Susan Scott Loyal ENTS member. I am an archaeologist in good standing with the state of New Mexico, and having returned to Mass in 2002 I have attained my Licensed Practical Nursing license and intend to use it to further healthcare in the third world, also, that world is now encompassing Enfield, CT and its surrounding environs. Lots of Contra dancing and am betting on a deal I made with the creator that it will not snow until after December and not after March. |
![]() Turner Sharp I grew up in central Maryland on a dairy farm where locally the biggest patch of woods was a wide fence row. Graduated from WVU School of Forestry a long time ago. Had temporary jobs doing field work for forest inventory and served a stint on the Targhee National Forest in Idaho. Worked 30 years in some aspect of the Hardwood Lumber Industry in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Discovered ENTS while writing a newsletter article about the great Webster Springs Sycamore and soon acquired a laser rangefinder. Also active in the West Virginia Rivers Coalition, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and the West Virginia Wildwater Association. Wife Susan and I try to do a multi day western river trip every year and are usually successful. She has her own cataraft and has a permit to do the Grand Canyon 2011. I am in the process of updating a Big Tree Register for the City of Parkersburg, WV. This will consist of verifying species ID and names plus remeasuring CBH and for the first time measuring height and crown spread. I am presently retired and in my spare time I serve on the Parkersburg, WV Tree Commission and maintain their big tree database. I am also helping the WV Big Tree Coordinator update their database. |
![]() Laura Stransky US Forest Service Planning Assistant, San Juan Public Lands Center Education Bachelor of Arts, Biological Science, Concordia College, Minnesota, 1975. Experience Twenty-eight years of experience with the U.S. Forest Service working in timber inventories, public information, and as an Old-Growth Inventory Coordinator and Planning Assistant. |
![]() Vic Shelburne Dr. Victor B. Shelburne, Professor, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources. Clemson University vshlbrn@clemson.edu Over my 30 year career I have done research on site/stand relationships of southern pine beetle, acid rain/ozone effects on forest ecosystems, and the effects of prescribed fire on soils. Over the past 14 years, my research has focused on the development of reliable and field-worthy ecosystem classifications and their application in forest management. This last area is tied to the sustainable environment and restoration emphasis areas. Specifically, our research over the past five years on the Jocassee Gorges has allowed us to develop a landscape ecosystem classification methodology that captures the community types of most of the land area. Overall, it provides an excellent basis for evaluating the potential for restoring the original vegetation types by utilizing silvicultural methods. Major funders of my current research are USDA Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources (CARA –Conservation and Reinvestment Act funding), and the South Carolina Forestry Commisision (USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Grants). In the public service area, I maintain the South Carolina Champion Tree website and coordinate the location, measurement, and certification of the State’s Champion Trees http://www.clemson.edu/champtree |
I'm a laborer working as a letter carrier for the USPS. I'm also a writer with over fifty published short stories, hundreds of pages of comic book scripts, scores of reviews, and one novel to my credit. In July 2009, Angry Films announced that they'd optioned the film rights to my novel, THE FLOCK. My first novel, THE FLOCK, was published in October 2006 at Five Star Books. I also edited the Poe-themed anthology EVERMORE for Arkham House Books. I'm hard at work on my latest novel. http://www2.blogger.com/profile/ http://community.webshots.com/user/ |
![]() Jack Sobon
Jack Sobon is an architect and builder specializing in timber framed
buildings. He has been researching the history of the craft and is
author of three books on timber framing. All of his buildings are
hand-crafted from trees harvested from his own 75 acre timbered
property in Windsor, Massachusetts. His particular specialty is the
use of curved and crotched tree parts in his frames, a style he
calls "Organic Medieval Revival". Since the late 70's, Jack has
been exploring the hills of Western Massachusetts for old growth
forest remnants and champion trees, measuring them with Abney level
or Transit.
Books: Timber Frame Construction: All About Post and Beam Building by Jack A. Sobon and Roger Schroeder Build a Classic Timber-Framed House: Planning & Design/Traditional Materials/Affordable Methods by Jack A. Sobon Historic American Timber Joinery: A Graphic Guide by Jack A Sobon and Kenneth Rower Historic American Roof Trusses by Ken Rower, Jack Sobon, and Jan Lewandoski The Scribe Rule or the Square Rule: Traditional Timber Frame Layout Systems by Jack A. Sobon |
![]() Steve Springer
Supervisor of Vegetation Management
Sevier County Electric Systems
Sevierville, Tennessee |
![]() Dr. David Stahle Cofounder of the Eastern Native Tree Society, The Grand ENT of the Eastern Native Tree Society Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas, Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory. Professor of Physical Geography and the Conservation of Natural Resources. Dr. Stahle's research interests include all aspects of dendrochronology, particularly climate change and the proxy evidence for past variation in the El Nino/ Southern Oscillation and other large scale atmospheric circulations. Dr Stahle has developed GIS-based predictive models for the location of ancient forests, and is conducting active research in the United States, Mexico and Africa. Dr. Stahle's research is funded by NOAA , NSF, NPS and the USGS and he has published in a variety of journals including, Science, Nature, Journal of Climate and Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Dr. Stahle has taught courses in Physical Geography and Conservation of Natural Resources. Ph.D., Arizona State University, Geography 1990 M.A., University of Arkansas, Geography 1978 B.A., University of Arizona, Anthropology, 1973 |
![]() Zac Stewart Birmingham, AL - "I have been fascinated by trees since I was just three or four years old. Growing up in very rural settings, I have many fond memories of playing in the woods, climbing trees, planting acorns everywhere, and even just standing in awe at the botanical wonders that Alabama has to offer. As I've gotten a bit older, my passion for the wilderness has only grown, and I still discover fascinating things every day on the 9.5 acres the family owns just north of Jasper, Alabama. I have a strong interest in preserving what little old-growth forest is left in the eastern U.S., and indeed the world, and love researching big trees, as well as the statistics that come with such a field of study. I'm also very interested in meteorology, geography, historical preservation, and equine studies. I discovered ENTS when I was probably no more than 12 or 13 years old and was awestruck by the research and data that this awesome organization had collected, but didn't officially join until 2007. At the ripe young age of 19, I look forward to helping carry the ENTS torch into the future, and hope to spread the ENTS message to others of my generation to ensure the future of this organization, and its vital connection to documenting and preserving the grand eastern forests that I have come to call my home." http://horsesnhurricanes.deviantart.com http://equus-storm.livejournal.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/horsesnhurricanes http://horsesnhurricanes.wordpress.com/ |
Assistant Professor Member of Eastern New York Survey Team formed in 2001 to to investigate old growth forests in eastern New York and now core member of ENTS. I am an Iowa farm boy, bareback bronc rider (short lived),
truck driver, community development worker, small engine repair
man and teacher. I have a Masters degree in
Mathematics from the University of Wyoming in Laramie.
Community development work and teaching took me to Japan, Zambia
and Australia and am currently teaching at Hudson Valley
Community College in Troy NY. |
![]() Tim Sullivan http://www.inthemomentnaturephotography.com/ I am a naturalist, photographer, and wildlife researcher who has spent the last several years in the Sierras working on a couple of studies looking into the effects of recreation and development on biodiversity. Before that I worked and volunteered in Vermont for a couple of organizations, including the Green Mountain Club and Keeping Track. My primary interests have been finding ways to help the public make deeper connections with the natural environment while at the same time working to reduce the impacts of all of us who grow to love and spend time in the forests. I have spent most of the past two decades exploring the diverse landscapes of this country. Traveling on extended foot journeys, such as the 2000 mile Appalachian Trail and 2600 mile Pacific Crest Trail, as well as living and working in the backcountry of Vermont as a ranger/naturalist, have allowed me the opportunity to discover the richness and magic of the natural world. My work as a wildlife/recreation researcher and consultant with various conservation organizations, universities, and the USFS provides me with the opportunity to work on projects around the country applying my knowledge and skills to the recognition and preservation of important wildlife habitat. I look forward to bumping into some of you in the northeast woods. |
![]() Carolyn Summers Carolyn Summers is an adjunct professor for continuing education at Westchester Community College and provides technical assistance to the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College, an affiliate of the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. She created and maintains two demonstration gardens that display indigenous plants, one at her family’s suburban home, and the other at their 300-acre Flying Trillium Arboretum. Among other nice features, Flying Trillium includes a small kettlehole bog, with a full complement of the usual suspects, but quite uncommon in our part of the southern Catskills. She received her degree in Landscape Architecture from City College of New York and has over 15 years of experience in the environmental and landscape design field, working for non-profit and government agencies, including New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP), Natural Resources Defense Council and the Trust for Public Land. Projects have ranged widely, from designing an urban wildlife refuge to building a watershed forestry coalition to producing a comprehensive report analyzing and critiquing the environmental programs of the New York–New Jersey metropolitan region. While at NYCDEP, she researched and implemented a “plant indigenous only” policy, which continues in effect, for New York City’s environmental construction projects. Carolyn writes ““Trees are my favorite form of plant life. I preserve as many and plant as many as I can afford (in other words, as many as my husband will pay for). I had been doing this for awhile when I realized that my obsession could possibly be more broadly useful and even educational, so I started consciously collecting trees with a mission. I also sing with a small women’s a capella chamber group called Angelica. I have a wonderful daughter named Katy who is a senior in HS, plays the harp and sings. My husband, David, is the world’s most generous husband and he more than puts up with my obsession, even though he complains and makes fun of our trees.” |
Cris Staubach I am a children's librarian that has never measured a tree, that I had decided to just lurk on this list to learn what I can and enjoy the photos and videos. But educating the next generation to appreciate and value the natural world is so important, I decided to "leak" out of my lurk on this topic. Here in New England where I am, there is the New England Environmental Education Alliance (NEEEA) http://www.neeea.org/ plus each state has an organization. We even have local organizations, such as the New London Environmental Educators Coalition http://www.newlondon.org/html/BEEP/EEC.htm which I belong to. We put on an environmental conference for local school kids each spring. Last year we held the conference at the Arboretum at Connecticut College. |
![]() Pete Saussy Pawleys Island, SC University of South Carolina '70 History/International Studies I originally contacted (ENTS) for info about large/old live oaks of which we have a plethora here on the Waccama Neck of the South Carolina coast. I have one in my back yard that I need to properly measure. Less than a hundred yards/meters away are two fair-sized beasties with signs labeling them from the LIve Oak society of south carolina, an org I have tried to contact but had no luck so far. I must confess to being primarily interested in trees that grow in my area, the coastal plain. I'm also interested in what we call "goat oaks" which are live oaks living on barrier islands/back dune of beaches that do not grow thick or high, presumably because of salt exposure. |
ENTS Organization ENTS People -Alphabetical