Another Durango to Silverton Image (18) Bob Leverett
June 23, 3009


More pictures of the Durango to Silverton Railroad. I'm looking forward to another ride. You'll notice the mix of open and closed cars. The open cars are the best if you don't mind a few cinders and lots of smoke. We adjusted. The open cars also make passengers, so inclined, to spawn romantic toward their partners. I think Monica and I started the action with a quick smooch here and there. Before long, the couple next to us got caught up in the spirit, then the couple on the other side, at least 5 years our seniors. After that it became an epidemic.  



West Needles in distance, Animas River, Doug firs, narrow leaf cottonwoods, blue spruce, etc. and a fellow and lady passenger enjoying the view.


Pigeon Peak - rapidly becoming infamous on the list for its name 

Train and happy passengers enjoying the ride and spectacular scenery

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