ENTS Aesthetics
The most beautiful thing we can experience is
the mysterious. It is the source of all true
art and all science. He to whom this emotion
is a stranger, who can no longer pause to
wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as
dead: his eyes are closed."
- Albert Einstein
is it about a particular tree, grove, or forest
that tells you that this is a special place? What
is it that touches you in some way on an
emotional, spiritual, or aesthetic level? Is it
different for individual trees as opposed to a
section of a forest? If so what are the
differences? This project is something in which I
ask ENTS people to participate. I want to see a
collaborative effort, than one derived directly
from my ideas.
At the ENTS Rendezvous in October, I presented a
PowerPoint presentation on ENTS. One slide dealt
with what I called the Aesthetics of the Forest. I
had a bulleted list of 1)Music, Poetry, and Prose,
2) Celebration of Trees, 3) Spiritual, 4)
Emotional, 5) Philosophical, 6) Artistic. I would
like to see ENTS explore some of these concepts to
a greater degree in the future.
Frank |
Forest Aesthetics
On March 14, 2010 The Eastern
Native Tree Society and Western Native Tree Society
switched from discussion lists on Google Groups to a new
discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on march 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link above to go to the equivalent section on the
new BBS. This website will continue to serve as a front
end for the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to
serve as a repository of older posts, and will serve as
the host site for special projects and features that are
not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBs
for the latest information and trip reports.
Gaining inspiration and direction from Gaines Gaines, I believe I speak for
all Ents when I say we would thoroughly enjoy your woods. We
most assuredly enjoy your descriptions and admire your passion
and devotion. You expressed it best when you explained that for
you, your woods are a 9, but for most Ents, they probably would
be a 7, at least based on initial impressions. The two-point
difference lies in the love, devotion, and intimate knowledge
you have for your woods. The care with which you practice
forestry and seek results consistent with your ideals calls
forth another issue for me - the state of public forestry in
more » Mar 8, 2010.
Forest sounds The sounds in a forest are a
big part of the woods aesthetic experience. This is a
video/sound recording I made over the weekend. I was wrapping up
after climbing in a large white pine, one of three in a
mini-grove on the edge of a red maple swamp. I've described some
of these trees in a recent posts. While this area has been
highly disturbed since colonial...
more » Mar 8, 2010.
Fwd: 4 more pics of my timberland ENTS: I tried to link up my
last e-mail with pics to the first by copying the subject
line--well, Google seperated them anyway, so I will abandon that
effort. Anyway, here are four more pics. Two of the main road
into my timberland--again it follows the old tram road route,
but it has been significantly "upgraded" (depending on one's
point of view!...
more » Mar 1, 2010.
4 pics of my timberland--beaver ponds/meadows,
fall ENTS: Since I have posted a
little "essay" on forest aesthetics and talked about my own
timberland as an example, a few more pics might help clarify
what I am talking about. I will send 4 more after this batch.
The one looking up a double-trunked black cherry is not one of
my better trees. there are much larger nice ones, including...
more » Mar 1, 2010.
An informal "essay" on forest aesthetics--a
different perspective? ENTS: Some thoughts about
forest aesthetics and how to develop objective criteria and
develop a ranking: Yes, as I said in my initial, and overly
broad comment on aesthetics last weekend, this kind of thing can
be “troublesomly” subjective. But I agree there is some value,
both in directing...
more »
Mar 1, 2010.
Cliff notes on aesthetics discussion? ENTS, I like the aesthetics
discussion a lot, but can't grasp it all - (except the posts
about 'suckiness'!). At some point, I hope you can put together
a Cliff Notes version for plebeians like me! BTW, Sunrise Earth
on HD Theater is featuring Sequoia National Forest. It's on
until 11. Very beautiful. (I always put on Sunrise Earth for...
more » Mar 1, 2010.
Valuing Forests Valuing Forests By Edward
Frank, March 1, 2010 How do we value forests? As a society we
place a variety of different values of forests depending on our
own personal perspectives. Probably the first value many think
of when considering forests is their value as timber. Beyond
this forests have value as a recreational resource, as spiritual
touchstones, and biological reserves, and as parts of larger
ecologic systems among others. I am proposing an organizational
framework encompassing many of these values so that they can be
better understood and evaluated....
more »
March 1, 2010.
Aesthetics---understated beauty---shibui
ENTS- For me, this photo of
shed white pine needles, floating with a ribbon-grass leaf, has
intrinsic aesthetic value. Steve
Feb 28, 2010.
Back to James on aesthetics James, There are
archetypal landscapes to which we humans respond to
favorably. Formal gardens is an example. The clean look, the
geometric patterning, the use of complementing and
contrasting colors, etc. are appealing to the overwhelming
majority. I imagine that among other things, formal gardens
appeal to our sense of order. I'm sure Steve has a better
way of describing the impact of design. With a little
discussing, we could probably agree on the key elements that
make formal gardens appealing. Ranking different gardens
would be a far more complicated matter, akin to ranking an
artistic performance in the Olympics as Ed has explained....
more » Feb 27, 2010.
ENTS Aesthetics Bob, James, If you watch
the Olympics, consider sports like ice dancing. There is a
technical score by judges that rate the technique of the
dancers based upon the difficulty of the steps and a
guideline for deductions. There also is a a rating for
artistry. That is much more subjective, but they have some
guidelines for determining artistry and base scores upon
that. They all come up with pretty much the same score
(except maybe the North Korean judge) for these subjective
evaluations of artistry. We should be able to develop a set
of criteria for quantifying a forest aesthetic. I took one
stab at it last summer and the thread is posted on the ENTS
more »
Feb 26, 2010.
Forests and People
April 5, 2009
Forest Aesthetics Project, Discussions Part 1 Nov-Dec 2006
ENTS Forest
Aesthetics Project, Discussions Part 2 Jan 2007 -