David, ENTS, A
fter Hurricane Katrina we had thounsands of dead trees, mostly
pine. Some of the dead Live Oak along Hwy 90 in various cities were
salvaged. A sculpter, a guy named Marlin Miller, from Pensacola,
came over and for FREE carved many scupltures from these trees. His
work was fantastic! It help releive some of the strees on everyone
in that from destruction came beauty. I met him in Ocean Springs, 2
summers ago while he was sculpting Dolphins from a dead Cedar in a
little park located there. I talked with him for several minutes and
thanked him for what he was doing. Here is just a fraction of his
Also Crooked Feather in Ocean Springs carved from a huge Cypress,
I'm not sure who carved this one a few years before Katrina. I'll go
a photograph more of Marlins stuff. Larry
Cypress Log

Lawrence Tucei Jr.
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