TOPIC: Live Oak Project
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Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 1:49 pm
From: Larry
ENTS, I went back to the USM Coast Campus today to measure a couple
of Live Oaks I saw there while measuring The Friendship Oak in Oct
I measured two more Live Oaks there, one is Mona's Oak,
Spread-114' and Height-58.5'.

Mona's Oak
The second tree is Austin's Oak,

Austin's Oak
CBH-25'9", Spread-112.5' and Height-54'. Making these two Live
Oak #54
and #27 on the Live Oak listing. I now have 69 trees documented,
post some photos and update the listing. Larry
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Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 2:02 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
The live oak makes the 20-ft and over circumference club too
populated - not sufficiently exclusive. The 25-ft circumference and
over club is probably the starter for that species. A 30-ft and over
club is still a little too exclusive.
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Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 2:06 pm
From: Larry
Bob, I'm not sure about that, there are thousands of Live Oaks in
14-20' range but only a few in the 20' plus. We just have so many
Oaks here that are big.