TOPIC: The Crown Of Thorns
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Date: Fri, Mar 21 2008 8:08 pm
From: James Parton
I feel at this time of year with Easter upon us has anyone ever
wondered about the Crown of Thorns that Christ wore preceding the
Crucifixtion? What kind of tree or shrub was it from? The Bible
really does not tell. Many ideas abound. Most authorities favor
Acacia or Euphorbia. Hawthorn, Buckthorn and Holly have also been
suggested. One legend is holly wreaths came about because of the
Crown of Thorns. Also legend has that the berries of the holly plant
was white until after the crucifixtion in which they became red
symbolizing the blood shed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Another mystery
is the cross itself that Christ was nailed to. What kind of wood was
it? Legend says Dogwood but I find that unlikely. Acacia is
probable. I have also seen Oak and Pine suggested. Feel free to

Here are three photos of a Crown of Thorns used today in my churches
Good Friday ceremony. It has thorns longer than even those of the
longest ones of Hawthorn that I have seen and as robust as those on
Trifoliate Orange. It looked like some sort of vine, like
Bittersweet with huge thorns. I have no idea what plant it is from.
But it would really be painful if forced onto someone's head!
Happy Easter!: James Parton