Largest GSMNP Hemlocks  Ed Frank

TOPIC: Largest GSMNP Hemlock

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Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 4:28 pm

Will and ENTS,

Here is a website link that has a photo of the "largest hemock in Great Smoky National Park" I thought it might be useful as a historical context for your work in the park. 

Naturalists measure the largest known eastern hemlock, which has a trunk circumference of 19 feet, 10 inches. Courtesy, Dr. William Hutson.

Ed Frank

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Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 4:48 pm
From: "Will Blozan"

Thanks Ed,

I have a few other shots which I'll scan and post. Its height was listed as
100'- either it was broken or estimated. This tree was found to have fallen
in the late eighties as well as one near it reported to be 19'1" or so. Jess
and I surveyed Surry Fork (where it grew) and found nice hemlock but quite


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Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 6:38 pm

Great tree, great old photograph....looks like they might not have quite taken an accurate girth... the g-tape is not quite perpendicular.



More than 6 feet in diameter. I don't think even our Hemlock King,
Will Blozan has found one quite that big!

James P.


The Tsuga Search has one tree over 6 feet dbh and we found another 6'+ one that had fallen. The GA State Champion is over 6 feet I think but open-grown. Here is a photo of another one Mike Davie and I found that I haven't seen in ~10 years.


Six feet dbh is huge for a hemlock!
