In Memoriam
Jani Leverett (11/24/41 - 12/30/03)
Jani Leverett at the "Jani Pine" Mohawk Trail State Forest (2001).
The late Jani Leverett was the wife of Robert Leverett and one
of the inspirational founders of ENTS. She was of
native American ancestry and an activist who served as president
of the Massachusetts chapter of the American Indian
Movement. She was a champion of the cause of indigenous
peoples around the world, she spoke widely on these issue,
including addressing the United Nations on these concerns.
Jani Leverett Tribute
Colby Rucker
Colby Rucker one of the founding members of ENTS passed away on November 24, 2004
Comments by Bob Leverett: Colby was both a renaissance man of the trees
and a down-to-earth
season through season custodian of the forests and trees, be
natural woodlands or in urban parks. Colby was a master nature
who recognized natural habitats and the processes that shaped
habitats. Nothing escaped his notice.
Colby's role in making Ents into what it is
today hardly has to be stated. One has only to read his many posts to
understand the immense impact that he had on the shape and course of
ENTS. But he also worked with and through other organizations. His role
in getting American Forests to move forward toward strengthening their
rules for the
National Register of Big Trees cannot be overstated. He was a behind the
scene force, perhaps THE behind the scenes force. He WAS the Grand
Ent, the spirit of ENTS, the
organization and movement's very heart and soul.
Colby's Corner -
Essays and Poetry
Colby Rucker Memorial
Tribute - November 24,
Bulletin of the Eastern Native Tree
Society, Volume 3, Number 4, Fall 2008
Writings ad Essays not included in the Bulletin Issue 2,3 MB pdf

Frank Decontie
Decontie, was an Algonquin medicine man from Maniwaki,
Canada, well known Native spiritual leader, and Native advisor
to ENTS. Frank passed away in August 2001 of a heart condition.
His passing was a great loss to the many.

Karl Davies:
is a quote form a post by Bob Leverett dated Oct 27, 2003:
Finally, on Saturday, we paid tribute to
the passing of a dear friend. We dedicated a splendid white pine in the
Algonquin grove of MTSF to our friend Karl Davies who recently passed
away from cancer. The dedication was attended by 60 people. Karl's tree
stands near Michael Perlman's tree. Mike passed away in April 1998. Karl
passed on October 2003. Both Karl and Mike were protectors of the
forest. They chose different, but equally important and necessary
One of Karl's close friends and fellow Quakers told me
that he often walked the Mahican-Mohawk trail and had always admired the
tree we dedicated to Karl. It seemed so fitting. We appreciated all who
came to pay their respects to Karl. The tall pine stands as living
monument to Karl and his work. We invite all to walk the trail and to
remember Karl and Mike as they pass their trees.
Karl Davies was the proprietor and supervisor for Davies & Company in Northampton, MA. The company is responsible for the management of over 15,000 acres of private and municipal forestland. It specializes in forest investment management and agroforestry systems planning. Davies was a member of the Society of American Foresters, the Massachusetts Association of Professional Foresters, the Northern Nut Growers Association, and the Association for Temperate
Agroforestry. Davies is the author of several publications.
Karl Davies
Michael Perlman:
Dr. Michael Perlman was a well-known ecologist and psychologist who died
in April 1998. He was a peace activist and a tireless supporter of
environmental causes. A tree, the Mike Perlman Pine has been named in
his honor. The tree grows in the Algonquin grove. Dr. Perlman wrote
several books. One is entitled “The Power of Trees – A Reforesting
of the Soul”. He was a great friend of Mohawk Trail State Forest.
The late Dr.Michael Perlman believed that trees have inherent
psychological structures. He didn't see trees as having a human-type
structures, but one that exists, nonetheless.
Commentary and
Bruce Kershner passed away on February 15, 2007.
Bruce Kershner: Bruce Kershner is a renowned old growth forest authority,
naturalist and author. He is coauthor with Robert Leverett of the Sierra Club
Guide to Old Growth Forests of the Northeast. Kershner has published a dozen
books, including Secret places of western New York and Southern Ontario. His
most recent book is Walking tour of Olmstead South Park Arboretum and he is
currently working on Guide to the Trees of North America. Cofounder of the New
York Old Growth Association, he has discovered more than 150 ancient forest
sites, including many of the tallest and oldest trees in the Northeast. He makes
his home near Buffalo, New York.
Bruce Kershner Memoriam
Bruce Kershner Tree, MTSF

Mary Byrd Davis
Mary Byrd Davis
is a freelance researcher, writer,
and editor. Her publications include Guide de
l’industrie nucléaire
française (L’Harmattan
and Wise-Paris, 1988); The Green Guide to France (Merlin,
1990), Going Off the Beaten Path: An Untraditional Travel Guide to the
U.S. (Noble, 1991, published under the name Mary Dymond Davis),
Les déchets militaires
nucléaires français
(co-author) (Editions CDRPC, 1994), Eastern Old-Growth Forests:
Prospects for Rediscovery and Recovery (editor) (Island Press,
1996), La France nucléaire:
matières et sites, 2002
(WISE-Paris, 2001), and Old Growth in the East: A Survey (revised
edition) (ASPI, 2003). She co-authored a reference book for libraries on
biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons published in 2006 by Facts on
She graduated
Agnes Scott
College in Decatur,
Georgia, and holds a PhD in English
with a minor in French from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an
MS in library science from Simmons College.
She has served as a librarian at Northern
Michigan University,
College, and the University of
She is vice
president of the Centre de Documentation
et de Recherche
sur la Paix et
les Conflits (CDRPC) in Lyon
and was co-founder and first publisher of Wild Earth.
Currently she directs Yggdrasil, a project
of Earth Island Institute

Conservationist Bob Zahner reads outside of
his home in 2005. Photo by Duncan Greenlee
This section is not limited to just
ENTS members but to others who have made great strides an impact the
field of forestry and old growth. Bob leverett
reported: An icon
of old growth forest identification and preservation has passed - my
long time acquaintenance and friend Dr. Robert Zahner. I will soon write
some words into the ENTS record describing the immense contribution that
Bob made to old growth awareness. I am deeply saddened at his passing.
Bob Zahner Page
ENTS Organization
ENTS People -Alphabetical