knowledge, unlike Western science and technology, has tenets of
sacredness and spirituality. These ideas directly affect our
relationship to and interaction with nature and one another.
Thus, we are not just invisible, objective observers but actual
and accountable participants in the complex web of life.
Learning that plants have spirits may not mean much to a
research scientist or technophile. It will, however, have an
effect on the way we, as Anishinaabe, interact with
- Michael Wassegijig Price, Chair of the Department of Science
and Mathematics, Leech Lake Tribal College, Minnesota

Cook Forest, PA |
Gnarly crowns abound
Ancient ones in dark glens stand
Mystery beckons
John Knuerr, Dec 09, 2004 |
On March 14, 2010 The Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from discussion
lists on Google Groups to a new discussion list in a Bulletin
Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on march 14, 2010 will
be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on the link above to go
to the equivalent section on the new BBS. This website will
continue to serve as a front end for the ENTS and WNTS groups.
It will continue to serve as a repository of older posts, and
will serve as the host site for special projects and features
that are not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBs
for the latest information and trip reports.
Note: The following are an archive of material that has
been posted to the ENTStrees list. If the author of an
individual post objects to its inclusion in this archive, then
please contact the webmaster and that post will be deleted, or
all posts from that individual can be deleted. A complete
archive of these materials is posted at http://lists.topica.com
and is available to all subscribers of the ENTStrees list.
ENTS Interests
Philosophy of ENTS
NY Times OP-ED on forests and carbon
Dec 19, 2009
Environmental heroes January 3,
What is Urban Old Growth? October
3, 2009
White pine is a great wood for building a timber
frame October 31, 2009
What's the hardest hardwood?
Oct. 30, 2009
Ken Burnt-Outs' National Parks Sept. 29, 2009
New USFS policy change: Restore and Conserve
Sept. 23, 2009
Ken Burns documentary on the National Parks
Sept. 15, 2009
The flatlander and the backhoe August 29,
Co-Opting Terminology
July24, 2009
Superior Sites or Not
August 11, 2009
Are the Timber Wars in the West Over
June 22, 2009
Naming of names June 21,
New National Parks
Dec. 2008
- Tree Houses May 12, 2009 -
- Google Groups, ENTS,
Primal Forests, Facebook, and Myspace Feb 20, 2009
- The Scientific Method
April 8, 2009
- Overlap of Forestry and Big Trees
Jan 2009
- Idiotic Roadside Mowing
Jan 2009
- White Pine Heights
Jan 2009
- Mountain Top Removal
Dec 2008
- Walking Sticks Dec
Characteristics of Significant Forest Patches
Aug 2008
- Splitters and Lumpers
Aug 2008
- Worlds Oldest Tree Seed to Germinate
June 2008
- History of the Apple
June 2008
- Don Bertolettes Early
Days in Forestry June 2008
- Overblown Tree Sizes -
Highland/Horse Cove Poplar Feb 2008
- Growing Trees as a Hobby
Feb 2008
- Resiliency
for Climate Change Dec 2007
- Early Forests in
The Northeastern US Nov 2007
- Reflections
on Full Figured Trees Oct 2007
- Relating
to Antiquity in Trees Oct 2007
- Outdoor Recreation
Stats Oct 2007
- Afforestation.org
- Idea for a new organization Oct 2007
- Place Names and tree names
April 2007
- Trees you can eat June 2006
- Blast From the Past -
1978 Big Tree Register Jan 2006
- Land Use
Changes in the South Dec 2005
- Wood in Musical
Instruments Dec 2005
- What
Difference Does Seven Years Make? Dec 2005/Jan 2006
- Hollow Trees as
Chimneys Sept 2005
- Private Property Indexes
July 2003
- Actual versus
Apparent Size of Trees July 2003
- Species
Modeling and Big Tree Competition Nov 2002
- Top Ten Stuff June 2002
Historical Perspectives
Musing, Poems, and Stories
Tree and Plant Species
Invasive Species/Blights
Webmaster Recommendations