HD Ratio Record in MTSF   Robert Leverett
  Mar 25, 2004 06:17 PST 


   One bit of news that slipped past us is the new HD ratio record that
John Eichholz confirmed for MTSF. He measured a bitternut hickory over
100 feet tall (can't remember the exact number). Its height to diameter
ratio is 119 to 1. That's a new record for MTSF. We now have 5 trees at
115 or more. It would be interesting to do a more intensive survey of
the changing relationship of height and diameter over the course of a
100 years for a species growing in a variety of habitats from just the
data we've collected so far. The missing variable is age. So far the
highest HD ratios we've seen are in fairly mature, tightly packed second
growth stands in ravines and the concave bowls of ridge sides. The
species mix can be varied or competition driven by a dominant pioneer or
intermediate species such as white pine or white ash.
    What appears to me to have been completely missed in the CFI plots
used by DCR for assessing the growing conditions of a site is the way
that grow is reflected on these rich sites during the first 60 to 100
years of growth. The trees are putting more of their energy into upward
growth than diameter growth because they are tightly packed and
competing vigorously with one another for a position in a fast upward
developing canopy. Without good height determinations, what does pure
diameter growth mean relative to other sites?
...material deleted... 

RE: HD Ratio Record in MTSF   John Eichholz
  Mar 25, 2004 18:31 PST 

Mount Peak has a shagbark hickory with a 117.9 h/d ratio. It is not
quite up to the 100' threshold, being 97.2' h, 2.6 cbh. There may be
RE: HD Ratio Record in MTSF   dbhg-@comcast.net
  Mar 25, 2004 18:48 PST 


   Sounds like the HD wars have just begun. Probably lots to find. First one to break 120 gets a treat at the Charlemont Inn, courtesy of FMTSF.

Re: HD Ratio Record in MTSF   John Eichholz
  Mar 28, 2004 15:28 PST 


I hit the Mt Peak hickory stand looking for tall, skinny ones. I'm
pretty sure this will be a short lived record, but I found one at 105.0'
high and 2.5' cbh. That gives a h/d ratio of 132, and the tree is over
100'. Time to fire up the expense account?

Here are some records with h/d over 100:

species        height cbh    h/d ratio
Shagbark Hickory    84.6    1.9    140
Shagbark Hickory    87.0    2.0    137
Shagbark Hickory    105.0    2.5    132
Shagbark Hickory    92.4    2.3    126
Shagbark Hickory    97.2    2.6    117
Shagbark Hickory    97.2    2.8    109
Shagbark Hickory    104.1    3.0    109
Shagbark Hickory    101.5    3.1    103

I think I remember Will Blozan posting a sycamore with an h/d ratio 150+ from the Smokies.

RE: HD Ratio Record in MTSF   Will Blozan
  Mar 29, 2004 03:54 PST 

I think I have a sycamore at 157:1. It grows near a sweetgum that is 176:1.
Also, a tuliptree 166:1. I'll check my records.
