Squirrel Assembly Line   Greentr-@aol.com
  Oct 02, 2003 16:45 PDT 
While pruning residential trees in coastal NC, I observed gray squirrels
plucking and skillfully throwing acorns to a predetermined spot on a garage tin
roof, which rolled onto an aluminum carport, which rolled to the same spot on
the ground, where an assembly line of "kin" carried the nuts to the butt of a
large broadleaf, while others transported the fruit to a huge cavity 30 feet
up.  You can imagine just how loud these ordinance violators were. Evidently,
each knew their place.  Some were better harvesters, others, better couriers,
some, better at banking.  Though the climbers (harvesters) did maintain "3
points of contact", the couriers did not wear safety helmets. The owner informed me
that this "family business" has continued for as long as he's owned the
property (about 20 years).

Randy Cyr
Greenville, SC