TOPIC: Southern Magnolia National Champion
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Date: Sun, May 4 2008 1:57 pm
From: Larry
ENTS, After remeasuring the Magnolia in South Ms. and reviewing the
2008 Big Tree Listing this tree would be the new National Champion!
old measurements back in 06' were incorrect, (first tree I ever
measured). The correct measurements are, CBH- 211", Height-
109' and
AVG. Spread 66'. For a total of 336 points! The two Champions on the
Big Tree Listing are 322 and 318 points! So I guess we got a new
Champion Southern Magnolia. I need to submit it to the registry, and
or this will be ENTS Listing National Champion Southern Magnolia! We
have photos of this tree on the website but I took some new ones
post them to the file page!

The tree is located at De Soto National Forest in George Co., Ms.
approx., 53 miles due north of the Gulf of Mexico. Growing in a
bottom with Longleaf Pine dominating the surrounding hillsides. The
tree is easy to get to, about 3 miles off State Hwy., 57. The Forest
service has not cleaned around this great tree since Hurricane
Katrina. I now realize it will be up to me to organize some type of
beautification project and help get the recognition this tree truly
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Date: Sun, May 4 2008 2:09 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Congratulations! Good job. Good luck in getting the tree nominated.