Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi and Florida - NPS
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips
Live Oak, Ocean Springs, MS ENTS, Went to Ocean Springs,
Ms., today and measured a 20 CBH, Height-48' and Spread-108' x
96' Live Oak. A small tree for the listing but still a nice
specimen. Growing on Lovers Lane Dr., on a Peninsula adjacent to
the entrance where Fort Bayou meets Biloxi Bay. The tree had
around 18-20' of saltwater during Katrina with little to no
effect. However the house next to the tree was destroyed, as
were many in that vicinity. On the way back out of the region I
spied a huge Live Oak and lined up a visit in the future. This
tree is a 25'+CBH, I don't find many of them around here anymore
I've done them all already. Didn't have the time to measure it
but can't wait to go back soon and get it....
more » Feb 20, 2010.
Darlington Oak January 1,
Vancleave MS Live Oaks
December 29, 2009
Christmas Bradford Pear December 19,
Odd Slash Pines Gulfport, MS -
Oct. 25, 2009
Live Oaks Gospel Singers of America and
East Second Street Oak #2, Pass Christian, MS Aug 30,

- Thelma Dale Oak,
MS July 5, 2009

- Live Oak Great
Southern Golf Club, Gulfport, MS June 14, 2009

- Mimosa (Silk Tree),
Ocean Springs, MS May 17, 2009

- Live Oaks,
Ocean City, MS May 17, 2009

- Ceville Shiyou Live
Oak, MS
April 7,
- Tree Carvings March
28, 2009

- Labranche Live Oak, Ocean Springs, Ms
March 22, 2009
- Canary Island Palm,
MS Bay St. Louis
March 5, 2009
- Waveland Mississippi Live
Oak March 1, 2009 x
Loblolly Pine in Southern MS - Gulf Islands National
- Live Oak Project -
Richards Oaks & Ramsey Springs Cemetery Oak
Feb 2009
- Live Oak Project - Ocean Springs
Jan 2009
- Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge
- Another Gulfport Live
Oak Oct 2007
- Maurigi's Oak, Bay St. Louis,
MS Sept 2007
- Holden Oak, Biloxi, MS
July 2007
- Co-Champion
Baldcypress, Skylake, and Sweetgum RNA, MS
- Olivioak, Gulfport, MS
July 2007
- Delisle and
Pass Christian Live Oaks
June 19, 2007
- Gulfport and
Pass Christian Live Oaks
June 15, 2007
- Gulfport, MS
June 07, 2007
- Handsboro Southern Magnolia Sept 2007
- Katrina
Damage to Gulf Coast Forests Dec 2007
- Ocean
Springs and Bay St. Louis
June 04, 2007
- Biloxi Live Oaks -
St. Apartments Oak and The Lee St. Oak
May 29, 2007
- Edgewater Live
May 2007
- Long Beech Live
April 2007
- Biloxi Live Oaks
March 2007
- Southern Spring
March 28, 2007
- Ocean Springs, MS Live
Oaks/Top Ten
Feb 2007
- Live
Oaks in Mississippi 2006-01-24 Jan 2007
- Green Ash Research Natural Area, in Delta National Forest,
Mississippi (Sharkey County): seventy acres of virgin bottomland
hardwood forest dominated by Nuttall oak, American elm, and green
ash. The Delta National Forest is located in the deltaic
floodplain of the Mississippi River. Situated in the west-central
part of the state, it is about 15 miles north of Vicksburg and near
Interstate 20. It is one of the few hardwood forests remaining in
the Mississippi Delta and the ONLY bottomland hardwood National
Forest in the nation. http://www.fs.fed.us/r8/miss/
- "Old King Shortleaf" http://www.samlindsey.com/logging/old_boss.asp
THE WORLD’S LARGEST PINE A Graphic Story About ‘Old Boss” as Told by Albert R. Israel of the
S.P.A. “Old Boss”, the world’s largest pine tree, was grown in the G. M. & N. territory, near Louisville, in Winston county, Mississippi. It was cut by the Legan & McClure Lumber Co., Estes, and was shipped out over the G. M. & N. in the finished state. It stood 120 feet high, was 91 feet to the first limb and measured seven feet and three inches across the stump. It was four feet and one inch through at the first limb.
- Forest Legacy Documents http://www.mfc.state.ms.us/
Forest Legacy Chapter 1-6 and Appendix 100 pages
(5.3 MB)
Forest Legacy Appendix 118 pages (3.7 MB)
- National Forests in Mississippi - Possible Old Growth in
- The Nature Conservancy http://www.nature.org/pressroom/ip/about/mississippi.html
Southern Forests Conservation Project http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/mississippi/