![]() Matthew Hannum I grew up in southern New Jersey and graduated from Drexel University in 2000 with a degree in mechanical engineering. I then moved to Maryland for my new job and discovered the state parks and forests that were intermingled with the older towns of this history-filled state; this was an eye-opening experience for someone who had only dreamed of real forests. I found the ENTS organization while looking for websites that detailed forest ecology and tree species so that I could truly understand what I saw while hiking through the woods. I currently support the American Chestnut Foundation and a local organization that protects the Patapsco River Valley (clean-up efforts, tree-planting, and so on.) I've contributed some data to the ENTS organization with regard to large trees in Maryland and Washington D.C. and I've been fortunate enough to see the Smoky Mountains, an magnificent experience that will stay with me forever. My other hobbies including gardening, painting landscapes, and astronomy. Interested in ancient trees, art, photography, or astronomy? Then visit my
website at: |
![]() Carl Harting Carl Harting is a pharmacist working for Caremark in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and living within a few miles of McConnell's Mill. His family has lived in/traveled to Cook Forest State Park since the 1930's and he is intimately familiar with the area. In 2002 he began to volunteer at the park and met Dale Luthringer who introduced him to tree measuring, and has spent many hours over the last few years exploring less well-known sections of Cook Forest looking for tall trees. He's also visited quite a few other sites in Pennsylvania and surrounding states, many times with fellow PA ENTS Ed Frank and Anthony Kelly. He enjoys spending his free time on 32 acres he owns near Cook Forest growing trees and revegetating a small strip mine. ![]() |
New Berlin, NY
Ren Heard, Former logger, sawmill owner, specimen big tree cutter, arborist, now reformed and a professional grower of native trees by the tens of thousands for non-timber use. I cringe at my old photos that documented the big trees I made a living off of in my younger years. Like so many Appalachian Mountain boys we grew up with chainsaws in our hands and visions of big logs on our trucks cashing in at the mills. Happily with time, I came to respect, save and grow the trees I used to cut. ENTS has broadened my knowledge with it's open forums on a wide variety of tree topics. I'm a member of KNLA,MTNA,VNLA,SAWG, GOA, and OTA. Our family farm, Lake Tree Farm, has become a organic industry leader in ornamental tree growing, speciman tree moving and tree growing equipment. Our current project is the private development of a tree growing research farm in Frankfort Ky.
Steve Hewlett |
Marcas J. Houtchings went to Lower Richland High and Midlands Tech. College. I volunteered at Congaree National Park for 8 years and employed there for 3 years. I also helped with the champion trees of the Congaree National Park. I try to know as much of the trees in and around the park as I can. I now work right up the Congaree River as a City of Columbia park ranger at the three rivers greenway and three other parks in the City of Columbia. I was also a wildland firefighter and structure firefighter. I joined the Sierra club and a member of American Forests. I also created a website for the trees of Congaree to help show the tree info on one of the special parts of the park. I try to take tree photos a post in contest. http://www.youtube.com/user/jeeping31#g/a ![]() Scenes from Congaree Expedition 2009 |
![]() Thomas Howard I have a Master’s degree in Medieval History from S.U.N.Y. Binghamton and have worked several years at historic sites like Fort Ontario in Oswego here in central NY. I currently work in the Local History and Genealogy Department of the Onondaga County Public Library in Syracuse. I’ve been interested in trees all my life and am basically self taught about them. I grew up less than a block from the old growth North Syracuse Cemetery Oak Grove. I am a member of the Central New York Old Growth Survey. The Central NY Old Growth Forest Survey is an informal organization of people searching for old growth in this area. I am also a budding novelist and poet and hope to get published this year. I’ve been working on 2 science fiction novels about a woman who will be the first artist to visit the outer solar system in the middle of this century. Her work will also emphasize the importance of old growth forests and how old growth forests connect us to the rest of the cosmos. I’m also working on other stories including a children’s novel about Maine in the 17th century that deals with giant White Pines along with a pirate raid on a coastal town. http://www.nativetreesociety.org/fieldtrips/new_york/onondaga/onondaga.pdf http://www.nativetreesociety.org/fieldtrips/ new_york/onondaga/wizard_of_oz.pdf |
has been SAFC's Conservation Planner and Geographical Information Systems expert since 1995. He received his B.A. in Physics and Math from Vanderbilt University. He holds an M.S. in Forestry (Forest Ecology) from the University of Tennessee. He has held numerous volunteer positions with the Sierra Club including Tennessee Chapter Chair, Conservation Chair, and Forestry Committee Chair. He was one of the founders of the Sierra Club's Southern Appalachian Highlands Ecoregion Program, and was also one of the founders of Cherokee Forest Voices, which monitors activities on Cherokee National Forest. He has worked for over twenty years in public lands issues, particularly relating to southern Appalachian biological diversity. Irwin's interests have increasingly focused on long-term biodiversity issues and the development of regional and landscape conservation proposals to protect and restore the Southern Appalachian's rich biological heritage. Irwin has authored and co-authored a number of published works relating to bioreserves, biodiversity, and the region's remarkable biological values. |
![]() William Hanger I became interested in ENTS several years ago, and hiked about 900 miles of the AT in order to see some of the magnificent trees firsthand. Since then I have changed careers and become a park manager, although mine is just a small municipal park, about 26 acres, in Salem, MA. I spend 60 to 80 hours/week in my job, and try to devote what's left to my wife and 3 small children. The park has many recreational uses, and is currently the subject of a wind turbine feasibility study. I would like to plant trees that are native and sustainable, provide shade and shelter, and will survive our high winds and winter storms. the park currently has a diversity of trees, including maple, oak, elm, pine, birch, and pear. none of the trees are more than 75 years old, as the land was previously cleared for use as farm, then as an army base, and later as a coast guard air station. This planting should serve as a pilot for a broader re-vegetation program to replace trees that have been destroyed by invasive oriental bittersweet. I've noticed several large trees that are completely choked by the bittersweet vines, and completely dead. removing the bittersweet is a top priority, but during the process, I am clearing areas where there is no other vegetation, presenting a new potential problem with erosion. |
![]() Judy Isacoff Trees are at the heart of my teaching, whether in wilderness, a city park or roadside wasteland -- with people of all ages, through art and science, mind, body and spirit. Through design and installation of educational gardens, I promote native trees and shrubs and educate about invasives. I live with and by trees, look up to them, drink their sap, make tea from their twigs and am warmed by them in winter and kept cool in summer. I first met Bob Leverett on Mt. Washington, MA admiring venerable pitch pines and my own 1865 Schoolhouse's pre-settlement hemlock. Then, this winter, I was introduced to many ENTS as we shared the wonder of the great pines of Mohawk Trails State Forest, our personal and professional interests, and a beautiful hike in the snow. Would welcome collaborative ventures! Please see my recently launched website http://www.NATURESTURN.org |
![]() Jay Hayek Urbana, IL Moreover, I am the coordinator of the Illinois Big Tree Register - hence
my curious interest in the ENTS forum and organization. http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/
Jay Hayek, DNRE http://nres.illinois.edu/directory/Jay_Hayek |
ENTS Organization ENTS People -Alphabetical