the entire tree in
one shot, so I took two. You can stitch them together if you
like. I had to use my iPhone camera. I lost the battery out of
my Nikon digital camera....
more » Feb 17, 2010.
ENTS Grove Identification ENTS, At Ed's suggestion,
I've decided to call in Google Earth and identify the ENTS
Grove for everyone. The outlines shown on the two maps are
crude and don't exactly match, but will suffice for the
time. The ENTS Grove covers between 6.5 and 7.5 acres. It
could be stretched to 8.5 or even 9. Basically, I'm
delineating the area of 140-footers. The ENTS Grove is
included in a larger area that we call the Encampment Area,
because of the old Native American encampment....
more »
Feb 15, 2010.
Sorting out the ENTS Grove ENTS, Today, I spent a
productive day in the ENTS Grove, confirming 9 more 150s.
The total now stands at 20. I think I can squeeze out one
and possible two more. There is one 160 in the ENTS Grove.
In 2 or 3 years, we could have three. In 5 years, we could
have 6. The future of the ENTS Grove is bright. How will we
manage it? Oh the responsibility of it all....
more » Feb 14, 2010.
Black Bart strikes again ENTS, Yesterday was a heck
of a day in the annals of ENTS. Bart Bouricius, Tim Zelazo,
and I went to the Elders Grove in MTSF where Bart Bouricius
climbed Tecumseh, a great white pine that we frequently
reported on. I felt that we needed to climb and tape drop
measure Tecumseh. The October climb of Thoreau in Monroe
State Forest and a recent comparison of values returned by
my Nikon Prostaff 440 as compared to my Bushnell 800, Nikon
Forestry 550, and Laser Tech TruPulse 200 and 360 had shaken
my confidence in the accuracy of the 440. I had come to the
conclusion that the Nikon 440 was probably shooting long by
half a yard and decided to subtract off half a yard from
distance measurements to both crown and base as a standard
correction. It was with this plan in mind that I would
measure Tecumseh before the climb and report the range of
probable results to Tim and Bart. Then Bart would climb and
get a tape drop height for comparison. I would also get
measurements of Tecumseh using other equipment, principally
the TruPulse 360 and Forestry 550....
more » Feb 13, 2010.
The Tecumseh Climb 2-12-2010 Mohawk Trail
S.F Bob: I'm finished with my
part of the story. I look forward to reading your report.
Bart Bouricius climbing Tecumseh in the Mohawk
Trail State Forest 2-12-2010 It was a great day in the
Elders Grove with Bart & Bob. Tim Feb 12, 2010.
Larry Tucei and James Parton Pines ENTS, Today, I continued
working in the ENTS grove. In the re-measurement project, I'm up
to eleven 150-ft pines in the grove. There are probably between
6 and 8 more to go. Some are packed in very tight and will take
time to confirm. However, after adding five 150s today, I'd had
enough and started thinking about the meaning of the grove. I
decided to dedicate two of the new 150s to a couple of deserving
Ents. So, everybody say hello to the Larry Tucei Jr pine and the
Jessie James Parton Pine. James, your pine is a two for one
deal. It is a single tree, but has two stems. The statistics for
the two pines are as follows....
more »
Feb 11, 2010.
Hidden corners of MTSF - Part I Tim, ENTS, Today Monica
and I took advantage of a calmer, warmer day and went to
Mohawk. When Monica is with me, I have to keep moving. She
has limited patience, standing and waiting on me to measure
trees. So, instead of concentrating on the update, I looked
for photo opportunities. I did measure 4 trees. They are
included in the new attached Excel update MTSFByHgt.xls and
are listed below. Two more 150s were confirmed in the ENTS
grove. The following table lists today's measurements....
more » Feb 8, 2010.
Mohawk update Tim, I spent several hours
in Mohawk today freezing my fingers and toes half off. The
temperature didn't get above 17 or 18 degrees where I was
and there was wind. The chill factor was around 5 or 6 or
lower. Brrrr! I did manage to confirm two more 150s in the
Pocumtuck Grove. One is the famous Cabin Pine. It is just
below the Cabin. I also remeasured some 140s near the
campground road going up the hill from the headquarters. I
have attached an updated Excel spreadsheet with the trees
that have been remeasured since the start of this measuring
blitz plus some trees that represent our tallest for Rucker
Index calculations. The spreadsheet is entitled
TimsMTSFUpdate.xls. I'll periodically update this
spreadsheet. When the weather gets a little warmer, I'll try
to get GPS coordinates on many of the trees. Maybe I can
talk my buddy Gary into helping me so that we ultimately
have these trees precisely positioned other than just in my
more » Feb 8, 2010.
Reflections on the day ENTS, This morning I arose
early, showered, made coffee, packed my gear, gave my sleepy
wife a hug and kiss, and like so many mornings before, headed
straight for my forest Mecca, Mohawk Trail State Forest. The day
was overcast and it looked like snow might greet me at some
point, but the forecast was only for flurries, no accumulation.
I felt no apprehension. Besides, I didn't really care. I needed
to rendezvous with the the great whites along the old Mohawk
Trail. They were calling me and I always heed their call. I knew
that once in their presence, I would be warmly greeted. From
countless visits, I knew that I could be feeling tired, out of
sorts, uninspired, or even sick, but within moments of being in
their presence, the process of renewal would begin. An energy
transfer would take place. I can't prove it, or even have an
idea as to the mechanism, but I believe it happens....
more » Bob Leverett, Feb 6, 2010.
Report from MTSF for Tim Zelazo Tim, Sorry we couldn't connect
for an outing. It was a spur of the moment thought. Today was
HQ, HQ Hill, Pocumtuck, and Indian Springs Pines day in MTSF.
The day's catch will be told in both images and numbers. The
attached spreadsheet HQHQHPIS.xls lists the trees I measured
today, including three 150s in the Pocumtuck Pines. I didn't
measure more 150s because the piness in the area of the 150s are
very time consuming to measure. They are packed in like
sardines, as you know. So, after struggling with a cluster of
them, I wander off for easier pickings. The attached images are
described below....
more » Feb 6, 2010.
Last of the Elders Tim, Thought you might enjoy
this image from the Elders Grove taken on Feb 1st. For me, it
shows why the great whites are the true elders of the Mohawk
forest. Bob
Feb 5, 2010.
Elders Grove update for Tim Zelazo Tim, Bart and I made it to the
Elders Grove today and we finished updating the 150s there. I
forgot my D-tape so we didn't get updated girths on all the
trees. I had 5 measured from prior visits this year. The
following table lists all the 150s and all but one or two 140s.
I'll finish them on the next trip....
more » Feb 1, 2010.
White pine update and singing Will's praises
What is exciting is that we have a growing number of pines
poised to enter the 160 Club, joining the 9 that have already
made it. The pines I've recently re-measured that are between
156.0 and 159.9 feet are listed below: Tree Height Girth
Comments Joseph Brant 158.8 11.1 Shunpike Pines, formerly
carried as a 160...
more » Jan 20, 2010.
Will Blozan in Massachusett
My friend Will Blozan and family has been visiting Monica and me
over the past several days. I thought I'd put together a brief
photo chronology of his visit. On Monday Will and I headed for
MTSF. I wanted to make use of Will's eagle eye. He quickly sees
what takes me time to sort out. The first assignment was to
eyeball some of the Pocumtuck Pines for missed opportunities. The Pocumtucks are a
crowded grove. The first image, Image WillInPocumtuckPine.jpg,
shows brother Will next to a 149.1-foot tall, 8.9-foot girth
white pine. This handsome beauty will likely join the ranks of
the 150s at the end of this year's growing season. I took this
image while standing in a leech field. We decided to name the
tree the Poopy Pine....
more » Jan 19, 2010.
Gary Beluzo in the Elders Grove ENTS, Today, Gary Beluzo and I
headed to MTSF for a walk in the Elders Grove. I wanted to check
on the condition of the pines in the grove, and yes, re-measure
a key tree or two while there. The temperature stayed around 16
or 17 degrees. I sank up in the snow in places when I crossed a
drift. I didn't use snow shoes. There was no wind, so I kept
warm enough, except for me feet. Gary stayed warm enough....
more »
By -
Jan 13, 201
Ed Perle Tree in MTSF ENTS, Today Monica and I
attended a fundraiser for the Charlemont Inn, Charlemont, MA.
But first we took a walk in MTSF among its magnificent pines.
After my recent Virginia visit, I was curious as to how Mohawk
would look to me. Well, the white pines haven't lost a thing.
They are as impressive as ever, after the Montpelier huge
tulips, Mohawk's hardwoods looked as if they've shrunk a bit. Oh
By -
Jan 9 , 2010
Field Trips 2009
Thoreau's Grandfather December
10, 2009
Day at a time December 8, 2009
Finishing up in the Trees of Peace
December 7, 2009
John Brown pine December 3,
John Brown pine December 2,
A good day Decemebr 2, 2009
Pod-Post: slideshow of Trout Brook trip
Nov. 15, 2009
A Great Day with John and Andrew
Trout Brook Cove Nov. 13, 2009
Continuing the mission
(I led an interpretive walk at MTSF for a Greenfield Community
College environmental science class) Nov. 4, 2009
MTSF Confirmations Oct. 26, 2009
Joe Norton measuring climb video correction
Oct. 26, 2009
Catching up in Mohawk Oct. 22, 2009
Video from Joe Norton Tree measuring climb
Oct. 21, 2009
Andrew hits the 90 foot high branch target
on third attempt Oct. 19, 2009
Documentation of the ENTS mission
Oct. 19, 2009
Back to the Joe Norton Tree Oct.
19, 2009
Tree of Peace grove, Mohawk Trail State Forest
10-17-09 Oct. 17, 2009
My Interpretive moment in the Elders Grove
Oct. 14, 2009
Saheda Pine and Chris Matera
Oct. 9, 2009
Magic Maple Sept 29, 2009

The Commonwealth Forest Sept. 29, 2009
Tree Exhibit Sep 21, 2009
Native tree Walk with Bob Leverett
Septemebr 1, 2009

Mahican-Mohawk Recreational Trail August 30,

Totem Trail, MTSF,
MA August 15, 2009

Cave in MTSF MA
August 14, 2009

Mike, Joe, and Bob at MTSF August 12, 2009

Good Day MTSF MA
August 4, 2009

Meadow Grasses
MTSF MA July 27 2009

Along the
Old Mohawk Trail July 23, 2009

Frog Pond, MTSF,
MA July 19, 2009

Mohawk Trail State
Forest - My Woodland Mecca July 16, 2009

MTSF- Reconnecting with old friends
- updating lists May 3, 2009
Lynn Rogers Pine, MTSF, MA Apri;
28, 2009
Aerial View of Trees of Peace Grove!122&encType=1

Aerial View of the Algonquin Grove!122&encType=1

Modeling the Jake Tree Sideways
Jan 2009