Great Smoky Mountain National Park is located on
the border between Tennessee and North Caroline. It
includes 520,000 acres of mountainous terrain that includes
several of the tallest tree site in the eastern United
States. For the purpose of this locations listing it is
treated as a separate entity. Will Blozan, Jess Riddle,
Michael Davie and a few others have participated in most trips
in the park. The trip reports are organized by drainage
basin or district based upon guidelines
sent to me by Jess Riddle. Any errors in placing the trip
into the correct basin are entirely my own. .pdf format maps of
the park are available at:
GSMNP quads maps are available at
- Ed Frank
photo - Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
up Licklog and down Ekaneetlee
January 6, 2010
Meiges Gabes Mountain forest January
6, 2010
Bearneck beauties, Bearneck Cove,
GSMPN December 16, 2009
Trillium Gap striped maples
Nov. 1, 2009
Report from DLIA Oct. 13, 2009
Laurel Branch
Leviathan, GRSM June 14, 2009 x
- Dunn
Creek Hemlock update, GRSM May 28, 2009 x
- Monster Red Spruce, GRSM,
TN May 3, 2009 c
- Kalanu Prong, Greenbrier, TN
GRSM 4-21-2009 x
- Big Creek Weekend, GRSM
March 25, 2009 x
- Clontz Branch, Cataloochee,
NC GRSM 4-18-2009 April 19, 2009 x
Abram's Creek/West End
Big Creek
- A Big Creek Weekend
March 25, 2009
- Baxter Creek June
2002, Jan,
April, Aug, Nov 2003, Jan, April 2004
- Baxter
Creek, East Fork Dec 2004
- Baxter Creek Trail
Oct 2004
- Baxter
Creek Wildflowers April 2008

- Bettis Branch, Big Creek
Jan 2004
- Big Creek July 2003, Dec
2003, Jan 2004
- Big Creek/Baxter
Creek Galleries
Dec 2004
- Big Creek-
Topography and Tree Height May 2005
- Caching Up - Big Creek
June 2007
- Chestnut Branch Trail,
Big Creek Feb 2004
- Leatherwood Branch,
Big Creek March 2004
- Lower Big Creek
Update Nov 2004
- Lower Mouse Creek
March 2005
- Mouse Creek/Big Creek May
- Sterling Ridge
(Cataloochee and Big Creek) Oct
- Unnamed
Coves, Big Creek April 2003
- Upper
Chestnut Branch and Kilby Branch Nov 2004
- Big Creek Soils
Jan 2004
- !!!Smokies Rule!!! Oct 2002
Bradley Fork
Cataloochee Creek
Onion Bed red spruce, Cataloochee GRSM-NC
Nov. 1, 2009
- Clontz Branch, Cataloochee,
NC GRSM 4-18-2009
April 19, 2009
- Hogland Pine, Cataloochee Section GSMNP, NC
- Wild Trees- Trip with the
Silletts to the Smokies
Nov. 2007
- Bennett Branch
Pine Feb 2005
- Big Fork Ridge
- Big Fork Ridge -
Holy Grail Hemlocks Feb 2007
- Big Fork Ridge -
172.1 foot "Survivor" hemlock - Holy Grail Found!
Feb 2007
- The "Boog," Sag Branch Tuliptree, 140' Chestnut Oak, Scotsman Creek and a huge Pitch Pine
April 2008
- Boogerman Pine
April 2008
- Boogerman Pine Gallery

- Boogerman Pine
Gallery 2
March 2005
- Boogerman
Pine March 2002
- Caldwell
Colossus Climb
March 07, 2006
- Cataloochee Creek June
2002, July 2003, Sept 2003
- Cataloochee
Death Photos
Oct 2007
- Cataloochee - Francis, Ivan,
Jeanne, and Mountain Mama
Sept 2004
- Cataloochee Valley Super
Shrubs June 2005
- Cataloochee's
Finest: Usis and others Oct 2007
- Den Branch - Ash
Feb 2007
- Dude Branch Nov 2003
- Hurricane Creek July
- Hurricane Creek
Dec 2006
- Jim Branch
July 2002,
March 2003. Aug 2005
- Jim
Branch Hemlock Climbs and Adelgid Survey
June 2005
- Leaning Tower Hemlock
- McKee
Branch Feb 2005
- McKee
- Middleton
Oak/Sag Branch Tulip Climb
Feb 2004
- Pine
Flats - ENTS Gathering
April 2008
- Pretty Hollow Creek
Oct 2003
- Sag
Branch and Boogerman Pine, GSMNP Jan 2007
- Sag Branch
Poplar w/gallery James Smith
April 2006
- Sag
Branch Tulip Climb & Gallery
Feb 2004
- Sag Branch,
Cataloochee April 2004
- Upper Den Branch May
- Usis Hemlock Climb
Feb 2007
- Usis Update
Oct 2007
- Catching Up - Usis Hemlock
Treatment June 2007
- West Prong of
Sag Branch Sept 2002
- Winding Stairs
Branch, Eastern Fork Feb 2003
- Winding Stairs Loner
w/gallery June 2006
- Windng Stair - Hemlock #70
Dec 2007
- !!!Smokies Rule!!! Oct 2002
Deep Creek
Greenbriar District
- Greenbriar District
Description Jan 2007
- Laurel
Branch leviathan Climb Dec 2006
- Bald Top Ridge Nov
- Cannon Creek and Lowes Creek
Feb 2006
- Dunn
Creek (gallery & report)
May 2005
- False Gap Prong
Feb 2007
- Greenbrier and Cosby Area
(TN) Nov 2004
- Greeenbriar Poplar
Dec 2006
- Kalanu Prong March
- Tsuga Search
Report: Wooly Mammoth Hemlock, Kalanu
Prong, TN, GSMNP
May 17, 2006
- Long
Branch Hemlock, Metcalf Bottoms Picnic Area, Thunderhead
Prong, Twin Creeks, Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail, Boulevard
July 2005
- Lowes and Cannon Creeks Feb
- Porter's Creek May 2002
- Porter's Bowl Oct
- Porter's Creek Feb
- Ramsey Prong and Lester
Prong July 2006
- Ramsey Prong, TN
April 2005
- Webb Creek Oct 2005
Kanati Fork
Oconaluftee River
Raven Fork
West Prong Little Pigeon River
Forge Creek
Here are some shots from my
cross country trek in the Forge Cr. Drainage of the Smokies. Dan
By Miles, Dan - Jan
8, 2010 Sorry, folks. I stand
corrected about my hike. That was MEIGS Mtn. Tr., not Gabes
Mtn. (which also has some good old growth). They are both in
the TN Smokies. Here are some images taken along the Meigs
Mtn. Tr., and along Meigs Creek.
Miscellaneous Locations
Enloe-opal: This is a picture of a hemlock growing over Raven Fork in
GSMNP, the lone tree left in a huge blowdown from Hurricane Opal. Notice it lost one half of a codominant crown.
General Discussions
Tsuga Search

View from Webcam on Look Rock, GSMNP Oct 18, 2006
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Ridge upon ridge of endless forest
straddling the border between North Carolina and Tennessee,
Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest
protected areas in the Eastern United States. World renowned
for the diversity of its plant and animal life, the beauty
of its ancient mountains, the quality of its remnants of
Southern Appalachian mountain culture, and the depth and
integrity of its wilderness sanctuary, the park attracts
over nine million visitors each year.
- Discover Life In America web site, all of the GSMNP quads maps are available at
Welcome to Discover Life in America and the Great Smoky
Mountains National Park's All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory.
As of January, 2009 DLIA's ATBI Program has resulted in the
identification of 890 species new to science. Plus, in just
over a decade we have coordinated the discovery of 6,339
more species previously known to exist, but not known to
inhabit the Park.
- View From Look Rock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (webcam)
- View From Purchase Knob, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- National Park Service Webcams