Arts, Music, and Literature - Archive of Older Posts

Mushroom Fantasy
most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed."
- Albert Einstein
Arts, Music, and Literature
On March 14, 2010 The Eastern Native Tree Society and Western Native
Tree Society switched from discussion lists on Google Groups to a new
discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at: Posts made since the
inception of the BBS on march 14, 2010 will be sorted and archived on
the BBS. Click on the link above to go to the equivalent section on the
new BBS. This website will continue to serve as a front end for the ENTS
and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a repository of older
posts, and will serve as the host site for special projects and features
that are not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBs for the
latest information and trip reports.
ENTS Forest Aesthetics
Forest vs. Woods ENTS- I never really knew what
a "forest" was until I was in college taking botany and ecology
courses and learning about forest associations like mixed-mesophytic
or boreal forests---I had always been "in the woods" before
then. "The woods" was what I grew up with as far as terminology,
with "the forest" denoting something much grander in scope and
greater in area,...
more » Mar 6, 2010.
Return to Pooh Corner ENTS, I bet all of
you think James has lost his ol' noodle when you opened this
post? But think about it, A. A. Milne's stories on
Winnie-The-Pooh took place in the hundred acre wood.
As a child I loved the Winnie-The-Pooh stories and had read both
of Milne's books by the age of eight. I loved them and I can
still remember the stories and the illustrations. I had Pooh
records and I had a viewmaster with Pooh disks. But I oddly
never had a desire for a stuffed bear. But I associate it mostly
with my carefree childhood. I lived on Briggs Rd, near Oteen in
the Swannanoa valley at that time, up to the age of ten when we
moved to Starnes Cove. We had some woods behind the house on
Briggs and they were the first woods I ever explored. First with
dad and then alone. Between my eighth and tenth year I had
explored all of those woods on the hill, mostly alone. These
woods amounted to several acres but in my imagination they were
the " hundred aker wood " of A.A. Milne's stories. When not
playing or in school I was either in these woods or up on the
Wilson farm at the end of the road. I walked nearly half a mile
in the morning to the bus...
more Feb 28, 2010.
Trees as a link to the classical past
This might be of interest to ENTS and WNTS--thought you
might want to review it first. Especially interesting
bibliography. Post if you wish Feb 17, 2010.
The Mallorn Tree ENTS, The Mallorn Trees of
Middle Earth in JRR Tolkiens books are located in the elven
realm of Lothlorien. These trees resemble our beeches with
smooth silver-grey bark and golden yellow leaves in autumn.
However the mallorn does not drop it's leaves in winter and
the golden leaves only fall in spring just before the new
leaves start to sprout. The...
more » Feb 13, 2010.
The Two Trees of Valinor ENTS & WNTS,
Seeing the huge Hometrees in Avatar reminded me of possibly
still some larger trees in stories. Those in JRR Tolkiens
book " The Silmarillion ". They are the Two Trees of
Valinor. They were created by the Vala Yavanna to light the
land of the Valar after the destruction of the two great
lamps that lit the world at that time. The trees were called
Laurelin ( Gold ) and Telperion ( Silver ) Laurelin was
regarded as " female " and Laurelin as " male ". Laurelin
would light Valinor for twelve hours with it's brighter
golden glow while Telperion would light the night with its
dimmer silver glow. During dusk and dawn one tree would dim
and fade out while the other would fade in and brighten.
During these times both would actually " burn " at a reduced
brightness simultaneously. Just as we often have the sun and
moon lighting the sky sometimes at dusk or dawn. The great
spider Ungoliant and Morgoth destroyed these two great trees
by Ungoliant's act of sucking...
more » Feb 13, 2010.
Ash, Maple, and ?? Oh my.. ENTS, Here is my latest
discovery in the "woodpile"- a 2004Fender Stratocaster. Think of
the guitar as an "anastomosis" of a swamp ash, sugar maple, and
??(not sure what the reinforcement spline in the "trunk" us made
from). What do y'all have for fine woods in YOUR possession?
Although not a "live tree", certainly a venerated destination.
more » Feb 10, 2010.
When I Am Among the Trees
When I Am Among the Trees
by Mary Oliver When I am among the trees, especially the
willows and the honey locust, equally the beech, the oaks
and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I would
almost say that they save me, and daily. I am so distant
from the hope of myself in which I have goodness, and
more » Jan 29, 2010.
Tumtum tree ust
for fun, some Lewis Carroll
[link] Stev Jan 25, 2010
Leaf Carving: An Incredible New Art Form Leaf Carving: An Incredible
New Art Form by Stephen Messenger, Porto Alegre, Brazil
[link] It's hard not to love the brilliant display of
colorful foliage that signals the entrance of autumn each year,
but as the cold winter winds prevail, those leaves that once
beautified the landscape are left to collect on the ground or be
begrudging raked-up in some weekend chore. A new art form
emerging out of China, however, is making use of these brittle
leaves--creating delicate forms that will continue to be
appreciated long after the jackets and sweaters of winter are
hung in closets and the green buds of a new season sprou Jan 24,
Proper attire for Ents James, I look forward to
hearing suggestions on proper ENTS attire from our lady and
fellow Ents. Then, if I must replenish my wardrobe, so be it.
But first there are important distinctions to consider. Will
there be distinctions among the attires expected of northern,
southern, and mid-western Ents? What of extreme forms? For
example, will we officially acknowledge the Snow Ent - that
illusive creature from Minnesota and upper Michigan and
Wisconsin (we all know it exists) that loves to run unclad
through the snow with icicles hanging from various bodily
appendages? Hillbilly Ents? They have beards and wear long
underwear, Right? And what of sophisticated Bostonian and New
Yorker Ents? Certainly, they would not want to be confused with
their rural cousins. This is getting complicated....
more » Jan 23, 2010 by Bob Leverett.
Tree Signature Tags ( Sig-Tags )
ENTS, My mother, Joyce Hayes has seen many of the
posts we have done here on ENTS and has quite an interest in the
outdoors herself, however she has made the comment a time or two
that she did not think she could do that tree measuring stuff.
However she has shown an interest in ENTS in other ways. .
Where the Wild Things are.
I remember reading the award-winning book " Where the Wild
Things are " as a child. It is a classic. A movie of it has now
been released.
Hobbit House ENTS, Here is an interesting
article with lots of photos: Inside the Hobbit House
Appreciating a modern-day cottage based on mythical literature
by Debra Judge Silber Asked to design a fitting repository for a
client's valuable collection of J.R.R. Tolkien manuscripts and
artifacts, architect Peter Archer went to the source-the fantasy
novels that describe the abodes of the diminutive Hobbits....
more »
By Edward Frank -
Jan 9, 2010
Birds and Trees Jenny's comment about what's
happening to our soil got me to thinking about what Thomas
Berry, noted geologian who passed away in June 2009, once said:
"The Universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of
objects." Treating the soil, or trees, or living creatures as
objects allows us to continue to destroy beings and habitat.
This, in turn, got me to thinking...January 08, 2010
A Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed in L.A
Oct. 21, 2009
WGHP Tree exhibit Oct. 22, 2009
Tree Fiction recommendations
Aug 25, 2009
Our Digital World May 29, 2009

ENTS Bookcases, May 17, 2009 -

also at:
Spring Colors May 10, 2009

Easter Egg Tree
April 03, 2009
Bike In Tree Photo
March 20, 2009
The Christmas Tree
Dec 2008
Fearsome Creatures of the Lumber Woods
Dec 2008
The Trouble Tree Dec 2008
Tolkien Ents A Thought
Nov 2008
Poems and Thoughts About Firewood
June 2008
Tree In Steeple IN /
Tree in Restaurant, FL May 2008
Nature Collections
March 2008
Crown of Thorns
March 2008
Treehuggers Feb 2008
Losing of the Entwives
(Jan 2008)
Favorite Thoreau
Quotes (Jan 2008)
Holocaust Tree (Oct
A New Tree in
Minneapolis (Oct. 2007)
Branches Bent by
Snow/Bonsai (May 2007)
Trees - (August 2003)
to Old Growth - thread (June 2004)
and Ecology (August 2004)
Forest versus Woods (Dec 2004)
Beauty Contest for Trees (May
Trees you can Eat (June 2006)
Treehenge & New Member (Aug
- John Muir on the
need for National Forests Feb 2003
& Dance

and Movies
Colby's Corner
Woodsman of the World