Black River Ohio tree measurements and photos   Steve Galehouse
  Jan 27, 2007 20:35 PST 

Primarily for practice in using a range-finder, I took some measurements
of trees along the Black River in Lorain County, Ohio. All the trees
measured were on a floodplain terrace along the stream bank, about 6'
above normal water level. Measurements were taken using the
"straight-up" method, within10' of the trunks, and were along 1/4 mile
distance, readily accessible from a metro-park parking lot.

Eastern Cottonwood, 128'

Sycamore, 120.5'
White Ash, 111.5'

Black Walnut, 107'

TGJshnoX.jpg (41330 bytes)

Black maple, 102.5'
Sugar Maple, 101'
White Elm, 99.5'

The understory in this area was primarily box-elder, Ohio buckeye,
slippery elm, and bladdernut.

In upland areas of the park there are good sized white, red, bur, and
pin oaks, as well as tulip and hackberry. There is also at least one
cottonwood that is 20' in circumference. I hope I'll be able to get back
soon to make a more extensive survey--I'm sure there are larger
sycamores in less accessible areas, and likely taller cottonwoods. It
was nice to find decent sized trees in close proximity.
