I usually don't measure a Palm tree, but this is the largest one
I've seen around here lately. I looked it up and I think it is a
Canary Island Palm. CBH-6'2" H-38.8' Sp 22 x 21 This thing had a
huge crown on it. The Bank its planted by was built in the 1920s I
think, in Bay St Louis Ms. I also wanted to show you how deep the
water was in Hurricane Katrina, I'm standing under the RR bridge at
mid tide line. During the storm the water was over the bridge 8-10'!
The bottom floor of the Bank was blown out. Larry
Lawrence Tucei Jr.

Railroad Bridge
[Will Fell, March 6, 2009]
It is a canary island date palm. They are commonly planted around
the deep
south along with the edible date palm and the indian date palm. None
native and I think all are from the general area of the mediteranean.
is a pic I took years ago of one of several planted in front of the
County Courthouse in Brunswick.
Cabary Island Date Palm
I have also attached a photo of the state champion Sabal
Palmetto, one of
the four species of palms native to Georgia. It is in St Marys GA.
Sabal Palmetto
[Will Fell, march 6, 2009]
That one is about 65 feet. While I haven't bothered to measure
those in the
woods, I think they grow taller with Competition. Here are several
photos I
took in a clearcut swamp a few years ago near Hinevilles GA. They
leave the
palmettos behind because they have no value for timber or pulp.

[Will Fell, March 6, 2009]
I also might add as Will
Blozan stated, that palms being monocots do not put
on any radial growth. And when they are stressed they will actually
for a year or two. It is particularly noticeable in the more
reaches where hard freezes defoliated them. Back in 1983 and again
in 1985
we had two record hard freezes that sent temps into the low teens
and single
digits that impacted the palms quite noticeably. When you see a row
palmettos that are older they will all have a constriction fairly
close in
height which was the crown of the trees during this period and all
energy was expended recovering from the damage during that period.
The same
also occurs in forest situations where they have been damaged by
A very similar response to the narrowing of tree rings on the dicot
Once in a blue moon you will find one that actually branches or
twins. Here
is a photo of one on Tybee Island that I suspect mutated during one
of the
early 80 freezes.
Canary Palm, Tybee Island, June 9, 2003
Continued at: