I graduated from Miami University in 1973 with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, but while there developed a keen interest in Botany, especially dendrology, taxonomy and native flora. I have been involved in the nursery industry most of my adult life, primarily as a garden center owner/operator. Native trees and shrubs are a primary interest for me, but I also enjoy exotic woody ornamentals and herbaceous plants. Since becoming involved with ENTS I have been revisiting, measuring, and recording many of the wooded areas I knew as a youth, especially those in the Cuyahoga River valley, most now a part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Additionally I am very interested in the woodlands of central Ontario, especially the Island Lake Forest and Barrens Conservation Reserve, an area I have been visiting each summer for over 40 years. http://usera.imagecave.com/srgalehouse/ |
![]() Chris Girard
Girard Tree Service, LLC
91 Oakcrest Lane
Gilmanton, NH 03237
CTSP - ISA Certified Arborist, owner and operator of a tree service company, tree climber, and member of the NH Big Tree Program. I am an ISA Certified Arborist and care for and sometimes have to remove trees from the urban landscape. New Hampshire ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Sam Goodwin Location: Southwick, MA Email address: samswgrk@yahoo.com Quote: "What's over that hill, or around that curve?" Retired from truck driving and the machining trade. 2 grown children, a boy and a girl and 3 grandsons. In my senior year of high school I decided to become a forest ranger and was accepted at The Stockbridge School of Agriculture, Life is not always fair and I went to the old Holyoke Community College where I lasted about 2 months before I dropped out. If life was fair I would be a retired geology professor! I am a life long student of life and most things in nature and now trees. I am a past member of 2 mineral clubs where I led field trips and wrote for the club newsletters. I served as a representative to the Association of Massachusetts Mineral Clubs where I served as treasurer/secretary. During this time the Association lobbied for and got past a state mineral, Babingtonite, state fossil, dinosaur tracks, state gemstone, Rhodonite and state rock, Chiastolite |
![]() Lin Greenaway Member - joined Oct 8 2007 Location: Clinton County PA |
![]() Michael Gatonska Composer http://michaelgatonska.com/ http://michaelgatonska.com/index_files/Page351.htm Just so as to introduce myself, I am a composer living in CT and many of my works are based on trees. Right now I am working on a commission for the Hartford symphony and the work is entitled Black Tupelo. This is part of a series of musical works that I am writing about trees in historic Bushnell Park located in the center of the city. I have just finished a composition entitled Sugar Maple Cosmica where you can find a great review in New Music Connoisseur - shortly I will post a portion of it will be on my YouTube page for anyone to listen to for free. Other works of mine include The Moon of Falling Leaves (Arboreal Night Music I) for chamber ensemble, and Woodnotes, DelicatePowers, Celestial Walls for Tenor and Chamber Orchestra. My last work was titled In autumn woods a traveler and was premiered by the Minnesota orchestra this past year. My manager and I are currently putting together a large project for a
consortium of orchestras nationally. I have just returned from New I began tracking hemlock trees and the adelgid infestation in CT many years ago, particularly the ancient groves at Whites in Litchfield. I became involved with ENTs after reading an article about Blozan in the New Yorker, with the intention of learning more. In the meantime, I enjoy reading many of the ENT posts. Perhaps I could make the ENTs part of my upcoming project by posting during the course of the project. http://amc.net/MichaelGatonska |
Laura Garcia My name is Laura Garcia, I live in Easthampton, MA and have been on the ENTS group for about 3-4 months now, almost entirely as a 'lurker'. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to tree measuring or even identifying for that matter. But I'm trying to educate myself and this has been a great place to do that thus far. I've been tromping around various Massachusetts forests most of my life and feel it is time to learn about more about preserving these places I have always loved and appreciated. I have a trip report I plan to post soon, along with pictures and a few questions for the experts. Mostly what I have done thus far is notice big trees and try to start learning how to identify species and what constitutes a noteworthy tree. I have read a couple of Bob's books and had the privilege of seeing him speak in Springfield this past week. I look forward to gaining knowledge and understanding, and hopefully eventually being able to contribute something useful to this fascinating group. |
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