White Oak in Fog - photo by
Steve Galehouse
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips
A stroll in the neighborhood...
ENTS- Today was the first
really mild(65F) day of the new year, and I took about a two and
a half mile walk down the street with digital camera and
measuring equipment along, with the intention of recording a few
trees. The first interesting tree seen was a bristlecone pine,
*Pinus aristata*, a western...
more » Mar 12, 2010.
A nice swamp white oak--- ENTS- I spotted this *Quercus
bicolor* today while driving along a parkway near home---103.1
in height, 15' 10'' in girth. Steve Mar 10, 2010.
Arctic Ohio Here's a view of Lake Erie,
photo taken today. The southernmost Great Lake, but the only one
to consistently freeze due to it's shallowness. Steve
March 4, 2010.
Carolina Hemlock disjunct native(?)
population----a follow-up ENTS- I reported earlier this
year about a stand of *Tsuga caroliniana* on a west facing
sandstone outcropping in the Ritchie Ledges area of Virginia
Kendall Park, which is now part of the Cuyahoga Valley National
Park ( earlier thread here:
more » Feb 20, 2010.
Disjunct native(?) populations--Carolina
Hemlock I've posted about this
before, but the recent discussions regarding the definition
of "native" in reference to a site, and the limited accuracy
of range maps for species, has made me rethink and present
again some observations. There is a park area near me, in NE
Ohio, that has a reproducing population of Carolina hemlock.
They are growing on a west...
more » Steve Galehouse, Jan 30, 2010.
Ohio champion white oak January
3, 2010
Bradley Woods east, Westlake, Ohio
December 16, 2009
Edison Woods Preserve, Erie County, Ohio
December 13, 2009
Cleveland Zoo and Arboretum December
12, 2009
Introducing the Bob Leverett Tuliptree and
Monica Leverett Beech Dec 9, 2009

Ohio Old Growth article Decmebr 7,
2009 (continued)
South Chagrin Reservation December 5,
North Chagrin Reservation, Buttermilk Creek
Nov. 29, 2009
Observing nature... Nov.
28, 2009
Ohio & Erie Canal, CVNP
Nov. 27, 2009
Odds & ends Nov. 22, 2009
Catskills Recommendations? Nov. 17,
Sand Run revisited Nov. 14, 2009
Two nice Pin Oaks, Bay Village, Ohio
Nov. 6, 2007
Fall colors Oct. 27, 2009
Whipp's Ledges, Medina County, Ohio
Oct. 11, 2009
Canopy Shots Mohican and Hocking Hills Ohio August 4,
- EAB and Gypsy
Moths Reach Central Ohio July 20, 2009
- Davey Woods, OH
July 10, 2009
- Sand Run
Metropark, Summit County(Akron), Ohio July 5, 2009

Umbrella Magnolia, Amherst, Ohio July 04, 2009

Signal Tree, Akron, Ohio July 1,2009

Swan Creek Preserve, Lucas County, Ohio 6-21-2009 June
28, 2009

- Pearson
Metropark, Oregon, Ohio June 28, 2009
- Kentucky
Coffee-tree, Westlake, OH June 20 2009 x
- Carillion Park,
Ohio June 14, 2009 x
- Chicken of the Woods,
Ohio May 27, 2009 x
- An
exceptional American fringetree, Bay Village, Ohio May
25, 2009 x
- Bradley Woods, northeastern
Ohio March 20, 2009 x
- Cuyahoga Valley
National Park, formerly Virginia Kendall Metropark, Summit
County, Ohio April 27, 2009 x
- Gorge Park, Cuyahoga
Falls, Ohio April 27, 2009 x
- Double Bloodroot April 24, 2009
- Holden Arboretum, Ohio
April 18, 2009
- Black River
Cottonwoods, Ohio
April 1, 2009
- French Creek, Ohio
March 29, 2009
- Rocky River, Ohio
March 22, 2009
Bradley Woods, northeastern Ohio
March 20, 2009
- Herrick Fen and Kent
Bog, Ohio March 3, 2009 x
- Metasequoia at Dawes Arboretum
March 2009
- Floating Tamarak "Bog"
- Bay
Village Willow Oak
Oct 2008
- Bedford Reservation,
Tinker Creek Gorge
Aug 2008
- Great Trees of Ohio
July 2008
- Ohio Chestnut
March 2008
- Co-Champion
American Elm Sugar Grove OH March 2008
- Bay Village - A Nice
White Oak Jan 2007
- Black River, Ohio
Jan 2007
- Canada Plum Champion
Nov 2007
- Clague Park Feb 2007

- Dave
Woods Nature Preserve
April 2008
- Dysart Woods April
- Prescribed Burns, OH
Oct 2006
- Cuyahoga River
Gorge: Special Places April 2006
- Cuyahoga National
Park - Ritchie Ledges - Carolina Hemlocks in Ohio Feb
- Evergreen Cemetery, Westlake Ohio
- 20'7" cbh red oak July 2006
- Goll Woods July 2006
- Goll
Woods State Natural Area April 2007

- Highlands Metro
Park Feb 2007
- Hocking Hills State
Park Nov 2004, April 2005
- Hocking Hills White Pine Rockets
Nov 2008
- Holden Arboretum
Sept 2007
- Kyle Woods, Mahoning Co
April 2003
- Kyle Woods March 2004
- Lorain, OH Urban Northern Red Oak, Oct 2006
- Mill Creek Park July
- Nova - Johnny
Appleseed Tree March 2006
- Northern Ohio
Commentary July 2006
- Poland Woods March
- Riddle (Hawk Woods)
Nature Preserve
- Warren, OH Bottomlands
Hardwoods July 2003
- Evergreen Cemetery in Westlake,
- Ohio Pin Oak Champion
March 2006
Cuyahoga River winds its way through Cuyahoga Valley National
Park. (NPS Photo)
- Riddle State Nature Preserve http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riddle_State_Nature_Preserve
is located in central Athens County, Ohio, on the fringe of
the city of Athens, Ohio. It comprises 106 acres (about 43
hectares), of which about 85 acres (about 34.5 hectares) is
an old-growth forest. The old-growth forest is also known as
Hawk Woods. The preserve is owned and managed by the City of
Athens, with state dedication. It is part of the city's
east-side preserve project, which to date includes about 280
acres (about 113 hectares) total. There are no trails in the
old-growth forest area, but the Athens Trail passes through
the preserve on the ridge top.