These images are a small sample of stuff I've
been shooting for the past
three years...all leading toward a
"coffee table" book to be published in 2005.
Miles Lowry, Wheaton Illinois
March 2004

Bur oak #3, West Chicago Prairie, DuPage County, Illinois.
Bur oak #7, West Chicago Prairie, DuPage County, Illinois.
"Poverty" savanna, a restored savanna in Waterfall Glenn Forest
Preserve near Lemont, Illinois.
Bur Oak #4, West Chicago Prairie, DuPage County, Illinois.
Savanna near Turkey Mt, Ozark National Forest where the
Buffallo and White Rivers meet near Buffalo City, Arkansas.
Savanna remnant now lost to "development" near Wilmington, Illinois.
 Bur Oak #1, Open grown bur oak near Ritchie, Illinois.
"Mississippi River from Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa...looking south. George Catlin drawings from
1830 show the banks of the river with only a few gnarly bur oaks on the
horizon. Farming has eliminated prairie fires in the