Yesterday Monica and I took a trail system behind
the house we are staying in. A sweeping ridge rises immediately
behind the house to an altitude of about 7,500 feet. We're at
approximately 6,800 feet, so excellent views from the various rock
perches are possible. Rocky Mountain juniper, Colorado pinyon pine,
and isolated ponderosa pines frame rocky ledges. Were it not for the
usual signs of people (broken glass and campfire pits), it would be
I used the opportunity to check out the camera
on my new iPhone. The image below looks westward into the La Plata
mountains, a subrange of the expansive San Juan range, which is part
of the long Rocky Mountain chain. The La Platas are virtually
unknown to all but the local citizens. However, the La Platas are
very worthy mountains, rising to 13,232 feet above sea level and
between 5,500 and 6,500 feet above the lower points of Durango. A
good dozen named peaks exceed 12,000 feet. The peaks in the photo
shown on the horizon rise to 12,500 feet.
The La Platas have many drainages and spectacular canyons, some of
which are supposed to harbor big timber. Even though the terrain is
incredibly rugged, the tall trees are mercifully at the mid to lower
elevations. I doubt that I'd find big trees above 9,000 feet. The
question is can I even get to the big stuff that is tucked back into
the drainages? We shall see.
I apologize in advance for the image below being a bit
on the large side. I have a lot of feature mastering to do with the
combination of my iPhone and Monica's MacBook Pro. I'll probably
have to use other software to reduce the pixel count and do more
image cropping. However, the iPhone camera is so simple to use that
even a photography clutz like me can whip out the iPhone, select the
camera icon, point and shoot. Unfortunately, I didn't get out the
iPhone soon enough to photograph some extremely old looking
ponderosas, pinyons, and junipers on our walk. I'll return to the
spot to finish the job before we leave Durango in early July. So,
with all the excuse making out of the way, the photo follows.
