Passing of my wife |
dbhg-@comcast.net |
30, 2003 14:14 PST |
I will be silent on the list for the next week
as I mourn the passing of my dear wife Jani who died this
afternoon at 2:13PM. Jani's passing will be observed through not
only Cherokee and Choctaw tradition, her blood line, but also
through all the nations who embraced her and her work.
Bob |
Passing of my wife |
Blozan |
30, 2003 15:09 PST |
Dearest Bob,
My deepest sympathy for you and your family. I, as do many
others, have the
utmost respect for such a powerful woman and an inspiring couple
inspired us all how to live in our passions. That is
"living", my friend,
and a gift that will never die.
May her spirit reside in us all, and nature the forests we love.
She passes
with the greatest honors and the realization of a life lived to
the fullest.
I am honored to have been a part of her life as an individual,
and your life
as a couple. Thank you.
my spirit mother |
trout |
30, 2003 15:25 PST |
And sweet Jani.Everyone's connection she made. Sweet
like spring honey and with a sense of humor she was; quick. What
you got from Jani was a no-holds barred, straight to the point,
source of direction. your direction and your path she spoke.
like a sweet, soft voice, in your heart's ear. you heard from
mother and this is your gift from her.
Journal entry, December 30th 2003
What I have always gotten from Jani is the truth. She is my
mother, my sister, and always a friend. Jani told me in no
uncertain terms that what I needed was always what I had. It
took me a long time to understand what her sage sprit told me.
It was closer and more apparent to me after the hikes in the
wood. Ice Glen, Mohawk, and all the big trees, and it was in me
(it had always been and damn it, if I couldn't see it.) Jani
was a truth oracle, a soft and gentle flower, she was covering,
like the Canadian Geese that flew in the late summer, a soft
spring breeze, a calling to the things that we can't see,
what was missing in my life. The truth.
And Jani was not afraid of telling me or anyone what was going
to be. She had this sprit and the wherewithall to let you know
what you would typically deny. I hear her whisper in my ear,
soft and comforting.... like the spring rain, "Hello my
name is Jani, if you listen to me I will help you set yourself
free. Tell me your dreams and I will tell you where you really
need to be.
I am Jani, the sister of mother Earth, I am trees, I am your
safety home, you can sleep here, but your dreams are your own
and you need to follow your own spirit calling."
"Brother Jarred. You are who your are. No man or woman can
say different. If you find a woman to call friend, she will
guide your way, but you brother Jarred are one who comes into
the world only a few times. Your spirit cannot be suffocated by
what you think is real."
Jani was always a source of healing. I always came home to
Bob's; Not so much to talk trees, but to hear the voice of
my spirit mother and Jani was my direction... as she was to
so many.
And in her passing, i hear words from a song, long past by;
Bird Song
All I know is something like a bird within her sang,
All I know she sang a little while and then flew on,
Tell me all that you know, I'll show you snow and rain.
If you hear that same sweet song again, will you know why?
Anyone who sings a tune so sweet is passin' by,
Laugh in the sunshine, sing, cry in the dark, fly through the
Don't cry now, don't you cry, don't you cry anymore.
Sleep in the stars, don't you cry, dry your eyes on the wind.
All I know is something like a bird within her sang,
All I know she sang a little while and then flew off,
Tell me all that you know, I'll show you snow and rain.
And this to me was Jani song, she was a spirit that we would all
truly know, just give it a chance. And Brother Bob, her husband
and life partner, they were two children along lifes long
Jani Leverett |
Zorzin |
30, 2003 15:51 PST |
To Burl-belly, my sympathies over the passing of Jani. I only
met her a few times, but liked her right away for her natural
beauty and soft voice.
Jani Pine |
Luthringer |
30, 2003 20:23 PST |
I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of your dear wife.
Please accept the dedication of the Jani Pine as a humble honor
and memorial
to her. I previously named this tree the Tornado Pine, for its
stand against many storms. It is a living testament to
fortitude, beauty,
and grace where many of its brethren have fallen. The tree
stands about 100
yards east and downhill of Seneca Trail overlooking the Clarion
River (41
19.635N x 79 12.693W). The tree is a true vibrant survivor...
its top was
bent over from the 1976 Class 3 tornado. It now has a full crown
and a
commanding view of the beautiful Clarion River.
This is one of the few remaining great white pines at Cook
Forest which
stands at 10.1ft CBH x 171.2ft high. To my knowledge, it is the
3rd tallest
tree that has been accurately measured in the entire
Northeastern United
Let it be known that from this point forward, this magnificent
specimen will
be known as the Jani Pine.
My humble prayers go out to you and your family.
Dale |
The Jani Pine |
wind-@juno.com |
31, 2003 03:44 PST |
A fitting tribute to one who loved the Forest and one who is
deeply loved by the Forest Family. For Jani was always referred
to by the Forest beings with the name they gave her - Standing
Woman. In many Native American traditions, the Tree People are
referred to as the Standing People. Standing Woman once more
flows through the Forest in grace and elegant peace and
serenity. We will always find her there accompanying Bob (Hummingbird)on
his continued mission. We, who have been connected with her in
this lifetime, will celebrate her life and will also understand
her joy and freedom now. Jani is by your side still brother Bob
- as are all of your friends.
With love,
WIndbear & Dreamwolf
Jani |
dbhg-@comcast.net |
02, 2004 05:17 PST |
A special thank you to all of those who have sent their
condolences over the passing of my dear wife Jani. In time I
will thank each of you personally for your condolences. Your
thoughts and wishes are most important. The official time of
death was established at 2:13PM on Dec 30, 2003. She drew her
last breath at 1:21PM.
Jani's life and our partnership of nearly 37 years will be the
subject of a book. Her story is remarkable, because she was
remarkable. I consider myself the most blessed person in the
world for having been privileged to have been married to her.
In two weeks, we will begin an extended period of mourning
Jani's passing and celebrating her life. Details will be posted
on the list.
Bob |
Leverett (11/24/41 - 12/30/03) |
A multimedia tribute to Jani Leverett was presented as part of the Second
Forest Summit Lecture Series held at Holyoke Community College
Oct. 21-22, 2004. The outing to MTSF on Friday started
with a visit to the dedication plaque to Jani at MTSF.
Jani Leverett at the "Jani Pine" Mohawk Trail State Forest (2001).
The late Jani Leverett was the wife of Robert Leverett and one
of the inspirational founders of ENTS. She was of
native American ancestry and an activist who served as president
of the Massachusetts chapter of the American Indian
Movement. She was a champion of the cause of indigenous
peoples around the world, she spoke widely on these issue,
including addressing the United Nations on these concerns. |