I had an opportunity yesterday
to go to MTSF and while there I checked on your pine. It came
through the winter fine. I remeasured it and modeled it for
trunk and limb volume using a Macroscope 25/45. I also got a
better fix on the mid-slope position to tie down its height more
exactly. I'm pleased to report that your tree is a solid 153.0
feet tall and 8.6 feet in girth. Its trunk and limb volume is
approximately 360 cubic feet. Your pine has a long way to go to
reach its greatest dimensions and hopefully will be around a
long time.
I hope Monica and I will
be able to visit the Bear Center this summer. We still have a
visit on the schedule. I recently saw a special on T.V.
about a fellow who lives in Alaska's outback and is surrounded
by black bears. He has developed special relationships to both
the board and sows. I guess he has the Alaska Fish and Game
folks worried. No surprises there. Are you acquainted with the