Leverett's Lounge
On March 14, 2010 The Eastern Native Tree Society and Western
Native Tree Society switched from discussion lists on Google Groups
to a new discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at:
http://www.ents-bbs.org/index.php Posts made since the
inception of the BBS on march 14, 2010 will be sorted and archived
on the BBS. Click on the link above to go to the equivalent section
on the new BBS. This website will continue to serve as a front end
for the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host site for
special projects and features that are not well suited for a BBS
format. Please visit the BBs for the latest information and trip
Observations and Discussions
Looking back, looking forward
ENTS, Tomorrow's change from
the Google list to a BBS will represent the 3rd Internet move
we've made since the formation of ENTS. Our original list was
hosted on a local Chicopee, MA server. The idea of ENTS was new
and novel and despite the limitations of the server, we
attracted lots of folks. Our membership increased to 125. But
the listserve was too limited in its features and flexibility.
Eventually Joe Zorzin encouraged me to move the list onto the
Topica host. Immediately after the move, our membership dropped
to around 75 and we stayed there for a long time. We stayed with
Topica until Ed, with encouragement from others, prevailed on me
to move to Google. That qickly proved to be a step up. With a
membership close to 400, we've been successful on Google. It is
tempting to stay put because moves are upsetting. We'll likely
drop to fraction of our current membership on the BBS, but then
the numbers will increase. Hopefully, our mission will be
strengthened by a better, more functional designed channel of
Internet communication....
more » Mar 13, 2010
Return to Cabin #6 ENTS, Yesterday I returned to
Cabin #6 in MTSF to check on the status of the pines around the
cabin. The heavy wet snow had broken branches that cluttered the
ground. However, I found the Cabin pine intact. The following
image shows the crown of this handsome tree. Of 4 prominent
tops, one on the left, one on the right, and two in the center.
The highest is the one on the left. It is between 154 and 155
feet. My last measurement yielded 154.8 feet. The center two
tops are around 153, and the right top is slightly over 151....
more » Mar 12, 2010.
Gaining inspiration and direction from Gaines Gaines, I believe I speak for
all Ents when I say we would thoroughly enjoy your woods. We
most assuredly enjoy your descriptions and admire your passion
and devotion. You expressed it best when you explained that for
you, your woods are a 9, but for most Ents, they probably would
be a 7, at least based on initial impressions. The two-point
difference lies in the love, devotion, and intimate knowledge
you have for your woods. The care with which you practice
forestry and seek results consistent with your ideals calls
forth another issue for me - the state of public forestry in
more » Mar 8, 2010.
Cabin #6-Chapter 2
This is part 2, which I originally sent on Feb 26th. Mar 6,
Cabin #6 -- Chapter #1-another image ENTS, I forgot to attach
this image. It is another shot from Thumper Mountain. Bob
Feb 25, 2010.
Cabin #6 -- Chapter #1 ENTS, This is the first of
a three part series on Monica's and my experience of the
last three days in MTSF. Part #2 will be presented tomorrow,
and Part #3, the conclusion will follow on Saturday. The
three parts will eventually be stitched together into a
single Word document. However, I want to get something out
now. I have also included part #1 as an attached Word
document in case any one has problems with the email
more » Feb 25, 2010.
Reflections on the day ENTS, This morning I arose
early, showered, made coffee, packed my gear, gave my sleepy
wife a hug and kiss, and like so many mornings before, headed
straight for my forest Mecca, Mohawk Trail State Forest. The day
was overcast and it looked like snow might greet me at some
point, but the forecast was only for flurries, no accumulation.
I felt no apprehension. Besides, I didn't really care. I needed
to rendezvous with the the great whites along the old Mohawk
Trail. They were calling me and I always heed their call. I knew
that once in their presence, I would be warmly greeted. From
countless visits, I knew that I could be feeling tired, out of
sorts, uninspired, or even sick, but within moments of being in
their presence, the process of renewal would begin. An energy
transfer would take place. I can't prove it, or even have an
idea as to the mechanism, but I believe it happens....
more » Bob Leverett, Feb 6, 2010.
Goodies for Tim Tim, Yes, I can take credit
for the photo and composition. However, I'm not ready to declare
myself a photographer just yet. But since you were kind, hear
are a few images from last June to whet your appetite for and
memories of that great western landscape that you and I love so
well. The attached series is from Monica's and my trip from
Durango to Silverton on the scenic narrow gauge railway....
more » Feb 6, 2010.
Eastern and Western Summits July 28, 2009
The San Juans, La Platas and back East
on Full Figured Trees Oct 2007
to Antiquity in Trees Oct 2007
Modeling and Big Tree Competition Nov 2002
the Envelope Nov 2003
Perspectives Bob Leverett May 2003
Western Trip:
My Mountain Meccas
Miscellaneous Trips
Bob and Monica's Wild West Tour and Traveling
Medicine Show 2008
Colorado Trip June 8, 2009 to July
- Cross Timbers State Park, KS
(First Field Report)
- Capulin National Monument,
NM - second field report
Durango, CO
June 11, 2009

Durango - getting to
know the neighborhood, CO June 11, 2009

Great Sand Dunes
National Park and Preserve, CO June 12, 2009

Hermosa Creek Ponderosas
and Doug Firs, CO June 13, 2009

Coal Bank
Pass, CO June 14, 2009

Second Visit to
Hermosa Creek, CO June 14, 2009

Crazy, CO June 15, 2009

Raider Ridge, CO
June 15, 2009

Colorado Trail -
A few more yards June 16, 2009

Jones Creek - La
Platas, CO June 17, 2009

Fall Creek Meadow, CO
JUNE 18, 2009

Pagosa Springs excursion
, CO June 18, 2009

New Record Blue
Spruce, CO June 20, 2009

Pigeon Peak and
the West Needles, CO June 21, 2009

Pinyon Ridge , CO
June 22, 2009

- Naming of names June
21, 2009
Lees Tree CO June 22,

Durango to Silverton Image CO June 23, 2009

Vista from
Chimney Rock CO June 24, 2009

Joint Forest Service
- ENTS outing June 24, 2009

Pinyon Pine on Chimney Rock, CO June 24, 2009

Another Western Pics
June 26, 2009

- Two Champions June 26,
Bank Pass Tree Treasures, CO June 27, 2009

Tree maximums
at high altitude June 27, 2009

Up the Animas River
Valley, CO June 28, 2009

Falls Creek Images,
CO June 29, 2009

Elbert Creek, CO June
29, 2009

La Platas, CO June 30,

La Platas, CO
July 1

HD Mountains and the Piedra
River Canyon, CO July 2, 2009

Cathy Crum's Fremont
Cottonwoods July 2, 2009

Jennifer Dudley
Tree, CO July 3, 2009

Durango CO Report
July 3, 2009

Great Sand Dunes
National Park, CO July 7, 2009

Great Sand Dunes NP, CO
July 12, 2009

Near Wolf Creek Pass,
CO July 13, 2009

Piedra River and HDs July
18, 2009

Western Expanses July 17,

Tree records and
Dedications July 13, 2009

Beall Woods, Ill July 8,

Beall Woods Belles July
09, 2009

Pioneer Mothers Memorial
Forest, IN July 10, 2009

Davey Woods, OH July 10,
Catskills, NY July 14, 2009

Philosophy of ENTS
Trip Reports (Selected)