and Great Trees - Archive of Older Posts
Middleton Oak, SC - photo by Will Blozan
There are many magnificent trees out there that are neither the largest
in volume or the tallest example of their species. Others are
associated with a historical site or person. There are a myriad of
reasons why a tree could be considered special in some way. This
section of the website will focus on these individual trees.
An excellent overview of some of the largest trees recorded in various
hiostorical documents is found in an extensive article by Colby
Rucker: Great Eastern
Trees, Past and Present 2004.
One of the motivations for adding this section of the website was found
on the The Virginia Big Tree Program website. One section is
called the Remarkable Trees of Virginia Program http://www.cnr.vt.edu/4h/remarkabletree/index.cfm
It's introduction reads: "Please join us in searching for
Virginia's most remarkable trees! The overall goal of this project is to
increase awareness and appreciation of Virginia's trees, especially among
Virginia's youth. The culmination of the project will be a book describing
Virginia's finest trees, and you could be one of the people who nominates
a tree chosen to be profiled. We are looking not just for champion trees
(the largest of their species) but also for trees that are noteworthy for
their age, beauty, history, community significance, or for any other
reason known to the nominator."
Similarly the Pennsylvania Big Tree website: http://pabigtrees.com
has a section on Penn Charter Trees. These concepts were interesting
and I opted to add a similar section to the ENTS website. I will
include pages for trips to trees on historical sites, historical
photographs, and related material on the website.
Edward Forrest Frank
Historic and Great Trees
On March 14, 2010 The Eastern Native Tree Society and Western Native
Tree Society switched from discussion lists on Google Groups to a new
discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at:
http://www.ents-bbs.org/index.php Posts made since the
inception of the BBS on march 14, 2010 will be sorted and archived on
the BBS. Click on the link above to go to the equivalent section on the
new BBS. This website will continue to serve as a front end for the ENTS
and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a repository of older
posts, and will serve as the host site for special projects and features
that are not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBs for the
latest information and trip reports.
tree trivia ENTS, In Westfield,MA there is
an area now called Munn"s Brook. During the early 18th century
the area was called Hooppole. It was called this for the large
number of powder-keg factories in the region using many lithe
young trees, or hoop poles, which being split and shaved inside,
were then bent and fashioned into hoops for the barrels. Does
anybody know what was the favorite tree to use? I don't know.
more » Feb 16, 2010.
Turpentining October 2,
Handbook of Agriculture 1949- Trees
Nov. 19, 2009
- Old Time Lumbering
Demonstration CFSP PA July 29, 2009
- Colby Rucker: Great
Eastern Trees, Past and Present 2004.
- Colby's Big
Tree List - correction
October 07, 2007
- Historical Accounts of
Trees June 2006
- Historical Sycamore
Dimensions April 2007
- Memoirs of Martin Hoban - LOGGING FLORIDA’S GIANT CYPRESS (excerpts)
- 1894 New England's
Fine Trees, New York Times
- Lancaster Elm, MA Jan 2008
- Herbie - Big Elm in Maine Jan 2008
- Ancient Forests to Modern City
NASA article Feb 2008
- Historic American Trees
July 2008
- Studies of Trees 1914 - The
American Chestnut
July 2008
Historical / Famous Locations
Leadmine tree Here's that image of a
large tree from "Logging the Virgin Forests of West
Virginia". I've been in the coastal redwood and giant
sequoia groves many times. In my opinion, this tree is more
likely one of the former, Sequoia sempervirens. Huge though
it is, one of this size would have been too puny by giant
sequoia standards (as even today it is) to have been
considered photo-worthy as a tribute to logger machismo. But
it's pretty big for a coastal redwood, and the prominent
sapwood is very characteristically redwood, but very unlike
white oak. To my mind, it's certainly not an oak. White oaks
shed their bark too regularly to ever build up such a
more » Jan 26, 2010.
The "Leadmine" white oak
Perhaps you all know about this tree, but in case anyone doesn't, here
is what I know. In 1913 a white oak was cut down near leadmine, WV. This
tree was far larger than any white oak I know of surviving
today. As far as I know complete measurements were not taken,
but reports have it that the tree was 13 feet in diameter 16
feet above...
more » Jan 23, 2010.
- Pringle Sycamore, WV

- Biltmore
Estate, Asheville, NC

- Middleton
Oak project, Middleton Place, Charleston, SC

- Valley
Forge Park, Valley Forge, PA

- James Madison
Estate, Virginia

- Vanderbilt
Estate, NY
- William Cullen Bryant
Estate, MA
- Emily Dickenson
Estate, MA
- Whipping
Tree and Worshiping Tree, eastern MA
Trees In Memoriam: Great Trees Lost to the World (Since 2000)
- Other Trees / Older Loses
Historical References to Tall White Pines & Others
Historic Pitch Pine ENTS, After hearing of
this Pitch pine measuring frenzy, I thought I'd mention its
historical use in the Northeast. It is classified as a
hard pine and once sawed out, it is impossible to
distinguish from other Southern hard pines. It
was a preferred material in the houses and barns (especially
Dutch) of the Albany, New York area in the 18th century.
Whole timber frames and floors are often hard pine.
Several barns have been documented with anchorbeams of Pitch
pine measuring 12" x 24" by thirty two feet long! That
tree would have to be at least 28 inches in diameter at 33'
up. Fifty foot 10" x 12" timbers are common. I
have a sample cut out of the middle of one such timber (10 x
12) and I counted 350 rings. I know of a cut-off from
a 12x24 that I can count also. Obviously, these were
large trees compared to what survives. An old barn
enthusiast once told me he knew a living pitch pine large
enough and straight enough to get a 12" x...
more » Feb 9, 2010.Jack Sobon
Historical Accounts of White Pine Heights - A
Compilation Recently we have had some
discussions regarding reports of white pines in New England
reaching heights of 250 feet, and one case of 300 feet. These
have been spread out over a half dozen topics and much
discussion about whether or not these heights were possible.
What I want to do here is to simply compile a listing of these
accounts and their sources. I do not want this Thread to be a
discussion of whether they existed or not - It should simply be
a compilation of these reports. If you have copies of any of
these accounts please add them to the thread. I have included
Rucker, from the Bulletin of The Eastern native Tree Society,
Volume 3, Issue 4 7 Fall 2008. I also have included to start a
copy of a post by Time Zelazo - I am not sure of the source or
date, and some general background information from Jack Sobon -
beyond this I just want to compile the historical accounts and
not have an extended discussion of their validity....
more » Jan 28, 2010.
White pine growth rates--something of interest
about growth possibilities January 3, 2010
Tall Pine Trees
Article December 15, 2009
info about pre-settlement forest in Wabash River
valley(Indiana) December 15, 2009
Historical references to tall northeast white
pine December 2, 2009
Historic eastern forest stature
November 25, 2009
A Large Tree article in 1849
Nov. 2009
White Pine Nov. 4, 2009
Great Trees
- Middleton
Oak, Middleton Place, SC
- Boogerman Pine,
- MacArthur Pine, WI
- Harry Hampton Tree, Congaree
National Park, SC
- Senator Cypress,
- Mingo Oak, WV
- Old Chestnut Stump,
Potters Mills, PA
- Largest GSMNP Hemlocks
- Wye Oak, Maryland http://www.nal.usda.gov/speccoll/images1/wye.html
- Gettysburg Witness Tree Falls
Aug 2008
- Dueling Oak and
Suicide Oak, City park, New Orleans, LA Aug 2008
Historical Photos
Trees and Famous People
External Links